16 hours till subs.
Danganronpa 3
Today is the day.
Mikan a cute. CUTE!
Everything that occurred here helped create Mukuro and myself.
How would you feel?
Guys what if the killer is 16 hour kun
Should have just played the fucking gaimu, onii-chan
Hoping for class 78 and Ishimaru cameo in tomorrow's episode!
His birthday is only one week away.
Is that bald Ozzy Osbourne?
Can I post my Kyosuke/Juzo fanfiction here?
in Monoca POV asahina hair is different
Give me an actual reason to dislike Naegi that isn't the usual "he's just a stupid self-insert character" because he hasn't been that since 2010.
>yfw subs for tomorrow's episode are also delayed for 24+ hours
Basically this is why everyone who isn't a shitposter hates him on here.
He's completely useless
So this dude will outsmart everyone and survive the geimu while giving 0 fucks about what is going on right?
Who gives a shit.
Fucking japs are even more autistic than us
Singles and 16 hour-kun is the killer
He's useless and gives cheesy hope speeches, can't actually protect anyone
>world class alpha
>doesn't even give a fuck
>probably has changed Kyoko's diapers
>probably also the traitor
yeah lets post waifus instead talking about the plot
I think he's one of the easiest characters to like. I dig the never ending optimism.
can I watch this without playing the second game? only watched the first anime
Reminder we're getting the killing the game tomorrow or Kodaka is a hack.
>wears a boater
pick one
he'll outsmart and give 0 fucks, but he won't live, sadly.
I want to kiss Ishimaru!
But how is Asahina with slightly different hair plot related?
Naegi has always been a bland character but with him being a self insert in DR1 this was to be expected.
Then he became like a thousand times more awful and useless in DR3. He does nothing but gets carried around and spouting hope nonsense that affects nobody. I honestly don't know how anyone can like this faggot.
Wow such a hard get
Pretty much everybody here will tell you that the first adaptation was balls. It's pretty much a condensed cliff notes version of the game and goes through the plot at a breakneck pace. Go play both games, because they are needed to understand the third entry to the story.
Please do, friend!
What would have happened if Nagito was a Despairfag instead of a Hopefag?
Would humanity be extinct?
He deserves love and protection.
same scene but for some reason below picture is now a selfie
Monaca combed her hair gently after she finished with her ketchup shenanigans.
>Slightly different hair strand
i never said this
Dubs or a 16 and 16 hour kun is the killer
Tell me anons, where does it hurt?
his philosophy would be "despair always wins in the end" instead of vice versa
but to be honest i don't think his actions would've changed very much. he'd be causing despair for despair instead of despair for eventual hope.
Nothing because all of Nagito's plans go wrong.
I want to bully Soda-kun
Meanwhile, 0 seconds until Saionji gets bullied again.
Every day, I want to bully Saionji. I want to scold her to tears and throw her into pool. I want to take her gummies and eat them in front of her. Then I'll force-feed her with lemon-flavored gummies, palm after palm. I want to call her a stinky and take her panties so she has to going commando for the rest of the trip. I want to mock her inability to put her kimono by herself, so I'll strip her every once in a while, yelling what one day, she'll be glad to be able to dress up herself. Also, I'll take her kitty hairpins, making her long blonde hair cover her private parts. And when I'll give kimono back to her, I'll make sure to put Mr. Ants in every single pleat and Mr. Crab in her panties.
And when finally she snaps and try to bully me by any means possible, I'll spank her in front of everyone until she'll like it. And when she'll come to me, begging for another spanking, I'll mock her again, then spank her as if my life depends on it, laughing on her moans full of pleasure. Mere seconds before her climax, I'll throw her into pool once again, leaving her in her aroused state.
My dick can you give it a kiss?
You are a worthless frenchman, your words as empty as your streets after a Muslim goes through them.
Go ahead user. It's not like he's useful for anything else.
Wouldn't he be trying instead to build up hope to make it crash down into greater despair?
He's a bland normie. Moving forward is the only thing that defines him, he motivates himself and others with empty words and it works.
I don't dislike him, I just think he's severely lacking in terms of personality. He fails to stand out next to the stronger personalities from the games. Also his role in the game is kinda overestimated, the only real meaningful choice he made was trusting Kirigiri, and yet all the people who watched care about is his underwhelming hope speech in the last trial. Kirigiri christening him SHSL hope was kinda hammered in too, it didn't feel natural.
Anyways Hajime>>>>Makoto
He got bullied enough by life.
my heart, because she'll never exist
aight thanks f'am
I want to bully Souda with Sonia.
I want to take Souda's cola bottles out of the fridge and replace them with sugar-free ones with Sonia.
I want to steal Souda's contacts with Sonia so he has to wear his glasses.
I want to hide Souda's tools with Sonia so he can't do any mechanic work.
I want to force Souda to watch horror movies all night long with Sonia.
I want to take Souda on a car ride after hiding his motion-sickness medication with Sonia.
I want to tell Souda that he'll be a virgin forever with Sonia.
I want to make out with Sonia in front of Souda.
I want to have sex with Sonia in front of Souda.
I want to mock Souda with Sonia when he gets a boner from watching us.
I want to attach Souda's wrists behind his back with Sonia so he's unable to masturbate.
I want to impregnate Sonia and force Souda to watch.
I want to call Souda a cuck with Sonia.
I want to stick my dick inside Souda's asshole while Sonia is taking pictures.
I want to tell Souda how much of a faggot he is with Sonia for liking it up the ass.
I want to drink Souda's tears with Sonia.
I want to take pictures of Souda's face, crying from pleasure and joy while Sonia pounds his ass with a dildo.
I want to publish shameful pictures of Souda all over the internet with Sonia.
I want to tell Souda that I'm starting a family with Sonia.
I want to invite Souda to my wedding with Sonia.
I want to ask Souda what he thinks about the name that we chose for the baby with Sonia.
I want to force Souda to take Sonia's son at the amusement park.
I want to force Souda to ride a roller coaster with Sonia's son.
I want to ask Souda if he can babysit tonight while me and Sonia go out to have some fun.
I want to invite Gundam at home and have a threesome with him and Sonia in front of Souda.
I want to force Souda to put on Sonia's dress and a blonde wig with Sonia.
I want to watch Souda dressed as Sonia getting fucked by Gundam while I eat pop-corn with Sonia
I want to break Souda's mind and ass with Sonia
I don't know why so many people hate him. I found him to be one of the most interesting characters in the series.
oooh you're right. shit, i wanna see despairfag komaeda now.
You got a 42 get so that means she is the meaning of life
>caring about what people think and preventing yourself from wearing what you want
I bet you wear jeans and a t shirt, or something equally conformist and bland, everyday, because you're scared as fuck of what people could say to you if you wore something slightly out of the ordinary, like a brown chino.
Hello to you too, frenchanon!
Calm down, Hanamura! If you're going by this road, well it's even better to do all this, without giving any attention for Souda.
>The Despair twins father
>probably the one who Junko inherited the UA talent from
> Probably knew his daughter's plans to Upload her Ai into someone
> gave her the idea of using Izuru and the rest of the remants as a trap to Lure Naegi, Togami and Kyoko into the NWP
> Knew that Izuru's ultimate bullshit (Luck) would combine with Naegi's Luck to make a mircle that would let his daughter escape into a body without the need of the host dying,
>Knew Junko would choose Kyoko because that would cause Naegi the most despair
> Also knew that Junko had another Manlet she was going to use for something had that manlet set up the third killing game and control monokuma
> follow Kyoko Taking Jabs at Jin and implying he hates her to cause her the most despair
> Knows that Junko is watching everything in the back of kyoko's mind like she did when she was Ryoko
> Waits for Junko to take full control of the body
> Is an awesome dad and won't die like his smelly daughter did when junko has no use for him anymore
Hajimeme is looking good.
I-is it really you, Bully-kun? After seeing your pasta so much, I've grown to miss it.
What was the point of Monaka honestly. If her only purpose was being a red herring might as well just let the real Miaya participate instead. But then again I guess Kodaka was forced to include her in the anime because of that dumb cliffhanger in UDG.
>gundam is the one who hides his face
Cause I feeeel
>I dress like an antisocial weirdo nerd who repels other people, totally alpha bro :^)
In all the official dr3 with Naegi and Kyoko see seems to either be staring at him with a kinda weird expression or facing away with her left eye in frame
Kirijunko is almost here
Souda is to good for this world
I want to bully her so hard that Mahiru will scold me afterwards.
Because he gets Kirigiri and I dont
And I want to bully her so hard, Koizumi would bully her wth me.
Of course! After vacations, it's time to return to the old habits: bullying Saionji on every single opportunity.
There's one just like this but with Naegi and Munakata
>Hajime glaring at Kirigiri and her doing likewise while Naegi also stares him down and Chiaki just tries to be cheery
It's happening.
Ever since the anime began and this kind of pic began to spread I can't help but think Hajime is very handsome, cool, and strong. If only he had believed the people who told him he was fine the way he was.
Annoying, pathetic frenchman. How long will you go on? How much must you huff and puff about somebody you know could and would beat you up?
I feel like they just made the image look nicer because in retrospect without the shock of Asahina dead and the filter her hair looks like shit.
Her boobs are incredibly nice too.
I can't hate the guy after watching the abridged episodes
You hate him for collecting corpses?
I feel like in DR2 he wasn't really given the spotlight but now that we're seeing him more he looks to be quite tall and attractive.
You have some shitty eye sight and interpretation
Nah, that'd be you.
How long? Well, every single day, of course! Hahahaha! Silly frenchanon!
>taking care of one's appearance
>antisocial weirdo
What planet do you come from? Netherlands? Germany? Do you wear your socks under your sandals?
If anything, Boater-san is a dandy. Dandies aren't antisocial, on the contrary, they can be pretty annoying when they talk to you.
But I am not the frenchanon, it is you, as you have admitted in the past.
He stole bestgirl's heart but will never ever do anything with it.
No, you're the frenchanon, frenchanon.
If someone is talking about France, it's always frenchanon, so there!
Si vous cherchez le frenchanon, je suis là.
Cela dit je ne suis pas le fanboy d'Hiyoko, c'est un autre mec.
Did Hope Manlet ever do a case on his own?
Hajime was able to figure out Case 3's killer by himself and was the only one able to prove Chiaki was the traitor
Whatever you say, my goony friend. Just replace Fedora with Boater in pic related, it applies all the same.
>tfw have night shift tonight and will be too tired to watch the episode in the morning
Kyoko's DR3 design is too good.
>That skirt
>That jacket
>That inexplicably lewd pouch of unknown purpose
It's hot while still looking totally presentable and in character.
Hiyoko une grosse merde puante
There's something hilarious about seeing the Universal logo on this and I don't know what it is.
At least you don't work at McDonalds.
I've gotten called in for night shifts for the whole week so far.
>tfw going to a music festival all day tomorrow and i'll miss all the threads and won't be able to watch the episode until the next day at earliest
he was surprisingly buff for a normie and even managed to touch the SHSL boxerbitch