Left-Wing Politics can Work in White Ethnostates? Just look Iceland
>White as Fuck
>Liberalism as Fuck
Left-Wing Politics can Work in White Ethnostates? Just look Iceland
>White as Fuck
>Liberalism as Fuck
Giving the government a lot of power.
In case you haven't noticed whites, particularly Northern Europeans, can make almost anything work.
yeah no.
> Literally some of the nicest places to live on earth
> Disproving my point at all
Until the left wing open the gates for the nigs and muslims
>Giving the government a lot of power.
Nicest places to live from what perspective? They're all fucked right now, the lense in which you view them is not an accurate one. Mass migration and moral degradation have turned them into some of the worst places to live in western Europe. Their socialist policies only work for a very short amoumt of time.
maybe its because they are land-connected to the rest of europe
Left wing politics can work until the group runs out of money due to the producers inevitably checking out.
>what is Nazism
No they cannot.
As you can clearly see the welfare system is falling apart in Sweden because of the some 200,000+ uneducated muslim refugees who do not work and live off welfare.
These were all white ethnostates at one point. Then left-wing politics happened.
Leftism destroys and it can, under no conditions, be good for anyone who wishes for their country to not be a shithole.
>Those places
Yeah of course, if you're Achmed getting gibsmedats and not paying ridiculously high taxes and adhering to the thought police's code of conduct
Ok, retard
>liberalism as fuck
That is true economically, but, I'm not sure about Norway, but I know that Denmark is very far-right against muslims and degenerates who don't contribute to society
White Communism?
We'll probably be hearing about the virtues of scandi socialist democracy as their countries burn down from revolution caused by constant grenade attacks, rapes, etc
Iceland even ousted their leader who was implicated in the Panama papers. They were the only people that gave a shit. Everyone else just yells over the lies of a rhinestone cowboy, even after a journalist literally gets blown up with a bomb in a rental car because she broke that story.
it can't
Socialist policies work if you are a society of high functioning white people. Problem is they started mass importing immigrants for cheap labour to make a quick buck.
So if they remained a homogeneous nation, they would still be amazing. Their immigration policies is what fucked them, not socialism in this case.
that fact is what turns ancaps into nazis
>so inbred they are getting retarded
There is such as a thing as purity to the point of pointlessness.
Left and right is a meme. There's only the white side and the wrong side
How can you make that claim? Have you lived there? Norway's a nice place to live.
>the right doesn't want mass immigration
The taxes are still too high but you're generally right.
>wanting mass immigration at all
White people can make anything amazing, if not at least livable. Socialist policies hinder utopia
You seemed to be implying that the issue would have somehow been avoided had they voted right wing
Net wealth decreases when workers don't have an incentive to work hard. This is why socialism ultimately fails everytime it's tried. Look at Venezuela, it was the "Sweden of the south" look at the statistic wealth decrease and subsequent civil unrest due to implementation of such policies. Socialism doesn't work.
>"Voting right-wing won't prevent mass immigration!"
>being ignorant enough to not know you are defining natsoc
Well, have you in the past 5 years? Certain areas can be very dangerous. Make a thread if you don't believe me.
If you seriously think that right wingers aren't supporters of mass immigration then I'm not sure what to tell you
^^^^ this man knows. There are plenty of liberal white Utopias in the states. The only liberal ideal that will fail them is importing niggers. Niggers never have enough and destroy what they are given unless it's a pair of Nikes they bought with cash from their wallet. Look at blue counties in colder states, I lived in one that relied on a lot of temp service jobs so they would provide welfare housing off season and small monthly income to the temp workers. And no ghetto if they brought niggers in the nigs would expect the free housing year round without working during the season and the bleeding hearts would oblige. "Poor niggers held back by our white privlage let's say sorry with welfare"
They WERE nice places, until they invited all the Muslims to ruin their country.
Norway is still nice I guess though.
So you are saying Nationalist Socialism is they way to go?
Race doesn't matter, it's education and labor force participation. Socialism can work if your country is full of smart, employed people. Socialism is a fucking disaster when your country has 20 million who just want free shit and aren't willing to work
The GDR was white too. Anybody who could leave did.
Even white people can't make socialism work. All they can do is make it take longer for the socialists to squander everything they worked for.
Small scale yes, a traditional family is pure communism
There are less than a million people in Iceland
No Proofs available tho