Rundown tl;dr: >A tumblr tier gaming forum which spewed sjw filth down the soul of the western videogame industry is going down overnight due to the owner getting Weinstein'd.
Longer: >What is neogaf? A heavily moderated gaming forum which became a hivemind of leftist scum. It also gained influence in the video game industry. >One of the biggest site drivers to during 2016 elections. >The owner of the site is Tyler Malka aka Evilore. He is known to have done revenge porn in the past with evidence of harassment which surfaced around 2012-2013, somehow it was ignored and business went on as usual. >Today a women accuses him of sexual harassment.
How many NeoGAF users do you think created the Mass Effect: Andromeda mess?
Luis Gray
Gabriel Adams
Brandon Watson
>reddit hates neogaf wew
Brody Reed
Good waifu user
Juan Gutierrez
red pill time
Sebastian Collins
Threadly reminder that mods on the IRC mysteriously vanish whenever anything remotely close to their job is mentioned, leaving any answer to their shit sucking ass kisser.
Kayden Williams
Just stopped by Sup Forums to check it out
everyone hates Sup Forums over there
Eli Jackson
nice digits
Evan Martin
>neogaf rapefugees
Oliver Taylor
Post you're waifu's
Austin Flores
This might indirectly kill Sup Forums if Gaf mods are as influential as the past day has made me realize. They will mobilize and they will attack again. They already have a foothold on Sup Forums.
Jordan Smith
Man I hope this leads to Gawker also having it's top brass taken down, hence the whole series of websites, but I kinda would hate that too, since some of their non-SJW older writers and posts were good, plus I still read Foxtrotalpha
James Martin
Noah Morales
So why is this on Sup Forums?
Jose Martin
Like i said
Landon Scott
gee how did he die?
Cameron Cook
I've been playing TF2 for a few hours now. Any new updates on this spectacular trainwreck?
Justin Wright
Jesus Christ. Just how much JUST can that site get in one day.
Connor Price
nah lefty mods just like in NeoGAF
Ian Walker
That's a guy isn't it?
Brody Cruz
because Sup Forums is run by neogaf, it's stated on the sticky
Thomas Phillips
Nice lie, asshole, Sup Forums hates SJW's
Brody Garcia
>if Gaf mods are as influential as the past day has made me realize.
Take your meds user you're starting to hallucinate
Wyatt Ortiz
Rare redpill.
Cooper Collins
Sup Forums mods have deemed this not!vidya
Ian Stewart
Ryder James
>everyone It's just the very vocal GAF minority, mods included
William King
What was the server and room name again? Let me give them a piece of my mind.
Isaiah Brooks
Mods on Sup Forums are gay niggers
Carter Wright
prep angus /pol
Grayson Johnson
Gavin Jenkins
Let's make this a two car pile up.
Samuel Cook
No matter where they go they can't escape the plague of frogs.
Christopher Moore
Jackson Russell
Who wants to bet the guy making this post was some overweight manchild looking for self assurance
Caleb Roberts
today was a good day
Cameron Robinson
This is the sad part of an otherwise great day. Leftists RUN Sup Forums.
Jackson Ward
This IS Sup Forums-related, though? How come? Is Sup Forums this fucking shit? Not that I've ever been there lol.
Leo Cruz
Elijah Hill
Are you fuckers really that fucking dence? Like fucking really? You motherfuckers have been the ones who have been a plauge on this site since this boards inception, because of your fucking backwards minds have been in a mindset in which goes like "Oh, someone isn't ttalking about politics on a video game board? Even though every time we make a thread about a conspiracy on a game developer, it MUST be political, cause I need to have everything, from only white women and video games cause no one is allowed to have a political opinion hat isn't t about how sjws are ruining gaming, by putting a black guy in a video game, thus it must be about sjws!" Like seriously, there is a reason no one likes fucking Sup Forums, and it's cause you fucks have to push your fucking egos where ever you go. Do Sup Forums a favor And fuck off and stay here
Henry Morris
What would it take for Sup Forums to finally die from a third party like Neogaf?
Adam Cox
how look (((they))) killed 3000 people for shekels
Anthony Jones
Reminder that Americans are the reason why video games are shit these days. Thank you for ruining my hobby, bunch of hypocritical puritans.
Landon Thompson
mods on Sup Forums are corrupt pieces of shit, when Hiroshima is going to nuke them?
Nathan Lopez
If we welcome in neogaffers, we can redpill them and change the whole political tilt of the gaming industry
Jose Brooks
Nice pasta.
Isaiah Morales
Joseph Torres
Sup Forums is, infact, this fucking shit
Brayden Cox
Why the fuck is it always the SJW-types? I never see the people they hate on molesting women.
Aaron Reyes and #Sup Forums first time doing anything with IRC so I hope this is right.
Gabriel Walker
Because the kike mods on Sup Forums wont let us talk about it there.
Kevin Diaz
Camden Gray
Take off your flag next time.
James Gutierrez
we hate both assholes we want to play games and talk about consoles and maybe discuss waifus and have fun in lol threads we dont care about this pol and neogaf shitstorm
Landon Wilson
Just post the holocaust redpills. Feed the Sup Forumsfugees too.
Alexander Walker
A website which collected articles about videogames going under is not related to videogames. Again, the Neogaf topics are about the WEBSITE and how it's falling, including the cause (Owner being a pedo or something).
Thats in no way related to videogames and will not contribute to videogame discussion in any way.
Nicholas Gomez
Angel Morris
what is brazil's contribution to vidya?
Joseph Cox
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
Noah Brooks
Hudson Harris
Cameron Jackson
mods no likely so archived and started shilling dup threads. gr8job lucv this place
Cooper Cox
Grayson Adams
Feel free to raid
discord /ZXWgFNv ^Their politics central, have a look :^)
Liam Walker
because they are fuckinh hypocrites, and eve they are proud of it insane people
Thomas Bailey
still this assblasted? you'll end up prolapsed, user
Brody Ross
I remember reading that article in Gamasutra. I was immediately laughing my ass off at how racist Manveer was in the article while the writers were praising him for his vision on 'diversity'
Stupid fuckers.
Cooper Davis
youre waifu is a slut
Kayden Butler
>something that isn't a waifufag thread and closely related to gamimg culture >gets purged into Sup Forums
Hunter Morales
Can't wait for the Encyclopedia Dramatica updates on their Neogaf page in the next few days
Isaac Johnson
Henry Thomas
We are just being good citizens like you user
Evan Peterson
they ruined Tibia online
that's about it
Caleb Ward
>even redditors I don't know what neogaf was about, but if even redditors are relishing in schadenfreude over this it's gotta be awful.
Daniel Anderson
We buy a bunch of games since Master System and even normies play vidya now. Also, Blanka and Laura.
Robert Lopez
James Davis
how is gawker even still around? didn't they get hit by hulkmania?
Gavin Williams
Fucking hell, when even plebbit hates something you know it's really really bad.
Samuel Wood
Because we're just some sad lonely faggots wbho want to play video games, we don't care about women enough to assault one, obviously
Charles Wright
Is it time? Or do we let the mods shit the bed even more?
Josiah Carter
I hate Sup Forums too, I can't believe I have to come here to discuss video game shit.
It makes zero sense and if this was happening on Sup Forums 10 years ago we could talk about it on the fucking video games board. Now I have to go to the place where memes go to die.
Dominic James
Sup Forums culture faggot and point towards one thread on Sup Forums and ill give you a reason it's allowed on Sup Forums
William Reyes
Adam Ortiz
Blake Wright
>ZXWgFNv How do i get there?
Bentley Flores
>NeoGAF is destroying itself >Sup Forums is being forced to actually talk about video games What went right?
Aiden Cruz
>neogaf finally implodes >everyone jumps ship and shit talks it Hilarious, and so expected of these rats. None of them have a concrete foundation upon which they stand.
Jordan Watson
why is neogaf down just because the owner was accused of something?
they still need to prove it right? why dont the moderators and admins keep it running?
Bentley Fisher
>Ignoring all the off topic waifu shit the mods allow Sup Forums was never on topic
Yea. Start going to Sup Forums threads and testing out the waters. You'll probably get a bite with >Go Bak to pole meanie Than you can know.
Lucas Wright
>Shit guess I'll have to post my enlightened opinions about video games elsewhere >now which of these websites shall I bless with my intelligent, witty, universally loved views >Reddit? >"Fuck off" >w-well maybe gamefaqs >"Eat shit" >t-twitter? >"Na na na na! Hey hey hey~ Gooooodbye!" >GAME DEVS HELP ME! >"Nobody likes you. Nobody ever liked you" >REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
The absolute state of Gaffugees right now. My sides are in orbit.
Andrew Walker
Reminder gaming is saved.
Hunter Ross
Someone tell me, was Neogaf always SJW shit or was it just a normal vidya forum and somehow SJW's got in control?
Hunter Baker
faqs is run by gamespot/cbs. not a chance. sorry.
pls do not bully lucy.
Isaac Phillips
All the mods jumped ship. They were probably scared of being exposed as pedos.
Daniel Wilson
waifu threads have been allowed since the creation of Sup Forums