Transvestite Conspiracy - Whitening Trannys

The majority of transvestites in the world are Asians, followed by Latinos and then Blacks.
White people, Indians & Arabs make only a tiny proportion of the transvestite demographic.
Then why on earth are the majority of Transvestites and Drag queens of the media and in porn portrayed as white?
Why does the media, the entertainment industry as well as the porn industry obsessed with pushing the idea that the majority of Trans people are white?

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because whites are more attractive, just like most porn is of white people

Because Whites are so awesome that even our men make better women than shitskin women.

White dudes look fine in lingerie i guess

I have no idea. But what I do know is that I generally think most Asians all look the same. And I have to imagine Asians think that about Europeans as well. So, maybe we only percieve them as "passing" because they all sort of blend together in our minds. Roughly speaking.

Because whites are more marketable

Transvestite =! tranny. Trannies are freaks who take hormones and cut their dicks off. Transvestites are just perverts who like to wear women's clothes.

>Why does the media, the entertainment industry as well as the porn industry obsessed with pushing the idea that the majority of Trans people are white?

It is part of their war against the white race, along with their worship of Lucifer. The whole gender inversion is satanic, its about the destruction of the man and the women. You know Hollywood is a cesspit of vice this shouldn't surprise you

But you don't look good in girls clothes unless you take hormones. Also you don't have to remove benis, you can just get rid of the testes and there's no bulge from your dick cause it's squishy enough to be flat

What makes you think there are more black trannies?

I'd argue that there are a near equal amount of Asian and Hispanic transexuals, then Caucasian (white, arab, Indian etc.) THEN blacks. Even if white was it's own sub category, they would still be 2nd/3rd.

It's weird that I can't find black women all that attractive, but there are a handful of black trans pornstars that are definite fap material. Some of them jsut have an allure, even if they aren't the most passable, while others look like complete dog shit.

Latin Transexuals are top tier tho.

That's a bloke
That's a bloke As well

It's a laugh once in a while to get your gfs bra and be like huur look at me I'm a woman but to do that full time fuck that some of them even fuck girls so what's the point... It's just attention seeking the absolute queers

because only white people, even the transexual ones are attractive

I like the ones who take hormones and feminize, but don't chop off their cocks.

so pornstars and prostitutes. no shame.

Regular crossdressers just get off on wearing the clothes. They're not interested in getting some fag to beat off to them.

Yeah. Id love to have a white dickgirl one day to suck my 4incher

Idk man
Probablly has something to do with the fact that tranny/sissy/shemale/interracial/cuck porn is being pushed on people on this website though. Seriously, go on Sup Forums or /gif/ and count how many threads there are relating to that shit and tell me it's not sketchy as fuck.

That's more retarded and weird than the alternative. I'd hate them more than trannies if that's true. The clothes themselves are worthless without the body to accentuate them.

Can't really blame a cuteboy if he has the body for it, but I sure as fuck can hate some fridgebodied old man in a dress and stockings.

A lot of trannies are Catholic, including asian ones. It's almost like they can't have sex with men unless they play the role of a woman.

*Also note, it's downright common for niggers to be functionally 100% HARDGAY and not identify as such. "It ain't gay if you on top." Niggers are without a doubt the gayest race, after Jews.


That's just in the USA. I work in the ghetto, and I saw way more butch lesbian black women trying to pass off as twink thugs than I saw tyrone's with a weave. I''m only counting MtF.

Also is this supposed to make me think that near 10% of our entire population feels they are of the wrong gender? This poll sounds like pure shit.

3D rendering has gone too far

You are all homosexuals.

I mean, either way it goes in the oven.

>I saw way more butch lesbian black women trying to pass off as twink thugs than I saw tyrone's with a weave.
It can be hard to tell the difference with nigs.

>Also is this supposed to make me think that near 10% of our entire population feels they are of the wrong gender?
No. (.037+.044)/2 = .0405; the poll says 4% of the population identify as LGBTPOAIURE.

They're not portrayed as white in their majority, you bitch nigga think that cuz the only shit you get acces to is amurrica bitch ass media, this is the kind of stuff I hate about this site, you're are living in a "liberty" bubble full of shit

Yeah i went to a catholic all boys school, used to get 1-2 cuteboys to suck me off, or i fuck them. When i got to uni, i expanded my repertoire to converted cuteboys turned trannies. Best sex i had. They literally worship my dick

Go on Tinder in Harlem or Bronx NYC. You'll see.

I'm afraid I'd get aids just from swiping.

shopped it's Riley Steele, she has a fleshlight based on her

forgot the link

It's a pretty obvious shoop I'd hope nobody is stupid enough to believe it. You can literally see the blur from the balloon tool in photoshop

Let me guess, you own her brand of fleshlight don't you?

nope just image searched the pic and found her twitter
>it is proudly listed there


Look at Craigslist Atlanta (Obviously) and even Craigslist Savannah and Georgia in general. Almost all trans posters are black. I realize Georgia is a hotbed of nogs but that's only in Atlanta and Savannah mostly.

Blacks being only 12-13% of the U.S pop but a higher percentage of them I would wager are trans than other races in the U.S

I hypothesize that the broken families and single motherhood along with other factors (abuse, neglect, etc) would affect a young childs mental development.

Because it's catered to majority white countries, and in a majority white country, you'll most likely be attracted to whites

the trap pill is the final red pill, realizing that complaints like "they can't have kids" or "they are just men with tits" are worthless, and that traps are the salvation for modern man is the next step for us all, though traps will also be replaced once fembots become a reality

>shopped it's Riley Steele, she has a fleshlight based on her

EVERY pic of a hot tranny is shopped.
>Y-You guyse would fuck t-this tranny, right?
If trannies were really attractive, there wouldn't be a constant stream of pictures of hot chicks with dicks shopped in.

pic related

Ah, so you admit targetting white people with this shit.

Of course you would

I pose another question.

With more and more Jewish people marrying out and also not having many kids, how do you expect to hold out in Israel when the whites are gone?

For one, the Asians wont give a fuck what happens to you, and secondly, the brown and black hordes will come at you in never ending numbers


Wish I could find a cute feminine boy

Go to Canada.
It's 25% chink, 75% faggot.

>Diet coke

Hmm, so you mean to say that the majority of trannies are pocs and the media is white washing their struggle?
This sounds like something that should be brought to the attention of the left wing media

But I hate canadians

It's because they don't need to appeal to other people with trannies... they've seen enough of them in their own countries, societies, etc. In order to push trannies to white men they need to have some white ones to appeal to them.

I had that. Shit was so great, then my mom and brother saw it and I never got one again. I highly recommend flashlights, but the cleaning is annoying.

>EVERY pic of a hot tranny is shopped.

HAHA wtf



Anyone got the image of that tranny on reddit that lives in hell and regrets everything?

or the sub name? r/trannyregret or something?