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There are mystical reasons why we perform MBP. It's not "child molestation" at all and is healthier for the child than placing chemicals on an open wound.

wonder what it tastes like


Why do you care what jews do to jewish babies?



Again, why do you care what jews do to jewish babies?

Israel won't exist soon faggot.

Kike with a commie flag, this surprises no one

>but but jews are matrilineal and only faggots are ever pedos REEEEEEEEEE
>muh jew star banning homos are diseased!
>gives children herpes when the parents didnt this time
>ignores fucking everything about life
>new testament says adam is a dindu
>lemme bite off his dick anyways we need more "divine titties" blasphemies

Is that Adam Sandler?

Most of us don't try to.

Based gay


Bistu a shand far di goyim.

thanks man

Cos if they do this to their own kids they'll turn good Christian children in matzo as an offering to Moloch.

Really? I just did it so my sons wouldn't have a disgusting to clean penis and fit in to the rest of the culture.

It doesn't even qualify as child molestation. The mohel doesn't get enjoyment out of it nor is it sexual.

and then there were vaginas

Blood isn't kosher. Neither is human flesh. Matzo is just a giant water cracker eaten with horseradish or kharoses.

you know you gotta take a step back in life when you excuse THIS in any fashion. let alone doing it yourself

You wouldn't know, because you are a faggot. Assuming you could never get pussy, so you just turned gay. Either that or mentally ill.


From your question I see that your focus is on metzitza bpeh (oral suction).

The procedure is as follows:
The proper amount of foreskin is measured that will be removed (enough to ensure that it will not encroach or cover the head of the penis). It is removed with a knife (or scalpel) the inner foreskin (a elastic membrane which is the extension of the outer foreskin) is split as well.

>Then, the Mohel (circumciser) applies suction to the wound orally (a Talmudic tradition that without the suction it would medically jeopardize the baby). The baby is then bandaged.


What are facts to a good joke?

why do you presume to know what everybody does in life after they say two words to you or you've seen a rainbow? youre fucken mentally ill not me
>t. always tampons CEO

I don't consider it harmful. I've been to several bris milah where MBP was performed. The rabbi only "sucks" for two seconds and then spits the blood out and bandages up the child.

beat me to it


it should be illegal
is this worse or is the kosherness of blood libel?

kek, just read what you typed.

Was it healthy when an infant contracted syphilis and died?

im not getting into it vagisil cuck

archaic tradition
if i had my way we'd get rid of it

This is what happens when Americans are born

Cutting off healthy, sensitive, erogenous tissue from a defenseless infant WITHOUT ANESTHESIA in and of itself is abhorrent.

>chopping off the penis of a baby and leaving it to scab inside a shit filled diaper


I think it was herpes actually.

This is true though. Nasty as it is, it is medically necessary.

Lol idk about Ashkenazis but Sephardics dont do that

fuck are you fucking retarded
>the complete state of the shills


Most of the male population worldwide gets along fine with intact genitalia.


*yawn* we get it, user, they're Jewish.

They wrap up the wound. Here:


why do you hate me lol

Lol Sheparddicks cock shepards

>take this lawnmower to this baby unless youre unhealthy and filled with meth
>which hitler took and i dont
try harder

Probably because most Haredim and Hasidim are Ashkenazi.

I don't hate you personally. I hate your people and what they do to this earth.


>population worldwide gets along fine with intact genitalia.
nice + check'd

>doesn't understand what state of paranoia is, while living in it.

the men on my sephardic side are all chads, who could take your woman with ease


>98 year old "jews" fellating neonates is good and perfectly normal; question this in any way and youre paranoid
why do you hate men so much?

Hey Moishe. I cant wait for you to come shitpost on this site about how you're chosen once your flags says Palestine.

i dont understand do you think we all gather around on passover and talk about how we should ruin western civilization???

>Doesn't understand everyone who posts on Sup Forums isn't a shill
>asks why men hate men so much, while being gay

I swear, the absolute state of the left

>hates men

in your dreams neckbeard

I think you people talk to each other about it nonstop!

They can have them the cock Shepards can listen to the there bullshit 24/7

No, to be fair, you have an elite group. The zionists do. The top group of (((elites))) of your group(bankers) bet on our demise. Take soros and rothschild in to account

You turned on us all. So we all hate you, figured you hated us as well.


you live in a fantasy land. you need to go find Toto

haha! Totally dude!

Is your Sephardic side Moroccan? Iraqi? Syrian? Turkish? Greek? Tunisian?

I wish I could say I feel sorry for you. I don't though. In fact I wish I could watch Israel collectively shit bricks when it becomes Palestine. I wanna see all your tearful kike faces.

How else can you give a baby herpes?

go outside and learn some critical thinking skills bro

by having herpes while giving birth.........?


The country is a fucking fortress. I know people who visited. When a Jordanian drone was launched too close to the border it was shot down instantly.

So you admit it!

There won't be military necessary. Israel's pas transgressions will be exposed and the ENTIRE WORLD would fuck their shit up simultaneously if they tried to do anything.


Yeah, I thought they banned this practice after so many babies got herpes.

grandparents moved to Morocco before the conception of isreal, not sure what went on before that except that i have some Italian and french ancestors on that side

Seriously, this. NatSoc will rise again. Jews just don't know when to stop.


I'm going to watch the whole vid, but why the fuck is a female the lead of men and boys? Sounds cucked from the get go.....

sorry daddy adolph couldnt give you utopia

>gender equality
Yeah bitch is leftist. Aint watchin that shit.

Day of the rope is coming ;)

Day of the rope is coming quick Chaim.

The rabbi that gave three infants herpes (one of them died later) got in hot water briefly with the Health Department of NYC, but eventually the state caved and allowed the practice to continue as long as certain health measures were taken.

Just >my sons
>Cant tell them to regularly wash their fucking dicks
>Won't leave to them the choice to dispose of their body as they want when they grow older
>B-but in America you have to get cut to blend in!!
>Implying it fucking matters during the first 12 years of your life
If you're cut and happy with it it's great but don't force your opinion on other human beings

(((Paid to do it))) fucking vermin

lmfao do you guys genuinely believe what you write? If youre LARPing its only slightly less pathetic

>just did it so my sons
fucking retard

It's true. You'er so fucked and you have no idea because you shut out everyone else. You think you are infallible but your time is coming QUICK. I WISH I COULD SEE YOUR FACE WHEN IT HAPPENS CHAIM. I WISH.

You're American and you should know the answer to that

You aren't from here. Being uncut is almost as bad as being jewish. They don't use foreskin in wrinkle cream, they are disposed in biohazard bags. It is a different world here. You will be relentlessly outcasted here. Jews have a large grasp here, and I am not going to make my child a loser. I was not the loser, but I remember everyone picking on the ONE kid in my class, just because of his dick. YEARS that went on. Just not fair to the lads.

Please, we were having a discussion, until you told me 'lolololol learn critical thinking' when I BTFO you into a corner. You can't talk without impulse, so we aren't worried about YOU being part of an elite LOL!!! but you will still get the rope.

>has no kid. Calls sex disgusting
State of Australia.

You know what's healthier than an adult putting his mouth on an infants mutilated cock? NOT CUTTING HIS COCK.

Oi vey! What's there to rationalize. It's a lil' peck for the pecker, goyim.

See this is why we Jews are the chosen people.