Did you know that the internet, tv, and telephone service are literally just a system of underwater cables between continents? How do we protect them against terrorists, hostile countries, natural disasters, and sharks?
We Need to Protect Internet Cables
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The only people who would fuck with those are Jews.
We must eradicate the Jew.
We should get down and cut them, maybe then you lazy faggots would leave the house and find white women to date and fix the low white birth rate instead of sitting on your asses jacking off to hentai
those pesky sharks trying to steal our interwebs!
destroying the internet is the ultimate black pill
>tard on the internet leans about IPX owners and infrastructure
>"Guise a tard like me learned something, guise we gotta go to the bottom of the fucking ocean and protect every inch cause uh, yeah."
Bitch please this isn't even a legit concern. Keep your tard hands away from it though, then it might actually break.
Jews own them....why would they fuck with them?
Protect them from who?
And how do you propose we should? Just lay mines?
There's a section on the install gentoo wiki (Sup Forums sticky) about how the NSA has done this already