Say something nice about my country
At least it cant fuck over the rest of the world anymore
It wasn't always bad
Kebab is pretty tasty.
It is a country
The police wear female shoes and nail polish.
dont be so sure about that user...london is the spider in the web of global finance and we are in a sink or swim situation post brexit
Ended slavery
So pretty
Layer Cake is really the only thing I can think of.
Everything else is complete dogshit. Your politics, faggotry, Ecelebs and Oliver, your history sucks, your accent sucks, London sucks, teeth suck, women suck, your menus suck . . . it's all just shit.
It's not left the EU yet.
I will drape myself in the Union Jack and beat the shit out of any republicans I see while screaming God Save the King when Lizzie chokes.
Only country i prefer to steal. Would recomend
Multicultural! :-)
Your Linguistic skills are top notch. I enjoy listening to people from your general area talk
Kys eurofag, sage.
Fucking a roastie in a bus shelter on a rainy october saturday night in a faded seaside town.
>you had a good run..r.i.p.
Johnny foreigner doesn't have Tunnock's Tea Cakes.
islamization looks good on you
I was born in england, so glad my parents decided to gtfo when i was a kid. Come to colonies mate, England's a sinking ship.
We get 10 wimen to each man.
Forgot he was a jewsie!
We also ride around on Raleigh Choppers.
I've been taught that when you have nothing good to say, say nothing.
Really interesting and relevant history.
Summertime in the countryside and being able to buy cider by the gallon from random farmers in Somerset.
Also being able to see the treasures Britain has pillaged from every nation on earth in the many beautiful museums in London. All for a very reasonable price.
This. Have a good sleep old pops. We will miss you kind of, apart from your disgusting anti-european imperialism and the fact that you were the first real nation fully subverted by Them, apart from Vienna / Phoenicia which weren´t really real nations.
The british museum is the best place on earth and if the empire still existed I could visit the pyramids unhindered.
It used to have balls.