Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Zoink activated
今日も一日op is a fagであるぞい
I won't give in until im victorious.
Just never forget who the true enemy is
you dont even realize youre playing my game muppet
best of luck on your victoly
大日本帝国勝利すれば、よかったね。。。 (´・ω・`)
Do you ever make it?
I wish I didn't start.
I am literally autistic and this is tough.
Why did I even attempt it?
Two years in and can kind of read Japanese in the things I like but it is so difficult.
No pain no gain
It's the hardest language excluding weird hipster shit that nobody learns. Everything else will be easier afterwards. Embrace the challenge.
>It's the hardest language excluding weird hipster shit that nobody learns.
>weebs actually believe this
because you never take the time to actually learn things and instead repeat the endless cycle of looking at shit that doesnt make sense and being okay with it always being that way
get your lazy mind up off its ass and do some work boy
>weebs actually believe this
As does everyone else
Because it is
Friendly reminder that tones in Japanese exist, and matter. If you don't work on your intonation, you will come off as unintelligible.
If you thought you could learn japanese instead of chinese to escape the horrors of tones, you were sadly mistaken. happy studying.
Lyrical genius
Or you could just never speak to anyone
Just imagine how good your life will be when you finish.
You'll be swimming in Japanese pussy
A fighting spirit that doesn't have enough problems? What?
It's too bad im uneducated and autistic and old now.
I can never live in Japan ever plus I am going to go deaf because my ears are shot out.
Maybe I should just man up idek life sucks.
can you understand what young h is saying here
Fuck the lyrics, look at how bad ass they are eating all those fucking french fries and burgers. dog bless japan for their reverence of american cuisine and nigger culture
Moderately off topic, but question about usage of 2chan
Many boards on 2chan only allow text replies, but posters get around that by using temporary file hosting websites and linking the filename. In the case of the su######.jpg filenames, would someone mind telling me the hosting website used?
I haven't ventured to the text reply boards too often in the past so this is new to me.
"The problem is that you don't have enough fighting spirit."
Do it for the lolis
why didnt you just ask this on 2ch lol
I can't believe people unironically listen to this
That would be お前の*問題点は気合がたりない
Study some grammar
I would listen to hip hop if it was in Japanese. I try to not get degenerate cultures into my mind but this is pretty cool.
Pretty simple to understand.
>You'll be swimming in Japanese pussy
>finally learn japanese
>girl asks me why I learned japanese instead of a european language
>tell her i'm interested in the culture
>looks visibly disgusted
Why are you misusing spoiler tags?
watch threads through All filenames linked to files automatically.
>finally learn language
This story never happened.
Couldn't my sentence have been alternatively read in English as, "As for you, it is a only a lack of fighting spirit that's your problem"?
I'm certain I was grammatically sound.
If you learn Japanese before you die though you go to Gensokyo
where you'll be swimming in youkai pussy
I am not a smart person.
Thank you.
are you that white dude who named his kid reimu
Japanese girls user. Japanese.
Why would boring ol' pasty white bitches care if you know Jap or not?
It was probably because of your neckbeard
>white dude who named his kid reimu
oy vey
that's next level cringe
and weight over 150 kg 爆笑
Perhaps, it was just an awkward way to say it. Nobody uses 闘魂.
Yours is easy to read as お前は(問題点が足りない)闘魂
Obviously makes no sense, but it is just much more natural if you use の は instead of は が imo
Naw were just real niggas to the nihongo pride.
>tfw you're 1/4 Japanese
>if someone asks why I study Japanese I just say it's because I'm 1/4 Japanese
>act like I barely even know what anime is most of the time
実は本当の問題がbein a stupid biotchである
tell me, what percentage of kanji change in meaning depending on context?
Thanks user.
who takes pride in a language itself
you really did cum in some fat bitches asshole and name the analspawn reimu didnt you
>ask waitress for はし
>she gives me a bridge
why didn't i listen
>tfw 1/4 韓国人
>"why are you learning Japanese instead of Korean?"
was the baby's mama a nip, at least?
>1/4 韓国人
I know you guys have the guide, but I wanted to specifically ask for the best resources to use for self-study in conjunction with (prescribed) ADD meds?
I'm finally getting medicated and really want to buckle down as a sort of litmus to how far I can go.
Why do some kanji have two versions? Like 探す and 捜す, 使う and 遣う, 帰る and 還る, etc. They seem to be used interchangeably, anybody know why?
Blame the chinks
>ADD meds
Just do anki for like 8 hours a day.
Sometimes its due to further simplification in new forms vs classical forms like in 才 and 歳
The guide is a pretty good place to start. I recommend the guide.
we both know that couldnt be possible she would off herself from the crushing shame
Is Anki alone really that useful? I have it and use it but tend to leave it for way too long stretches at a time.
Once we all become proficient in Japanese, can we form a political party in japan for the revision of the writing system aka the abolish kanji party?
What better than a bunch of foreigners who have a reasonable writing system to push for innovation? I'm sure we could come up with something better than hangul. who knows, This might even jump start japan's economy again.
I see, would be simpler if I didn't have to learn two kanji for one though lol. fucking chinks
Abolishing the kanji would be retarded, which you would know if you actually knew Japanese.
One thing that would be more reasonable is to somehow modify the kanji so all of them have a phonetic component.
「I got two versions. I got twooo versions…」
- 安倍晋三
I remember when I was a baby who hated kanji, nostalgic.
I am for keeping the 2K or common use, its not hard.
Archaic/weird kanji used out of pretension can fuck right off though.
>wants to abolish kanji
>thinks he can become proficient
Whatever you say bud
I prefer it that way, adds a lot of flavour when you're reading shit
>Abolishing the kanji would be retarded
Not really, katakana and spaces alone is fairly readable.
>seem to be used interchangeably
They are not.
Searching for something you've never actually seen before, something that may or may not exist
Searching for something you've seen before but don't know the location of, e.g. something you misplaced or a person who ran away
Only used in noun phrases like 気遣い, 小遣い
The physical act of returning to a location after leaving it
Returning in a theoretical manner, e.g. to the starting point of an argument.
Everything would look like shit if it was kana only, even if you did have spaces
The kanji + kana system looks sexy as fuck and has a bunch of benefits
Am I the only beginner who actually kind of likes kanji? Being able to understand the meaning of a new word without knowing the actual word is pretty cool, although I agree all the readings are annoying. Maybe I'll learn to hate kanji as I get more advanced.
everyone wnats to get rid of kanji but you know what the real problem is its kana
>kanji + kana system looks sexy as fuck
It really does. Its so very aesthetic compared to straight chingchong kanji vomit or toddler kana with no anchors for your eyes during reading.
Nah everyone likes kanji, that guy just did shit in anki today and wants to vent
I don't know if I "liked" them when I was a beginner in terms of learning, but I never wished they were gone, and them looking so cool is part of what inspired me to start the language.
Nobody advanced hates kanji. Only lower intermediates.
>I am going to go deaf because my ears are shot out.
I was looking for user reviews on for Tales of Berseria and I got the ending spoiled. There was a huge, unmarked spoiler in the title of a review.
On the one hand, I'm fucking mad, but on the other, at least my Jap is good enough to understand spoilers. Now I need my fucking brain to stop me from browsing amazon user reviews.
h-how do you know that
Wow, thanks for explaining all that. I didn't think they actually had slightly different meanings. Guess I still have a lot to learn.
I'm reading Making Sense of Japanese and it's pretty good. However the use of romaji is baffling to me. Who thought this was a good idea? Why does anything for learners use romaji? It hurts to read!