What is the lefty equivalent website of Sup Forums

as the subject says, I want to view both echo chambers.

/leftypol/ for leftists
Thecoli for blacks

>>> /lgbt/

search for leftypol since apparently reddit, Twitter, Faceberg, MSM, talk shows just don't cut it for ya.


Significantly more eloquently retarded than your average leftist. They put considerable amounts more effort into acquiring knowledge to defend their positions, but they are still the same stupid positions for the most part.

They can't be reasoned with.

i don't watch tv/use social media. thanks.


You need a place to take an emotional dump without being forced to rationalize your position?

Also, you want observers to stand around while telling you how brave and courageous it is to accept their propaganda.

You like being told how guilty and ashamed you should feel.


But since that is gone I wonder what place will get an influx of lefties soon..

No, I just enjoy laughing at extremes.

There is no lefty equivalent. All positions are permitted on the left, no matter how subversive or extreme compared to the baseline. Mainstream news, talk shows, and even high elections host some of the most extreme forms of communism and hedonism around.

There are lefties here, but you can't tell because they don't try to contest immutable truths. The label is no longer useful at that point though because they will still agree with the core ideas of national socialism or liberty or religion by merit of having honest conversations about it. Disagreeing with black crime stats, etc. requires you to suppress personal observations as well has having no sense of humor.

Basically all "ideologies" become a lot more valid when you take blacks and Jews out of the equation, so they can survive in our environment easily without completely destroying their worldview. It's not like they are banned from coming here, so it stands to reason that they are here.

I'm a leftist, tell me an immutable truth and I'll contest it.

Of course you will, that's what libshits do

If evidence suggests you're wrong, how do you reconcile your beliefs? Honestly, just want to discuss politics. I'm not libtard left, I understand with and agree with conservative ideology to an extent, but ultimately I'm on the left side of the line.

Blacks are less intelligent and more violent, objectively. They are to make any valuable time or money investments, have no motivations or emotional attachments towards higher causes like honor, a career, a family, a household, morality, etc.

Liberty and socialism will both fail because of blacks, and would both thrive without them.


>They are to make
They are unable to make

8ch /leftypol/

Communism is inherently destructive and inefficient.

An immutable truth is an absolute.