I voted for Abe's party. Go Abe!
Japanese General Election Today
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>I voted for Abe's party
No you didn't, white larper
how can you tell the candidates apart?
Nice try Engrish Teacher.
Whittu piggu go home.
Japan is for Japs. Leave them to their little islands.
Tokyo Governor, Koike made a new party.
It's falling, bye.
Is there a jew party that wants to open Japan's borders or are all candidates generally anti immigration
>not voting the best politician
>faggot on in my mobage group doesn't want to go vote because of the 雨 and his 選挙投票場 is a 10 minute walk
How do I convince this guy to vote and who should he vote for?
The leader of Japan Communist Party sleeping well in the national congress
>How do I convince this guy to vote and who should he vote for?
Promise him shit. Say he'll have whatever it is he likes after the vote.
He should vote for Abe.
Nippon is unironically BASED in truth.
They hail to their original and natural Gods and they reject juden.
The jews fearing the samurai isn't just a meme.
Wodenists and nippon could take control of our locale universe. (aka we could whoop space kike ass)
Abe is an American dog
which one will make anime real?
There's a huge hurricane about to go through japan
The leader of Social Democratic Party.
The party has only 2 of 465 seats. They may lose 1 seat in this election.
Yeah, typhoon will hit Japan tonight
Canada is America itself.
no need vote right for canada.its waste.
Call him a complete faggot on behalf of me
The cuckservatives need every vote they can get against literal communists
How bad?
As much as I hate the faggot, thank god that he is so ugly; it keeps the women from voting commie
If he really was a dog then you chinks would love him instead of hating him lol
What's that mean
I voted for kibo and komeito for my PR.
Sucks that komeito doesn't run canidates here and only pr lost.
uma delicia :DDD
>all these Japanese flags
I can guarantee you not a single one of them is actually Japanese.
You mean the text on his head? Certain victory.
How is that relevant opposed to CDPJ gaining all that momentum that hope did nothing with? I mean even Ishihara is praising Edano. I mean shit he's been putting work.
Funny, I can also guarantee that not a single one with your flag is actually white
Holy shit, this was so stupid that I actually thought you had to be joking.
Yeah it does.
>voting for No Good Tora
isn't the Kibo no To opposition more pro-war and isolationist than Abe's party?
Abe is OK, but he is not a samurai.
They are pro article 9 revision and also against another consumption tax increase. But not too far of some people in the ldp.
>Kibō no Tō's 6 ground pillars
> (1) aspiration to become a tolerant conservative party that can remedy the societal divisions pervasive across the world
>(6) realization of a society where diversity is respected.
Absolutely pig disgusting.
Some areas may report an election result 1 day late
thanks. article 9 is going to be finished either way.
once abe gets in, the NK war will start
How many parties are there and what ideology they have?
Oh and how is going that deflation?
It is going to end some day or you will keep flooding the economy with printed papers?
Norks aren't strong enough to put up a war. WWIII is against the chicoms.
In reality there are three blocks.
Hope-Osaka Ishin
And the top two have very similar goals.
> very similar goals
Which are thosse goals basically?
Miss me yet, gaijins?
how did they remove the fur?
Revision on article 9 and much of the policy they want is the same. Considering kibo is made of former JIP and LDP members mostly they are also angry about Abe overstepping the Constitution to push policy.
>No recovery before reform
>Using a crisis made by the BOJ to shift Japan to shareholder capitalism
Fuck off m8
Thanks niponbro have a goid day
Literally the bush of Japan. Fuck this faggot and his child tax.
Christ. I cant argue with those numbers.
Have a "groid" day to you too!
You could have went far-right. Still, better than Communism
Don't worry. His son, Shinjiro Koizumi will become a prime minister around 2030.
The son is better than the father.
Is it true that Franz Waldenberger is the man behind Abenomics?
the real yagami light
Take a read of I believe to be chapter 6 of New Paradigm in Macroeconomics: Solving the Riddle of Japanese Macroeconomic Performance and you will find all you need to learn about koizumi.
It's funny most of the people I talk to think of Taro Aso that way. Granted koizumi wasn't moe after like Aso was.
Both the Kibo and LDP block have people far right in them. I dont much the problem.
He is just copy of koizumi.
Damn. He looks like the chairman of an evil mech warrior corporation
Why do you guys call him abay instead of aeb?
Like abe lincoln is aeb not abay loincloth
stop making us burgers look bad
Even his name sounds like an anime character mastermind
あ Makes a ah sound.
べ Makes a beh sound.
Is not rocket science.
His name is 安倍 晋三, baka gaijin.
Yeah, like calling yourself a burger isn't bad enough...
No, but it is Japanese, which i do not speak. Thank you for the explanation.
Yo soy hamburgesa e tu?
Why is everyone so pissy and uptight from a question?
You guys need to get laid
Japanese pronunciation is really fucking set in stone, thankfully. No fucking around with a dozen different tones of each syllable like Chinese.
If you're still there, tell us who's your buddy's candidate.
Because you're a retard with a stupid question and I wish you were dead.
You voted Hillary didn't you...
Yeah, typical snowflake behavior
she's a failed politican at this point.
horrible job as mayor of tokyo
abe will win just to keep national continuity through 2018 Nork War, and 2020 olympics
lol is he ugly by Japanese standards? Just looks like another Jap to me.
How do you guys use a keyboard, if your language mixes vogals and consonant into a unique symbol representing it, instead of having then all separated? Ain't that counter productive?
Abe at 2020 Olympics confirmed
immigration standards have beenb lowered alot in ther past few years under abe
you can get a PR here now with only 3 years of living here
and work visa's can be good for up to 5 years..so do the math..
basically, any punk on a lark can come here to teach english..get a 5 years visa by default..autopilot though the first 3 years..not get fired by not raping a student..then apply for PR..and be here for life
it fucking sucks
that said..immigration will probably increase mostly with flips and chinks..doing day jobs as nurses and elderly care..and night jobs asd hostesses and whores..same thingf as in singapore and hong kong
which candidates are in favor of importing young white men to impregnate fertile Japanese cuties?
Weeaboos, user. They defend japan like if it were their countries, and get mad when you use your time researching knowledge from your own country instead of foreigners ones.
can confirm..been raining here in southern japan for a week solid..and today we finally get high gusts of wind and constant downpour
It would be wasteful to learn how to use 2 different kinds of keyboards, and an IME works just fine.
globalists like hillary clinton
literally the scientologists of asia
You get a word bank.
She could have got somewhere with kibo if she ran for a diet seat and didn't exclude people from joining. But you know Edano got that momentum instead.
Boiling and then the skin peels right off
Shinzo is fucked...... He is about a corrupt as the Clinton's when it comes to bribery and illegal reforms
安倍 = Abe
We can see the first Abe in the 10th century of Japan history
Just type the english pronunciation
Or, use a japanese keyboard
Its not difficult
He is on track for possibly 305/465.
Wouldn't say that. Granted I would like to see ishiba be PM but that's not going to happen.
Sorry but here is a better picture.
>not fried
Umm, no thanks.
>tfw hokkaido
>tfw no typhoons
feels good man
>not electing glorious fingol-jap samurai gaijin as your emperor
what a shame
Would just like to take the time to appreciate this icy cool burn that seems to have gone unnoticed.
The thing I love about Chinese is their pragmatism. Need a cheap protein source? Eat the stray dogs plaguing your streets. Your liver is messed up and you need a new one? Kill a useless criminal and take his one.