More proof Croatia is the most based country in Europe?

Would something like this be possible in your country?

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Whites need to stop referring to themselves as "boys", it's a pejorative and made popular by nigger culture.


One more for good measure


White boys because their team wears white kits.

If Croatia is so great why do you live in Austria?

What the fuck...why are they using the confederate flag?
Pic related is what should have been.

Because they are from the south

They don't understand what that means.

>no habla ingles, senor


What don't they understand?

Their team has a white jersey, so they're called "whites". It is the number one club of the south part of the country, and they have a rivalry with north (Dinamo Zagreb), who wear blue jerseys. So they're southerners who wear white jerseys.

You have to go back to your amazing country now

That's not what that flag means you niggers.
The South WILL rise again.


We use that as autism flag

Banner thread? Banner thread!

They used it on reddit and nobody bat and eye but you can't call a woman a female without being branded a sexist.
We white K I N G


they prob dont even know who used the confederate flag , let alone this


I love Monika!

Wtf I love Croatia now.

It's a football culture thing retard, half the clubs have a section that refers to itself as '..... Boys'.


This white supremacy culture is a huge pile of bullshit, there will always be a person of different color/origin who has accomplished more than you, also there is no best race, each race has their own characteristics. Much like cartypes these days.

Even though different human races exist, we should treat all humans the same. Can somebody explain to me why these white bois think they are better than anyone else?

she sucks dick, yuri is the best one and if you think otherwise kys

Deus vult/10

I'll fucking end your god damn life you edgefag tryhard.

only good goys use that flag

It's not supremacy, its nationalism. Europeans are sick of living with non-Europeans. It's just as reasonable as asking a random stranger to get out of your house.

>english language
>confederate flag
omg they're idiots trying to look good for Americans. Don't they have their own culture, ffs.

fuck you im only halfway of the VN, she isnt that edgy faggot, she is cute and shy

Ok but if Croatia is so based why are you living in Austria? Checkmate Marko.

>only halfway of the VN
>He thinks his opinion matters
Yuri is objectively worst fucking girl. She fucking cuts herself and tries way too hard to be edgy and DEEP.

idk i think the childhood friend is the worst , i hate that archtype

i can understand that. i thought they were on some kkk nigger hate type shit. Nonetheless I think waving a big fat banner and shouting nationalist song in a football stadium will have no noticable effect on the current situation, so my question is, what are these guys on about?


We're begging the Hasburgs to be Emperors again.

do you really think that retard actually knows what he is talking about?

It's a nigger appropriation of Teutonic AND Gallic lad culture going back hundreds, possibly thousands of years. Referring to your 'boys' has always been a sign of respectful masculinity, whether applied to the sports team or infantry platoon. Your lack of understanding of your own colonial cultural history shows how cucked you've been just as revenge for siring the most important white man in the world's short history. When bayonette wielding 'boys' were fighting for the borders and wealth of nations, niggers were still performing subincisions and enslaving eachother. Which they're still doing.

thought i was talking to one of the austrians, not canada. Still applies, and if you have any white in you it's fucking sad.

This is probably from the 2000's...

something like this wouldnt happen again unfortunately :(