Why are so many people in the sciences today atheists?

Why are so many people in the sciences today atheists?

because they're trained at jewish universities that disconnect the soul from the intellect?

scratch that, to be more precise they just destroy the soul

because a lot of scientific discoveries dont match up with what the scriptures of the bible say. like the age of the earth and evolution of life on earth.

Because they have better things to worry about

Because the scientific community got jewed

>because a lot of scientific discoveries dont match up with what the scriptures of the bible say. like the age of the earth and evolution of life on earth.
Evolution is scientifically debunked.
Big bang is a non-functional theory missing 96 % of the matter in our universe to make it work.

I'm pro science and I agree.

Can you expound upon this? I'm curious...

>Evolution is scientifically debunked.
what do you mean

Because people don't teach the difference between science and the philosophy of science, and the philosophy of science as it is generally taught nowadays is basically a mechanistic worldview (like Newton believed) rather than one that has purpose or final causes, like traditional religious people believe in.

do you listen to a song for it to end? no the value is throughout. and then it ends.

Because religion is nonsense of course.

but I agree, religion helped people cope with death and its obviously something people would like to have a good understanding of.
But after religion there is almost no teaching of how to think or what the ego is and how to handle death - all things religion would usually handle.

What is your point? And if you were truly materialistic in your description, you couldn't claim there is such a thing as a song, much less that the act of you listening to it has a definite beginning and a definite end.

I did not mention anything about religion being useful or about it having to do with fear of death or anything like that. That is not why I defend it.

material is what our brain receives as sensory information, along with time.
To think this is you is like being in a movie theater and feeling as if you are in the movie.
cant claim there is such thing as a song? I guess there is not from one perspective, but there is from another perspective.

Falsifiability principle kinda rules God out.

a 'final cause'
why should it matter if there is one or not?

I'm in a bio phd program.

Everyone is leftist because
1. People work so hard that they can't follow the news that well
2. People are completely isolated from the real world in academia. The occasional black or Hispanic here is stupid and slow, but nice and polite.

because modern science is more the realm of IQ ~120 brainlets who cut some of their INT stat to raise CHA for university, which is the atheist bump up the IQ spectrum.

Soul doesnt exist retard


Because God is getting sick of being associated with the word 'God'. Almost everybody who associates him with that word are the most distant to him. Scriptures are purposely misinterpreted in all major religions, only esoteric practices are 'right' however they too have become plagued by fools.

God wants man to focus on 'the atom' above all things, because the atom is mystical and relevant to the concept of creation. It is a beautiful expression of God.

Yes it does

Inbetween you and everything that is not you, there is an outline or vacant space, almost like a glove. That is your soul and you are inside it and it is inside you, entangled within your organs and the everything else that encompasses your mass.

whoops. i just blew my soul out my arse.

>Evolution is scientifically debunked
Your ability to reason is tragically impaired.

A+ post user

Scientists today are still doing science in search of God, just like the first scientists back in the enlightenment era, only we don't call it 'God' anymore

the origins of the universe (creation) and the laws of the universe (omnipotent hand of God), these things are by definition 'God'

because they don't get taught that the belief that the universe was designed and had order was originally a Greek concept that got spread into Europe via Christianity

University is a 4 year assault on god, most people only say they believe or disbelieve on a materialist level but in their soul there still that spark of divinity which is what bugs us when we're doing something shady or someplace unholy.

Whats really problematic is that so many of these scientist don't believe in magic.

>Evolution is scientifically debunked.


>evolution is scientifically debunked
I think you mean Darwinism, and it's not debunked but disputed.

Obvious bait, not worth a (U)

Hello NeoGAF, what are you doing here?

>Evolution is scientifically debunked.
t. creationist

You have to remember there is no such thing as an athiest really. God is present and speaks in all of us, those who claim to be athiests are simply actively trying to deny the truth that's self-evident to everyone else.

The sciences are build on a combination of Jewish indoctrination as well as the misguided idea that our senses are less valuable in or analysis of the world then a misguided constructed system of mathematics. It makes sense that they would be more willing to deny what is right in front of their own eyes.

>Scientists today are still doing science in search of God, just like the first scientists back in the enlightenment era, only we don't call it 'God' anymore
Logical substitution reveals how meaningless this post was:
Alcoholics today are still drinking in search of God, just like the first alcoholic back in the drunken era, only we don't call it 'God' anymore.

Same reason why most people today are atheists, and why degeneracy and statism has never been more prevalent. Read Nietsche, he'll make you understand.

>God is present and speaks in all of us, those who claim to be athiests are simply actively trying to deny the truth that's self-evident to everyone else.

>those who claim to be athiests are simply actively trying to deny the truth that's self-evident to everyone else.
The delusions are strongk with this one, Luke

You have no argument, and it's kinda sad too because you know I'm right but are too engulfed by pride and sin to accept the truth. I wish one day you can see passed the Jewish lies and wake up.

>I'm a scientist, I need proofs, it's not like I'm dumb or anything, call me doctor, I'm a scientist
>secretly hogging on altar bread and holy water and watching pastor Anderson on his phone

>t. creationist
Big bang religion followers are creationists.
All those makeshift theories about the universe somehow constructing itself are mainly about denying Adam's sin and the resulting consequences for humanity.
It's always about accountability.

Atheists have an over-the-top superiority complex, there's no argueing with them. They are more fanatic than fundementalist christians.

>You have no argument,
You can't prove your gods exist, so there is nothing for me to disprove.

>and it's kinda sad too because you know I'm right
It's profoundly tragic you aren't bright enough to figure out you're wrong.

>too engulfed by pride
Your imaginary friend is the {{{ creator of the universe }}}. That's quite a boast.

>I wish one day you can see passed the Jewish lies and wake up.
The 64-dimension irony here is that I believe in none of the Jewish lies, yet you worship all the Jewish gods

>Big bang religion followers are creationists.
The absolute worst insult any theist can hurl at a science is to call it a "religion". What does that tell you?

Big bang is not science. It's an ideology without proof to deny God. Hawking even admits it.

>Big bang is not science.
Rational sensible people accept the science of cosmological expansion (or inflationary theory) based on the optical, radiological and gravitational data.

>It's an ideology without proof to deny God.
Another shrill claim without any evidence? You people sure know how to make things up.

>Hawking even admits it.
Not Stephen Hawking, if that's who you're feebly referring to.

I'm not a scientist but...

I'd say for more philosophical reasons that a lot of other people become atheists. I'm an atheist but I'm not certain in my atheism and it happened slowly as I started learning different things about the world and wasn't able to reconcile them with my understanding of my religion. I'd change my understanding of religion to match what I thought I knew and I'd learn more and so on. Eventually, what I understood my religion to be didn't really seem like religion anymore so I stopped considering myself a theist. People who I know in philosophy, the sciences, and other random people I know have similar experiences.

I'd say so-called "scientism" is the problem. Back in the days of guys like Planck, a scientist was also a philosopher. Planck and more recently Einstein wrote philosophical pieces, pondering and debating the philosophical merits and consequences of their findings. This is why all scientists, even the non-religious ones, were metaphysics. Einstein was quite clearly a deist, for example.

Due to post-modernism, all metaphysics has been cursed and the average scientist sees no more value in philosophy of science (this is not to disparage the cream of the crop, who often do appreciate philosophy of science to a great extent). This is why for example Hawkins could say something as bafflingly stupid as "philosophy is dead, science has surpassed philosophy", or why someone like Atkins can say that St. Augustine had "wasted his mind" and would be better off doing natural science, or why someone like Dawkins thinks he can discuss religion without even knowing what epistemology means (he admitted this in some debate he joined with Kraus, can't exactly find which one). That's the "scientism" so many people talk about: science is no longer seen as a tool, but an end onto itself. And while gleefully doing science, the materialists forget all about the metaphysical foundations of science. To put it in Einstein's words: the most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it's comprehensible.

>like the age of the earth and evolution of life on earth
Except both (and especially the former) predate the surge of skepticism by centuries, and St. Augustine's denial of a six day creation outdates it by over a millennium.

Because now they won't he excommunicated or burned at the state for it.

Provide evidence for the soul.
Good luck charlatan.

Because bronze age Semitic bullshit is absolute pap.

The Natural Religion hasn't been discovered yet, because science isn't "finished"

The Natural Religion will follow naturally from a Unified Theory, insofar as it will be a philosophical framework to accompany the Natural Truth.

>uhh... a Jew in space made light before a light source


>Evolution is scientifically debunked.
No it hasn't.
>Big bang is a non-functional theory missing 96 % of the matter in our universe to make it work.
We know that matter is there from its effects, but we don't have the equipment to detect itself. You're a dishonest piece of shit. Fuck off.

Loo faggot, you've never worked as a scientist. None of the things you've mentioned even happen. You're basing your opinion on some outspoken publicers of science. Not actual scientists doing the work behind the scenes.

This graph is for you

well it's evident that bongs have no soul

>There is no decline of philosophy of science among scientists
>Scientists in the 30s didn't engage in philosophy
Alright mate, I'll just take your webcomic image macro for truth then.