Do you like girls with meaty asses?
Do you like girls with meaty asses?
Not normally but I'll make an exception for Sena
I enjoy large posteriors and I am speaking the honest truth.
I fucking love PHAT ASSES.
I am a (mostly) heterosexual male, of course I do.
A miracle of the uniVERSE
nope it's too manly. Blacks won't admit it but the most of them are secretly gay and love the man thigh man ass action on a female. aka thick meaty asses = queer shit.
stop right there
you need to be fully heterosexual to really appreciate a meaty ass
Yes but only if it's well developed trough physical training.
Posting the butt that saved anime.
I like em fat.
Welp, gonna watch Haganai now.
More Haganai butt .
Yes, big ass = healthy child, so yes, best wife material
I'm more of a fan of big, meaty feet
Hourglass is best.
Big tits plus big ass is the best.
Ah yeah.
Is this worth watching?
I had like a dozen of instances where I see some qt girl posted, look for source and it turns out to be this show.
The only thing stopping me is that I head that the MC is extremely dumb, even by harem MC standards.
I havent watched it yet but from what i've heard the MC is merely pretending to be retarded.
Dont remember why though
It's fun at times but sucks when it has a semblance of a plot.
Since the girls wanted the D, he was afraid the club would break apart if he did anything. It was funny but really stupid.
>Not normally
Go choke on a potato
>that pic
It can't be helped. I have to watch it now.
Butts are amazing.
Why is anime and hentai so bad at butts?
>pic related
These are the only good ones in this thread. The rest are straight pancake tier or exaggerated in all the wrong ways.
Trips don't lie.
need sauce
What flaw do you find in
I like firm muscular butts better
It's not horrible but asses don't just hang like that especially in a swimsuit and the shape is weird.
no im not a nigger
>you will never be Shinka's dog
rofl epic meme friend dae big boobs are for gentlemen not ass
I don't think you know how a well developed butt is supposed to look.
You forgot these asses.
And I think I'm missing other butts.
I was a リア充 throughout high school and early college and got my hands on a large quantity of white girl booties.
A lot of them are fun to look at sometimes because of the exaggerations and they are very eye catching, but if you look too much you realize how stupid it looks. Booties like the ones in my previous post and pic related are more fulfilling to fap to at least, rather than just glance at.
Not bad... not bad at all.
Black Butler: Ciel in Wonderland Part 2
Bad taste for butts, also your pic is shit.
bumping for more butts.
Reminder that ass niggers are closet scat
But pillow is best.
Biting the bait. Why do you think people who like asses also like scat? Scat is fucking disgusting.
I never understood this logic. Shit comes out the asshole. Not the asscheeks. If each asscheek was similar the scalp of a Play-Doh Crazy Cuts figure -- shit oozing out the pores with each gentle squeeze -- then I would be more sympathetic.
Cutest butt.
I love ass, but I probably would never try anal.
Also, scat is fucking gross.
>doesnt post anything himself
from ZX Ignition, anyone has it?