>Sup Forums promotes being alpha yet most Sup Forumsyards don't even lift
Sup Forums promotes being alpha yet most Sup Forumsyards don't even lift
>Burger talking about fitness
>roids country #1
>we wuz conan and sheeit
thanks god for beeing european
Ironically those two fags in the photo are probably the most narcissistic, insecure, beta, r-selected people out of everyone on this board.
My record:
squat/benchpress/deadlift - 240/160/270
I lift, and so does almost every single Finnish poster
Bodyweight training, everyday.
That better be in kgs nigger
Mine in kgs:
>150kg squat
>125kg bench
>170kg diddylift
too much work
no money in it
waste of time and money
now stfu
Been going for a while now. Noticed small gains and weight loss. Feels good man
lifting isn't very healthy
Basically this. It's important to stay healthy and active but no need to kill yourself 2 hours a day at the gym 6 days a week to look shredded for no other reason than chicks to like you. Roastie chicks at that who aren't long term dating material. Unless you're a professional athlete there is no real reason to weight train
next you'll be telling us those guys are natty
Those guys aren't weightlifters, they do gymnastic rings. And they they ain't natty, that's for sure.
bodyweight training is just an addition or maintnance training, you need to hit the gym.
I lift but I don’t look like that.
My hair is blonde, my eyes are blue, my nipples are pinkish, and my skin is lighter.
Pic unrelated
my homeboards are Sup Forums and /fit/
lift and be redpilled brah
Didnt have any heat conducting paste anymore after i baked my graphics card in the oven, so i just used handcream. Where on that scale would i be?