Why do you hate single mothers Sup Forums?

Why do you hate single mothers Sup Forums?

All women deserve love and respect.

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Boy that little guy has some good effeminate handwriting and WAAAAIT A MINUTE

Do people actually believe this shit?

>when your 7 year old son has the handwriting of a 33 year old woman

I don't hate single mothers, they're just unattractive. They're not potential partners, they offer nothing. It's like caring about a married woman, they don't even exist to me because they're useless.

No. You are mistaken.


>Daddy was an idiot for l̶e̶a̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ letting you go!!

I'm excpected to believe this?


>hey Rebecca, whatcha doin?

Nobody deserves respect if they don't earn it.

Men sent their own to the moon and returned them safely to earth. If it had been left to women we'd never have left the jungle.

>All women deserve love and respect.

Single mothers are for target practice and 1st date anal.

Fuck I can't go to bed after reading this.

You're forgetting
>Cursive "mommy"
They don't teach kids how to cursive anymore


Theyre offering a place in a universe you had no hand in creating. Ideally you and her would create your own universe together. That's less than the ideal and they still fall far short.

I feel bad for sons raised by narcissistic single mothers

The only time Single mothers should be respected is if their spouse died from something unexpected. Or they're getting out of an abusive relationship with someone that seemed nice at first.

no women deserve respect



>having to forge a letter written by your own son that's addressed to YOU about how strong and yaaaassss queen you are.


anyone else think this kid writes like a chick ?

What’s there to respect about an irresponsible whore?

Cause I was "raised" by one.

moar liek razed, amirite?

They don't teach kids how to write anymore

underrated and checked

Same. Single mothers are the fucking worse. My mother made 100k being a high level t-mobile employee and was in constant fucking debt. Like, how the fuck does that even happen? Still had time to somehow buy lots of bullshit for the house though and keep 5 dogs and 2 cats she doesn't even take care of. Leaving her at the age of 18 was the best thing I've ever done.

They'll always say their kid is their life, so you have no chance and are basically there for money.

How do you stay in debt making 100k a year?

So were the trenches of the western front. But you don't want to be in one.

Buying tons of shit, retard.

Anyone got the data on single father homes versus normal homes versus single mother homes?

There's a more than 1% chance I'll end up a single father, so if it's gonna create a degenerate retard I'd rather forego the risk entirely.

stop posting this. it doesn't hold water and you know it.

This is actually really sad and a good example of why single mothers should be married off or have their children taken from them to be put in good, two parent (husband-wife of course) homes.


A woman's handwriting.

A single mother is a failed mother.

Lol, my thoughts

there is that word again

women are so fucking pathetic, almost as bad as male feminists

She refused to relocate after the local t-mobile closed down and got a 40k severance pay. She spent it all on a trailer and plot of land along with fixing the land and trailer up. She ended up losing everything and moving back to the house she had. 5 years later she's half a year behind in payments and is about to lose the house. She took out a loan for 5k to pay the child support her husband owed since he was in jail.

My mother went from growing up as a homeless orphan to making 100k and just squanders it all. She's a felon, has 5 kids which 2 went to their fathers and she has this savior complex towards animals. I should write a fucking book about her. She's literally the american dream given to a retarded woman.

i love them for easy pussy

Because they do things like in the pic, trying to make everyone believe they're doing good when they're miserable and because they fucking suck.

Two-parent is preferable to single father is preferable to single mother, but I do not have the exact stats on hand.

How is there more than 100K worth of shit to buy in a year?

thats a womans writing
not (((erics)))

>1 post by this ID


My mom takes credit for the way i turned out even though i much raised myself while she was working and going to college for some bullshit. Had to endure her rants about men and shit that made me hate myself and crushed my self esteem. Dad's a deadbeat and has like 50k in back child support so she's going to sue the state for a few hundred thousand. I asked her how much I was going to get because it's child support. She told me that since I still live with her at 19, it helps both of us even though i have to pay rent. Can someone tell me how her keeping the money is going to help me? Sometimes I wish I had been miscarried tbqh.

Are you a scientist? Where's your doctorate from?

I'd read it.

Damn dude

You max a creditcard and pay 19% interest no that forma life, rinse repeat.

If you are an otherwise healthy, intelligent, white male, but are unlikely to reproduce because of your psychology/emotional issues/behaviors/moms-basment/etc, single mother's are an opportunity to reproduce.

You know
>They'll take the dick
>won't avoid getting knocked up
>go to term for a dead beat or some other monster, so you might be a saint by comparison

Even if she has mixed kids.
Unless you are genuinely sure you ARE going to do better, you owe it to the white race.
Stop that fool from having more brown kids.

If you're so pathetic you can't manage that, knock up brown girls to dilute their spawn.

This is a numbers game.
And we are losing badly.

If I didn't have a red headed redneck begging to have my 10 babies, I swear to god I'd be knocking up some mixed girl or some single mother every week and calling myself Nate, or Trevor, or some other made up bullshit.

Single mothers raise women and weirdos

100% chance that this kid will get beaten up in school

they raise criminals

Can confirm

Same. I was raised by my half-brother's aunt for a few years. Think 2~ when I was around 7. These were critical years for me and pretty much cemented my half-brother's aunt as my mother figure because my mother allowed her boyfriend, my brother's dad, to physically and emotionally abuse me under her nose for 2 years. Every weekend I had to go to my mom's and I fucking hated it to the point where I would refuse to get in the car and cry on the bus every friday.

To this day she claims that she was always there for me and gave me everything I ever wanted but the only thing I ever asked for was a computer. Once when I was 13 and another when it died when I was 17. I occasionally would bring up situations where I was abused, the topic usually gets brought up when my sister is with me and my mom, and she gets outraged saying why I didn't say anything and that it's the first time she's heard it despite me telling her the story for the nth time.

I had the chance to reunite with my father but he's a deadbeat and my siblings on his side are fucking shitters as well.

Needless to say I'm mal-adapted. I'm voluntarily celibate and just live to provide for my sister and nieces because they're basically my light in life. They need money? I give it to them. They need me to watch the nieces? I do it.

Meanwhile my mother is drowning in debt and caring for my sociopathic brother when he's 18 going on 19 in a border city where he has no prospects. Fucker tried to gouge out my eye and shit when I caught him breaking into my room trying to get to the pills my mother told me to hide until the cops came.

Anyways your mother is a fucking retard. I suggest talking to a lawyer because your mother will do anything to justify keeping all the money. I moved out when I was 18, about 5 years ago. If you have family I suggest moving in with them. Without my sister I would've been in a dark place of constant depression and staying in my room doing nothing.

No fucking way that is the penmanship of a 7yr old.

that was written by her not her son.

that is because single mothers know nothing about maintaining a family.
I had to endure two years of mother sitting on my neck, always on my case and most especially, the verbal abuse, because father was sending money from gulf state in the middle east as a teacher.
He came back in 2010. And then, at that point, I finally lashed out in anger at mother.
But Eventually told her what she wanted to hear, that is act sincere and apologise.
But that was in the past.
Now things are normal.

Now I understand how many fatherless male black youths turn into dindu nuffins in those black communities. All that physical abuse , sometimes by piece of shit mother's boyfriends when they were children and all that verbal abuse by their ever useless piece of shit mothers. Sometimes wgen they are near adulthood.

>All women deserve love and respect
Now what exactly all of them did to deserve it, can you tell me? You dont deserve shit by existing, you deserve only by your accomplishments.


They are inadvertently a detriment to society. They themselves can be based here and there, but we must always remember the law of averages.

I pity them personally, but don't want to see any more out there.

Yep a female will say "My Child/Children come first" (bullshit anyway as that's putting themselves first) and a man would say "My gf/wife and kids come first".

They deserve by their very nature a firm beating if they chimp out, and thats about it

Wrong, they cant ever raise decent women, only entitled subhuman whores like themselves.

that couldnt possibly be written by her, right guys?

>"he's more of a man than some 30 year olds"

Just wait until he hits 30, and then ask his opinion again, bitch. You see a single mother, you see someone who is prone to making bad decisions, and has a boatload of baggage packaged in.

A guy with options looks at a situation like that and thinks "I can either date this chick, and deal with all the bullshit that comes with it, OR I can just find a younger chick with a tighter body, and none of the baggage".

Not just that the child will come first, they put in their fucking dating profiles that their "children are their whole world". Who wants to date that?

By being a woman

>All women deserve love and respect.
You really couldn't be more of a cuck if you tried.
Why do all women deserve love and respect
Do all men deserve love and respect?

Single father is better because you typically have more income to raise the kid so that means nannies, family, etc who can chip in

And men are, on average, more mentally durable and capable to handle stress of single parenthood.

And Fathers seem more worried about prepping you for the world.

Maybe I'm biased tho', because I had a single father. It's also how you know I'm not black.

Plus, you know that dude has been through hell if he managed to get custody. Women have to be foaming at the mouth addicts or committed to insane asylums or prisons for that to happen.

Explain pls. It makes sense to me and I work in a biotech lab with a cell bio degree.
I don't see much wrong with a woman having DNA from a man if it's minuscule and not involved in much. It's impossible for a complete autosomal DNA library of a man to be stored in a woman so really its nbd.

This, I had my mother threatening my dad with divorce growing up and she tried to confront me about if I would go with her if she did; She hadn’t worked in years, was in debt, and would literally have nothing other than leveraging the kids as child support on top of being the typical emotional mess. I told her I’d stay with him, was just logical

> tfw you're more right than you know

Women will always consume the absolute limit of resources they are able to acquire. It's how they are built, that's why men used to provide the resources, to put a realistic cap on it.

f p b p

>All women deserve love and respect.
No. Replace 'women' with 'men' and you'd choke yourself. What makes you think 'all' women deserve shit? They make cunty decisions just as well as men, they just have to carry the consequences for 9 months.

Where's your proof? We aren't fruit flies we are more complex. They have found that this male DNA is from women who have been pregnant with some. Or was a twin that absorbed the brother when in the womb.

This happened to me as a kid but since they never got married it wasn't a divorce, just a custody battle. I picked my mother out of fear though it did end up being the right choice despite the end result still being shit.

For some reason that kid still playing with playdough has remarkably stylized hand-writing.

Is that 7 year old son actually a 20+ year old woman? I've never seen this kind of handwriting from a 7 year old boy.

>written with an adults level of penmanship
Well, I should say, "Woman's."

>i makee babby and then babby grow up and pooty he bee-knee inside another makee-babby-hole, and so forth and so on

Also, a 7 year old that plays with Play Doh would be able to look at the actual spelling of "Play Doh," which is likely, considering dough is a pretty tough word for a 7 year old to spell.

>All women deserve love and respect.
Just as soon as all men do.

So zero women have savings or investments?

A 7 year old wouldn't know how to spell the word dough, so he would look at his Play Doh container, and copy that spelling.

Fathers are more likely to find a partner after having a child. A man doesn't lose value if he has a child. If anything his value goes up because it shows he's fertile and able/willing to provide.

For women they lose all value when they have a kid. They're a time/money investment and they either can't be loyal or can't close their legs.

A 7-year-old probably wouldn't be left alone while mom was at work, either. So either mom wrote this or the babysitter did.

A single mother has nothing to teach a male child about succeeding in an environment with other males. Given that most of them are liberals and feminists they also poison the minds of their children.


My son is seven. No, it's not.

It's more about the type of person who typically ends up being a single parent (trashy teen mums) than it is about single parenthood itself.

Bad moms exist, and they leave their children home alone unattended. My childhood friend never had a babysitter that he can remember, even when both of his parents were working 10-12 hour days.

Yes they do, but my 9 year old doesn't write that well