Will MAPPA save the fujosports genre?

Will MAPPA save the fujosports genre?


>great staff
>an actual unique sport (for anime)
>good designs

hack director + focus on pandering = no

It already has.

Does fujosport need saving?

>this shot, AGAIN
You faggots are going to spam dozens of threads about this scene when the show airs like you did with the Shinsekai yori and the Free announcement, won't you?

Hopefully we'll have a lot more scenes to work with instead.

Like scenes where they help each other stretch?

That would be nice, but how about training together?

>Singles skater training for Pairs
Does this happen in real life?

Probably not, but I can't be sure.
Although this is an anime so anything is possible.

Damn, why couldn't it be about girls instead of guys?
Fuckng fujos, man

Your tears make me stronger.

Korean qt already has fanart.

MAPPA used to be a good studio. Now they just do fujoshit every season.


>they don't do things I like!
This will possibly be their best work since Sakamichi no Apollon, nigger.

Fujosports hasn't really anything of note since Free!
Stride tried, but failed.

If it were an all-girl cast, the show would take place in the locker room, during their water breaks, and their days off. You would have maybe one or two scenes of them actually performing.

One of the girls would bring cake to practice.

I actually understand MAPPA's reasoning here. Male's figure skating exploded since Yuzuru Hanyu won gold. I guess they wanna capitalize on that popularity.

Define anything of note. Haikyuu is still going strong with S3 next season.


I think that Haikyuu is more popular than Free! right now.

Koreans are pretty thirsty for this.

Just because sports anime attract fujos doesn't mean they are trying to pander to them. Haikyuu is trying to pander to casuals if anything. I noticed it lost a lot of steam with fujos and s3 isn't going to bring them back.

You could tell like Free! was actually trying to pull in fujo audience with how they push it and the type of fanservice put out. Though that lip rup in OP is more suggestive than anything Free! ever did.

I thought Garo: Hono no Kokuin was a masterpiece.

Yuri on Ice is going to be like Hibike where it has a couple of gay scenes that people blow out of proportion and pretend they make up the majority of the show.

I want to fuck those eyebrows.

Because otaku don't want sports, they want cute, boring girls doing cute, boring things. A girl having ambition or working hard is meaningless to them so they may as well just watch them drinking tea instead of playing a sport. Fujos want passionate, ambitiuous boys doing interesting things together, cuteness alone doesn't draw them in.

This, there's a reason why you don't see serious female sports anime. It doesn't sell.

I feel like shoujo manga is the only place to see serious female sports story.
Ice Revolution wasn't a shoujo manga (I think), but it had a pretty cute female MC who wanted to become a figure skater seriously.
Too bad it won't sell, there's some good drama involving girls, especially in shojo.

>tfw no ambitious girls to cheer for

>Because otaku don't want sports, they want cute, boring girls doing cute, boring things. A girl having ambition or working hard is meaningless to them so they may as well just watch them drinking tea instead of playing a sport.

You can't make that assumption until someone actually makes girls' sports show and see how it sells

Teppu is my favorite and it's seinen

Female figure skaters are objectively worse though. They just can't perform on the same level.

Chihayafuru is a sports anime right guys?

Kinda of but it's josei.

>female sports

Even the doped up Russian lolis?

>They're not even trying to hide it/be subtle anymore

Fucking shameless.

>I feel like shoujo manga is the only place to see serious female sports story.
Did you ever read Crimson Hero?
It was all fiery and passionate but she just drops volleyball and becomes a hostess for her parent's inn at the end. It was all about her fucking the love interest by that point.
I'll never trust a sports shoujo again.

Swan was so good but it's way too old to get an anime.

They don't have long enough legs. Their strides and jumps would automatically be weaker.

Unless we'll turn this into basugay-tier sports where magic makes anything possible.

Are there any anime or manga where koreans aren't joke characters? This could be a first.

Is this the Glass Mask of shojo sports?

A shame MAPPA will never go back to its glory Teekyuu days.


Ushio and tora got an anime. Parasyte got an anime.

Girls Und Panzer
Hibike Euphonium
These are the only recent female sports anime I know of that sold well and the first two probably don't count as sports

He was neat, too bad he died.


I like dumb fujo stuff but I hope either Yuri or All Out are just good solid sports anime with a bit of fanservice/pandering. Rather than just total trashfests

Pls no sexualize.

Yes, if Aim For the Ace is considered the anime equivalent.

Very true
The pandering which sells to guys is cute silly girls doing nothing of conequnce. Guys want eyecandy and comfyness.
Girls want guys shouting at each other intensely, arguing, fighting, making up, understanding each other.

That's why so many fujo shows are based around sports or action (like servamp or bungo), both are really good ways to create drama for characters to become involved with.

So women want a more dynamic story? Huh.

Funny thing is that normalfag men want action and normalfag women want comfy and cute stories. Otaku and fujoshi were a mistake.

Yeah women love drama and catharsis. it's a huge sexual driver. It's one of the reasons trashy romance novels have always been popular. Even if it's super ovrwrought and forced like the drama in Free or a romance novel, that's what they like.

I guess it goes back to how women are generally attracted to a guy holisticly, how he looks, how he acts like, what his goals are. So they need the whole package in a fujo show.

Guy shows tend to be more visual, they want a character to claim. So instead we get a smorgesborg to choose from, the big tit blonde, the flat chest, the tsundere. It's much more visual.

Fujo don't 'claim' guys as much as guys do, it's all about the drama between characters they love. Hence why they love to pair while guys love to claim 'best girl' etc.

Whenever this is posted I keep thinking it's supposed to be from Gintama.

You could probably take any sports anime that is about a sport that girls can play and make all the characters female but change nothing else it would still be enjoyable.

It seems the problem is they are afraid to make an anime with female characters and not make it about fanservice or moe-fied.

is super vague though. it tells you next to nothing.

They're not 'afraid' of anything. Anime is niche as fuck and they want to make money and so anime is aggressively targeted to specific markets.

Otaku have shown they're mostly interested in fluffy fanservice or slice of life shows. Hence that's what gets made.

Otaku aren't interested in Free but with girls, people would be complaining everyone was whining and bitching all the time. Otaku like fluff completely detached from reality and that's that.

>Girls Und Panzer
>Hibike Euphonium
>These are the only recent female sports anime I know of that sold well and the first two probably don't count as sports

But it didn't exactly change the otaku trends for more girl-led sports shows

That's why we need someone daring to follow (even copy if they have to) the fujo's success and do their own female sports show

Why are you so convinced of this when all evidence points otherwise.

Find me a popular manga about girls doing sports which isn't just fanservice trash, that would have potential for an anime.

Until then it looks like butt-sumo is your only hope.

>Guys want eyecandy and comfyness.

Shows like Euphonium and freakin' Love Live (especially with the 3rd years) follow that exact fujo format of drama, and those titles were hits especially the latter

Don't limit the capacity of what the male otaku can handle. They can (and WILL) play the same game as the fujos. They have to

>Find me a popular manga about girls doing sports which isn't just fanservice trash, that would have potential for an anime.

That's why I'm saying someone daring make an original

You can't tell me otaku wouldn't want a yuri bait show about girls in bathing suits. Free! is really no different than k-on except it shows more skin.

>throw money in the bin please

>Free is no different than k-on except it shows more skin
You're talking out of your arse I'm sorry user. If you want to talk about free at least have a passing knowledge of it. Or even read the rest of this thread about how fujos like drama and not comfy slice of life.

You sound like you're just upset about market trends towards Fujo sports, but it's not really out fault that Otaku don't care about sports anime.

Free has more character drama than K-On, from what I recall. If given the choice otaku would prefer a drama-less Free with girls, whereas fujos will happily take more drama and the emotionally charged homoeroticism it brings.

>They can (and WILL) play the same game as the fujos. They have to

what are you talking about

>try to look for girl's skating manga
>Girl only wants to learn because the boy she likes skates
Fucking dropped.

I have watched and enjoyed Free! and I remember a lot of complaints about the drama and wish for more SoL. I'm pretty sure fujos enjoyed the drama CD's, OVA, and mooks a lot more than the 'drama' of the anime.

Once again you're just saying vague opinions. The financial success of Free and other drama-driven fujo series, both in manga and anime proves you completely wrong.

Otaku don't uniformly like yuri-bait. It's a specific niche.

Whatever the angle they take, it will be pointless trying to pander to fujo/female audience for sales seeing that swordshit and utapiri are airing in the same season. So I'm quietly hoping they'll dial down on the fanservice and focus more on the sports aspect.

And? Slam Dunk is about a boy who starts playing basketball to impress the girl she has a crush on ans is one of the best sports manga ever. As long as it's just an excuse to get MC into the sports and not the main plot is fine.

Touken Ranbu by UFOtable isn't airing next season. Next season is just a fluffy sol to tide people over.

The real competition with this is All Out.

>dial down on the fanservice
Do you even know how fujo fanservice works? It's integrated into the plot in the form of emotional drama, not just dudes wandering around shirtless.

If anything they'll dial it up.

I'm gay now

>Russian fag and Nip Yuri fall in love
>Putin finds out and Russian fag is executed

Why are their asses so finely shaped?

squats probably

This is my first time noticing the intermingling of their hair. That's lewd as fuck.

So how many times have you watched the PV?

All of you make a big deal about the lips being too glossy and feminine, but have you idiots considered the fact that they are trying to keep them from chapping with tons of lip balm. Cold dry air is hell on anybody's lips, and they're skaters that pretty much work in that kind of environment. They're just protecting their bodies in any reasonable way possible.

This. There's nothing gay about realism.


Upwards of ten, but I was always focused on Yuuri's bottom lip and didn't think to look at the top of the shot.
Don't feel the need to spoonfeed me, but would you mind sharing how you find good art on twitter? I only use it occasionally and for a different fanbase; searching ユーリ has mostly gotten me cringey western fujos.

Can't wait for the memes when this airs.
I know there's a lot of Russi/a/nons here.

Why does MAPPA (Godhouse) & I.G. (Invicible God) choose the fujoshi path?
Is Moe not good enough for them?

Male moe is moe too.

Because moeshit can't tell stories as effectively as fujoshit.

Moeshit have story?

That's the point of my post.

Well besides searching ユーリ on ice, I also check #yurionice and search it in Korean 유리온아이스 too. Unfortunately, you still have to sort through shitty western art.


Off the top of my head, Hikaru no Go. Then again, there weren't that many that included them to begin with.

Thanks anons, I am sure it will be worth it.

Hope you're proud faggots, even Japan is laughing at your for you shitty more like Yaoi on ice 'jokes'.

I thought this was Gintama