What do you think of legal Mexicans

what do you think of legal Mexicans

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They disgust me when they claim to have mexican pride. You fuckers ruined your nation to the point that your people flee it like a warzone. So fucking shameful.

The PRI and the narcos and the drug war ruined the country. Most of our mexicans never ruined anything desu

I'm glad my Australia has like 2 Mexicans in it

>I'm in my homeland

Really? I wonder what a genetic test would say about that.

Funny he thinks it's his homeland, considering they stole it from the native Americans, that shit needs to be meme'd. Make Mexicans feel bad for taking natives land

I've known a lot of good Mexican men, have met VERY FEW legal ones though. As in, moved here from Mexico in their adult life, legally. Permanent citizenship. Also the women, I never meet female immigrants, legal or otherwise, unless they're about 100 years old. Comical really idk where they go, must all be hiding out in the basement of hotels doing housekeeping.
>Legal Mexican immigrants are about as rare as a jackpot on a 20$ scratch lottery, THE JACKPOT.
>no I didn't look that up it's a total guess.

What should be the results so he can faithfully claim is in his homeland? indigenous aztecs? from pueblo? Comanches?

reconquistaing the fuck out of the gringo.

perfect example how you dont need a military to reclaim your stolen clay, just a fuckton of vato's blowing the shit out of their demographic numbers.

or a history test
what were the populations of the places white america bought/invaded from the Spanish?

They didn't though. The Spaniards did and most Mexicans have American "blood" as well as Spanish.

It's not really reconquista because they get very flustered and angry when they get deported as if they're scared of going back to their actual homeland. What they want is America pandering to hispanics, not their state of residence becoming part of Mexico.

I've never even met a Mexican person, there's literally only 5000 of them in the entire country, and they have low birth rates here unlike in the U.S, although I've met an person from El Salvador which is about as close as I can get, pretty nice dude

>outbreeding so they get high influx demographic change
>Few years we will have such a big majority that can place their representant in the white house
>Those representant let even more spics into USA

You are definetly fucked richard

Good point, my bad, I should know better than to try and take on unfamiliar history

Nobody cares or know about Australia here

>75% spaniard 25% indians who never lived in what is now america
>dis be my land hombre

So irish inbreeds claiming to be proud of their heritage is ok but not to mexicans?

No problem with them.

It's okay, friend.

>equating the conflict between north and south ireland with the fucked up narco war in mexico

nice one mate, I love comedy.

they have low iqs they're inevitably under 6 foot and they are basically just subhumans who deserve to be genocided. Also they have 6 kids per fat fuck indio "legal mexican" wife. wtf is up with that? how can those 5'2" subhumans even get hard to fuck their disgusting women?

Stormfront is calling, they want their shitposter back.

but they legal and genocide bad

>they have low iqs they're inevitably under 6 foot and they are basically just subhumans who deserve to be genocided.

>who deserve to be genocided

>getting rid of a guaranteed working class because they're unsightly

Don't shoot yourself in the foot 'merica-man.

The Irish conflict was incredibly atrocious though.
The Irish immigrants faced a great deal of discrimination as well. Now, the cartel problem is very recent and exploded in 2006 when the change of administration (backed by the US, by the way) occurred.

Ironically, the stereotype of the US here was that it was an extremely violent country, which it was then.

I hate chicanos like everyone else, but americans have some weird mental gymnastics in that they say shit like:
>they're all unemployed
>they took my job

They have to go back.

I've always wondered how common Latin Americans are on other continents. I just can't picture a Mexican in Europe or Asia.

but they were born here



I fucking hate wanna be gangster mexicans and chicanos they are ruining this country and making mexicans look bad I want them deported

1st generation Mexican Americans work, 2nd and 3rd assimilate so they don't work as much. Just a stereotype from lazy ass white folks

To be able to ruin something it needs to have been good at one time.

I don't care. If one of my neighbors gives birth in my house I'm not going to raise the kid.

gringo BTFO into orbit!

Fucking mexicans need to fuck off with "my homeland." My ancestors come from Norway, do i fucking illegally get into the fucking country screaming "DANT TOOUCCHING ME PLEEZ IT IS MY HOMELAND RIAD A HISTOWRY BOOK IDIOTA"

>you suck
gas yourself

Yeah, the Irish conflict was shitty but it can't be truly compared to the "very recent" cartel problem.

To me it's what aggravated the cartel issue is irrelevant, all I care about is the inaccurate comparison that was made between ireland and mexico.

not sure what I am offended by more, the size of that picture or illegals.

I like them just fine.

>gas yourself
>literally an 8yr old

no you should just fuck off back to scandilands where you belong.

viking trash

Funny you say that given that Mexico escaped the terror your country faced in the late 20th century.
That is, the horrible dictatorship. Argentina also faced the worst economic crisis in the whole region.

Mexico was not "good", but we escaped the US-backed terrors of Brazil and Argentina only to be ruined by NAFTA and the cartels several decades later.

You live in the literal opposite side of the fucking globe.

Only the richest can go there... Half of Mexicans can't even point Austria on the fucking map.

Entering to the US is just jumping a fucking fence.

Read a book about the history of Texas in the 1800s por favor

Kinda hot

>can't even point Austria
Those Germanic kangaroos are the best m8

come to texas. come to houston where i live. see for yourself the subhumans that have ruined at least this city if not the entire state

fuck you civic nationalist pussy. say whatver libertarian standpoints you can say that on't offend anybody like the good little pussy you are and watch as the entire country is taken over by these 5 foot 2 80 iq spics

why is it bad?

I can tell you live in the south

Ah, well, I can understand that.

They're normally nice warm people in person, but when you get a group of them they act just as bad as niggers

nvm didn't realise I was responding to a literal spic. Which of the five subhuman spic last names is yours? Martinez?

>Just kill all of those people
>my soulless gringo beast brain immedietly resorts to violence by default! kill em!!! Why cant we kill em?!! Oooga bogggaa.

legal is legal. focus on the illegals.

Tons of legal women, they enter by marriage, either by another chicano or by some of your weird religion churches/cults.


>Ironically, the stereotype of the US here was that it was an extremely violent country, which it was then.
That's because you were morons imo
You never succeeded in making creating stable society because you're an unstable people. Inert, inefficient, and incapable of most things more than fundamental. The only proof of a great people is that they function as a great people. The great nations don't make excuses because they don't need to.

Pray one of the better looking illegals crashes into you, so you can earn an easy suck-and-fuck when you point out they have no insurance and live in the Age of Trump.

also mate I have an anglo last name and I won't lie I'm a mutt of euro blood plus some native american and god knows what else but if you ever knew what we experience with these subhuman spics you would be outraged too. I guess they would outlaw it where you live but I can still express my distaste for what you paint the typical american is which is the exact spic subhumans I'm talking about

>I can tell you live in the south
Southwest, even.

>Read a book about the history of Texas in the 1800s por favor
The land that Spanish conquistador/ aztec mongrels took from Comanche and then lost to the Americans whom they had attacked first? Fascinating place imo

would we be better off not killing them? they are subhuman leeches... sorry if the idea of genociding subhumans makes you upset.

Birthplace citizenship is not legal and could be revoked RETROACTIVELY by a simple majority vote in both houses.


i hate them just as much as i do illegal ones

I live in houston these people are the definition of subhuman. All the shills responding to me defending them I guarantee you are straight spics

I’m truly jealous, I live in New Mexico and I’d bet atleast half of the population in Albuquerque is mexicunt or native. You don’t want to meet the smelly fuckers.

so what do about them

That last name is Spanish.
Do you deem them as "sub-human" as well?

I think they are natives being a native myself I feel a strong connection with them I think you should all shut the fuck up and swallow the mexican dick because it was there country before it was yours

the entire planet would be better off just ending them :)

All latin American countries are shit holes, but ours would have been better if not for X

Don't be a nigger, those problems didn't appear out of thin air

most legal mexicans are hardworking honest folk. having lived in this cesspool of a city for 20+ years i can tell you that los angeles city mexicans and asians are typically more working class/conservative than the whites around here, god i hate this fking place

>Birthplace citizenship is not legal and could be revoked RETROACTIVELY by a simple majority vote in both houses.

To an extent, I agree with this; as long as they are only deported if they've committed a crime.

I guess it’s only fair. Reconquista is already in motion, anglocuck

if they got here legally or they were born here I really could not give less of a shit. They're Americans at that point.

Let me also add especially the ones going to or have been in college/uni. It’s hard to find a white woman to fuck here so my dick stays dry most of the time.

What does it matter what you agree with, you half literate foreign bucktooth'd scoundrel? They've no business here.

t. Pedro Smith

>Austria M8 Kangaroo with Shrimp on tha bah'bee
>Austrian spiders and insane wildlife
>Austrian Protoniggers

I can't stop laughing. Mexicans are native to the Americans. White people are not. White people crying about the people they chose to surround themselves by. I can't stop laughing at the stupidity.

Just as bad as illegals if not worse, there are almost as many Mexicans as their are German Americans most of which came here less than 30 years ago. On top of that, Asian immigration is also becoming a problem as Filipinos and Chinks tend to be just as disgusting as Mestizos. We need the RAISE act in order to return America to it's traditional European immigrant arrivals. There are tons of them who want to move here but can't because the 1965 immigration act doesn't allow it. Back to Mestizos, they're literal freaks of nature. I like how Immigration activists compare them to Italians and Irishmen yet the latter actually respect America the moment they came here. While Mestizos which that the Southwest was still apart of their CIA owned shithole. Birthright Citizenship also allows even more of them to become citizens as well which that needs to be removed as it was originally for freed slaves. They bring more truth to the "Der Untermensch" poster then anything else besides niggers in this country. We've been allowing such subhuman filth into our country ever since Celler promoted that Jewish immigration act that will eventually allow tons of them to move here. We don't need anymore of these mongrels whatsoever.

Here's the immigration bill if you're interested.

>can’t point out Austria on a map

Aren't mexicans the descendants of spaniards or the portuguese or something?

It's because they are looking for that in so they can blame whitey. Every Latin country is pathetic like that.

yes I was implying I was talking to "martinez" "gonzalez" "lopez" garcia hernandez all those fucks. on a side note how tall are you, I would imagine you aren't one of these subhumans considering you even have a computer (lol) but it's astounding how people who have no experience with these folks have any clue how they are

I mean... we'd be doing a lot better if we still had the American southwest under our control. We kind of miss it.

>That last name is Spanish.
Mexico alone has almost three times the population of Spain. Martinez is a Spanish name like Washington is an English name.

"waa waa, I'm too confrontational to have any real dialogue" - This 'merican probably.

if the US deported every nigger to somewhere wee would be so much better. spics aren't much different than that.

>Thinking they're Native American
You're all Spanish rape babies, more Spaniard than Native. You even speak the Spaniard's tongue. Feel shame for what you did to the natives.

Keep crying. I will keep laughing.

Well since it would be safe to say that genocide would include me I have reason to be concerned. BTW you can’t nigger none of you will do it because none of you will follow the order. If you do you get BTFO Hansel that I can tell you.

>have dialogue
Do you mean debate, discuss, conversate, discourse? Who the fuck, besides journalist scum, says dialogue? Justify yourself, gaylord.

I think the majority are natives look at a Spaniard then look at a mexican they look different

I'm okay with that as long as being a shitskin is made a crime.

either way white people being here is much bettet than any subhuman spic inhabiting this continent. blood and soil is a valid argument when the ones left behind are of value but literally zero indio spics have anything worth being prideful of blood and soil so fuck them

I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill em' all!

>Mexicans are native to the Americans.
Mexicans are not native to the US. This would be like an Irish person going to Ukraine and screaming DIS MY LAND TOO IM NATIVE TO EUROPE