Bar Rafaeli and Adi Ezra announce second child born.
How many kids does Leonardo DiCaprio have now?
Bar Rafaeli and Adi Ezra announce second child born.
How many kids does Leonardo DiCaprio have now?
Di Caprio is asexual, as most child actors.
None of them are white.
Leonardo DiCaprio net worth: $235 million
Bar Rafaeli net worth: $20 million
Leo doesn't need children. He can donate money to Eugenics businesses.
they both sound Jewish as fuck
HAHAHA, Burger comes to thread and makes bs argument.
I should have expected that.
No white kids = you are completely and utterly irrelevant.
No one cares about your arbitrary definition of "white". She has a very western/northern european look, hence everyone in the real world will consider her white, just as you would consider her white if you didn't know she's from israel.
Shes not European.
Why did her parents name her "Son of Rafael"?
You know kids are not for everyone, right Hans?
>He can donate money to Eugenics businesses.
I thought Leo was a cuck. Even if he did, it would be pro diversity eugenics or some shit
Yes, and if you have no white kids you are irrelevant.
Op, you are baiting, right? Since when does anyone care if some model gets pregnant? Jews aren't white, and they will tell you that. If Oprah got pregnant, would you celebrate Whites procreating? Oprah is just as much non-White as is Bar Rafaeli.
He's irrelevant even though he is powerful and influential with his money?
You people are fucking hilarious, I need to really stop coming to this retarded site
>shitskin kike is supposed to be white now
Yes, to our species he is completely irrelevant. His DNA is not impacting the future of our species.
You are talking about extremely short term "relevance". This "relevance" you are talking about is similar to whether some plant is currently rained on in India. It is a moment in time for one individual of a certain plant species. However, if that plant ends up multiplying and having a certain gene variation which makes it better at something, it will have relevance.
0% of kikes are white, and no kike coild realistically say to a whites face "my fellow whites".
every single person in Europe would consider her white if she saw her walking down the road. Stop being autistic
Imagine actually believing this fucking kek
That’s a very pale and very degerate sandnigger
People who are able to cleanse Europe wouldn’t and that what matters
No they wouldnt, go ahead and say my fellow whites irl filthy semite.
I enjoyed seeing her curling iron up her fartbox. That was classy as fuck.
This is my fellow whites.
He can always donate his sperm to sperm banks to spread his DNA.
>People who are able to cleanse Europe
such as? A bunch of neets on a tibetan carpet waving forum? Don't make me laugh. Not even the most right wing politicians in Europe want to kick jews out
I for one would, and I'm as far from being a jew as you can imagine. She doesn't look different from the average white person here. Hell, she is probably not even a jew genetically speaking but just a second/third gen. convert that converted to flee the soviet union
You arent white.
Leo's a chad fuck you.
Ok Mr.56%, thank you for your precious opinion on whiteness
>He can always donate his sperm to sperm banks to spread his DNA
But he does not for fear of lawsuits from all kind of women.
White people have really reached the point where the birth of a white child is so unusually, it's a means for celebration.
Actually armed and trained nationalist groups capable of coups in their respective nations. Guess what they all have in common? “Pale subhumans ain’t White” mentality
>muh akkumplishments
you are part of the problem
As if more vapid Hollywood celebrity kids living off their parents wealth and fame is going to make the world a better place
She very clearly looks Europeam
But seriously, you fuckers spend so much time arguing about what is and isn't white, when white women are being impregnated left and right. Good fucking job.
He could do what Ronaldo does and get a surrogate then let his female relatives raise the kid
Maybe in your part of europe
>Actually armed and trained nationalist groups capable of coups in their respective nations.
None of those exist in Europe. The few who have an even remote chance at taking over a tiny amount of land purely due to shock tactic and reaction time, are already heavily infiltrated by their respective governments' intelligence agencies and would get fucked the minute after. This isn't the 800's dude, be realistic
>hiding behind a meme flag
Are you saying that she doesn't look more Norwegian than pic related? And he's a full blooded Norwegian. Looks can be deceitful, I doubt you can tell she's a jew just by looking at her
Seriously now, how can she be Jewish? She looks 100% white.
pic is not her of course.
Many jews in Europe were just natives who converted, especially in the Soviet Union where her ancestors are probably from
Because Jewish is not a race, it's a religion. Anyone can convert to Judaism.
I converted my goldfish, and sent it over to Israel with a RV to reclaim its homeland.
Except said groups number 1,5 million plus in Russia alone. Russia alone
You have spic tier comprehension of race. No ethnic nationalist in Europe wants pale untermenschen and Israeli citizens in their cunt. Although your pic related has a lot in common with Bar - nigger dna in their body lol
How can Richard Spencer, but here we are?
>North African 0,2%
>Mongolian 0,1%
>Sub-saharan 0,1%
Meanwhile, Sean Connery and Mads Mikkelsen are pure blooded Germanics
This chad is her brother. Would you, Sup Forums?
>Except said groups number 1,5 million plus in Russia alone. Russia alone
Yea, and I would be curious how many government agents are in that 1.5 million. Russian secret service fuck around even less than European ones
> Although your pic related has a lot in common with Bar - nigger dna in their body lol
Wrong. Both his parents are Norwegian. And I strongly doubt that Norway has had any significant amount of African admixture in the past.
Funny thing is that the woman in OP probably has close genetic ties to you, since a lot of white jews are actually Russian converts
Clearly not white, have nigger-tier genetics probably from being filthy semites.
Why did she become famous? She looks real plain
that was my first thought
That bitch is a jewess. Not white.
>you only consider her one of them because you know she is one of them
truly profound, India Jr.
Except the typical jew looks nothing like her.
I would class her a negro before a white.
Maybe 1% are converts. Most are sand nigs.
These are whites.
He looks like he was adopted from the Middle East. He looks nothing like us. His hair and beard is to dark, his eyes are darker than Norwegians with brown eyes and our skin is more pinkish, he looks like a corpse
I work with people who look just like him from afghanistan
semites are worse than niggers.
>you would have considered her white if you didn't know she meets some arbitrary criterion
you can't even into logic
I never said they do, in fact the average jew is extremely recognizable because they look middle eastern. All I said is that the average person in Europe who saw someone look like that passing down the road without knowing their name, they would assume she's European
check his bio on wikipedia. His biological parents are Norwegian. Phenotypical variation accours in all populations, but in whites in particular since we have a high degree of genetic diversity
This is some nordic stock.... you fucking Jew stop saying who’s white or not
If that is karsten nordal hauken he doesn't have a wiki page
>((((Barf Rafaeli)))
>He fell for the Jews are white meme
Correct, She’s basically a pardo - MENA, negro and European
>Because Jewish is not a race, it's a religion. Anyone can convert to Judaism
Then you have no idea what a Semite is
incorrect jews do, and so do we, so does the left and so does the right. You only flip to this narrative to stand against us
Too all whites, if you don't want to disappear please convert to judaism and breed a lot the jewess, in 3-4 generations, jews will be white.
ashkenazi are european converts you gook
look how they are the best dudes now, blonde pale jews, white people and germans.
i bet the whole nazi vs jews thing was just about the looks and how northern pale yellow blonde people (especially men) hate the looks of southern/eastern people.
the most radical nazis were those who did not have the blonde hair like hitler and really hated themselves first in order to hate those features in other ethnicities/races...
fug i wish they did porn together