Should only chads be allowed to reproduce? It's how nature intended Sup Forums

Should only chads be allowed to reproduce? It's how nature intended Sup Forums

>217565 [Reply]▶
>Should only chads be allowed to reproduce? It's how nature intended Sup Forums
Then this board would soon run out of users


Anonymous (ID: EtbCGCxF) GN 10/22/17(Sun)04:23:11 No.146217763▶
>217565 [Reply]▶
>Should only chads be allowed to reproduce? It's how nature intended Sup Forums
Then this board would soon run out of users


I know this is bait but I'm going to reply anyway, human's have evolved beyond Darwinism, it is not survival of the fittest, but survival of the most valuable. As long as you have enough money for middle class children you should be able to reproduce. It's just pov people that cause all of our problems, and have 4 times the children wealthy people do.

you need smarts too my friend

only let high iq chads breed

>only let high iq chads breed
obviously within their own race

>Should only chads be allowed to reproduce? It's how nature intended Sup Forums
It's a tough pill to swallow if you're ugly, but basically yes.

No, only virgins should be al...
Oh wait...

Succubi use chads as sex slaves and status symbols.

The real question is, should women above 25 be allowed to reproduce

This post has the intellectual capacity of a thot

>OP is likely a stupid whore

No, if that occured society would collapse, oh wait...

>that's already happening

And the chads are essentially reprobate degenerates

>who would've thought that those men who pander to women would themselves be degenerates

The middle class is a degenerate cult. Over socialized fake plastic people, mostly psychopaths, engaged in a meaningless circle jerk of social climbing and virtue signalling.

We didnt evolve beyond Darwinism, fittness doesnt just describe your bodily strength.

The selection pressures changed from being to strongest/fastest/... to being able to provide wealth.

So now we are selecting for any kind of gene that makes it possible to accumulate wealth, be it through intelligence, good looks, verbal manipulation etc.

Funny thing is that in the west the situation for chad ain't much better than that of the Sup Forums users. Nobody is breading in the west. A good nepotism job chad today probably makes 2 kids with his 10/10 wife. Meanwhile apes bread 7 children in no time.

That's upper middle class now, working class is the new middle

who is that yummy cummy?

>not having dozens babies from one night stands with random women

No. Good looks subdues intelligence by making more social than academic.

No, you don't understand the biology. Natural selection doesn't mean the survival of the most beautiful, tallest, strongest, loudest or even the most intelligent. It means the surivial of those that have adapted the best to the current enviroment. As conditions might always change there is no such human genotype that is universally the best and there is no biological imperative to bread just one particular type of human. If tommorow we will witness the epidemy of a new virus that will kill everyone but the ginger migets, those people will survive and reproduce because of their best adaptation to the new conditions. Contrary to what natsoc Sup Forums would like to believe there is no race or group of traits that are ultimately superior, therefore we should let each man to live and pursue his goals and let the biology to do its part without bothering ourselves with things we cannot predict.

Being Chad is just one mating strategy:

>be hyper masculine and handsome
>get harems of women
>lots of children but provide no fathering
>pump and dump


>be average masculinity
>get one woman
>become provider for this woman and children
>all resources go into raising stable family


>be small and feminine male
>cannot compete conventionally
>integrate into female social
>sneak attack sex and pregnancy when the other males are distracted


>be downright ugly and brutish
>cannot compete conventionally
>your only option for children is rape

Most of todays virgins are the provider males that are denied a chance in the current state of affairs. In nature chads would be spread too thin or could simply be murdered in their sleep. We still have reptilian brains after all.