Slovenian Presidential Elections thread.
Have you done your duty user? Have you voted? Who have you voted for?
Is Šiško our guy, or are you voting for Pahor?
Slovenian Presidential Elections thread.
Have you done your duty user? Have you voted? Who have you voted for?
Is Šiško our guy, or are you voting for Pahor?
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Pahor mojster rasa
>vsi Jugoviči za Pahorja na mojem volišču
Noben za Romano Tomc al kaj?
Pa ja Šiško je naš
Doesn't matter who wins, your futbol team will never win the World Cup and you have no nukes
show flag
You caught me, I'm a German
Anyone but Pahor. Do we really need a president just for shaking hands and smiling for the camera?
someone give me a quick rundown on who's /ourguy/ whos not and why
I've been completely out of our politics and didnt even know today was the election day
Doesn't matter who wins, your futbol team will never win the World Cup and you have no nukes
This guy.
quick rundown:
>famous slovenian folk singer
>described as the styrian nightingale
>hated by libtards for his patriotic songs
>decides to run for president for shits and giggles
>polls suddenly have him at 48%
>will probably make it into the second round
>his only contender is a establishment commie cuck
>fiercly anti-immigrant
>pro-crhistian values
>anti-gay marriage
kek is that a shemale?
A ni on rekel da bo poslal vojsko v Piran?
>slovenian "nationalists"
You spent your entire history cucking to other nations, you're irrelevant.
the “actress”? No idea, but she/he looks like average Serbian/Dalmatian woman, which is (not?) really a compliment
Actually Slovenia has a long history and was one of the first states and the first Slavic state at that
>you're irrelevant
if we're so irrelevant why do we still exist? Why are we after 1000 of relentless colonisation by the krauts/huns/even the french still here? You can't defeat us and you know it.
redpill me on the situation in Slovenia pls
Blo bi super, lah bi šu mal na morje
Burger retarded here;
Which one who is trump for Slovenia?
If SDS wins that means Orban wins too since he's their biggest contributor out of Slovenia. He also owns the biggest right news station here
Orban is a subhuman cigan that banned several WN, NS and ethnonationalist gathering in Hungary while stealing from the budget and selling of country to China
use proper Carantanian flag m8s
>implirajoč, da bi dejansko volil za lokalnega huligana (in to še mariborskega povrh)
Is that good or bad? What's the ideal situation you want to be in?
The slovenian election is a massive clownfest. We'd do better if we elect a trash bin instead.
Absolutely terrible. He’s not a Trump. Sorry, your country totally is fucked whoever wins.
Bi rekel, da so SDSovci preveč neumni, da bi hodili na to stran.
I'm firmly against Orban because there is nothing left of Slovenia to defend. Slovenia was sold out to the Bosnians first in 1918 and then again in 1945. Now we are nothing more than brown Ottoman Turks. All that an Orban-oriented government could achieve at this point would be to lower Slovenia's standards re human right, culture, personal safety, etc.
>preveč neumni
>hodili na to stran
izberi 1 in samo 1
cefurbey strikes again. the only reason to be against organ is because he’s a subhuman anti-White cigan
What people want? A racially pure nation
I know Slovenians here they aren't brown lol
That's the fucking worse. The guy that is in cahoots with Orban leads a massive cult of personality and is corrupted as hell. His tv station only churns out the stupidest propaganda possible. Every news article is a clickbait designed to scare the shit out of you, etc etc.
Let's not forget that he was imprisoned for smuggling buns in the Yugoslav war. He was charged with corruption but managed to stall long enough for the legal process to get old (expire?), while the austrians established that he actually is a corrupted motherfucker and we do absolutely nothing about it.
This guy is dangerous and he'd sell us to the hungarians if it would benefit him.
>He’s not a Trump
Good, they dont want to be israels pawn and have an incompetent child who negates on all his promises
>What people want? A racially pure nation
Nope. Last time I heard, slovenes weren't primitive fucktards. What makes you a Slovene is speaking our language and respecting our culture. What we want is independence and the freedom to be who we are.
Leave the race bullshit to Ameriturds.
FFS, guns. I meant guns.
>respecting our culture.
You mean like being able to order kebab kofte at any Slovenian restuarant in the country, drinking Turkish coffee from a džezva, going to Ceca concerts at Gospodarsko razstavišče, usings words like budala, baksuz, or užas, etc etc? Slovenian culture is definitely in flux as all cultures are supposed to be, but that flux has carried us far to the south-east. All the way into Anatolia, you could say.
slovenians are the most powerful race
this is a fact
they are smart, have sexy women, right amount of conservatism and slutiness, did i say they are smart af?
their music is on another lvl, even krauts copy them (schlagers, yodeling invented by slovenians, rammstein is a less inteligent rip off leibach)
they know how to use less smart people(bosnians)to their advantage to reshape their surroundings
the fact that they survived in the same country with savages (like us) is not a wonder but should be seen as a recognition to their awesomeness
hail slovenia
much love to janez and mojica
Mojca, Ante, it's Mojca. But I like you, it's almost as though you think exactly like a Slovene.
you should not be ashamed to have been culturaly influenced by the biggest colonial power
we took only the good things
>most beautiful and creative swear words
>fucking turkish coffea yes!
that’s a good story right there, part gypsy trash. no shit you admire ideology created by a dude who sucked nigger dick (Eduard Limonov).those without Carantanian bloodline are not Slovenian and should be forcefully removed
im just a bosnian slovenboo
A je kateri kandidat strogo proti muslicem,ciganom...???
Zdaj grem volit...
>sds=albanian party
kdaj bomo zaceli to cistit?
vsa otroska igrisca so polna siptarov
Jovo, ti moraš it nazaj
Sipci se cuje fucking gay zabarsko
Kaj pa je z ovim Sarecom?
A je vsaj toti kurac proti kebabom???
hello fellow countrymen
this. this!
This guy know
And is all true
We must remove kebab NOW
>You mean like being able to order kebab kofte at any Slovenian restuarant in the country
That's a straight up lie
>drinking Turkish coffee from a džezva
That's bullshit, I work at a bar and so does one of my friends, no one serves turkish coffee, no one has time to serve that
>going to Ceca concerts at Gospodarsko razstavišče
I don't know how going to a concert of any kind would pose a problem.
>usings words like budala, baksuz, or užas, etc etc?
I think you might be hanging around too many "čefurs".
> Slovenian culture is definitely in flux as all cultures are supposed to be, but that flux has carried us far to the south-east.
I don't know. It doesn't seem so bad to me. Sure, there are a lot of so called "čefurs", yet I doubt they are a majority. I think they are as misrepresented as the gopniks are in russia and now everyone thinks that russians only squat and drink vodka in the streets.
Nothing wrong with other people having their own culture too. Don't forget that every culture has numerous differing sub-cultures.
Immigrants are not the problem. The real problem is "genuine" slovenes, that don't read a single book in their entire lives and then fucking make a ruckus when someone translates a poem to Arabic, a poem that was written in a Persian ghiselle. If you think your culture was under attack back then, you don't really have anything to lose.
Jeffersonian democracy is based on Karantania - the proto-slovene state.
Mrs bosandzero nazaj v bosno
Its over Mujo
Pakiraj kofere
Pahor light
What are the best and worst outcomes of this election?
>being this retarded
Why tho
Who's eduard limonov anyway
Being a slav is speaking the common word. Racism is a western invention and bears no footing in reality. Not to mention that Slovenia as a country exists only so our regions could self-govern. Otherwise we're a pretty much mixed (with austrians, hungarians, italians and other slavs) nation, because we were constantly under occupation of some "great empire".
You get the fuck out with your stupid ass primitve mentality.
Best outcome is Damjan Murko - pretty based, anti-immigration, Trump-tier civic nationalist.
Worst: Borut Pahor, establishment commie, aka Slovenian Trudeau.
God, I can't believe you faggots actually fooled me about this a few days ago.
>trusting slovenes
I think we need a fucking militia
I mean those muslims/gypsis are walking around like they OWN the place
I want to see fear in their faces when they hear slovenian language
Elections in Slovenia:
Someone printed slovene emblems and put dvk tape on some trash bins.
People gather to put trash into bins.
Yey "democracy".
Can you give me a quick rundown on the parties?
>I think we need a fucking militia
Goddamn, being so scared you want a milita. Slovenia is fucked and it will be by none other than it's own people.
I mean candidates
>Racism is a western invention and bears no footing in reality.
Do you love refugees and blacks? lmao
No fucking way, worst are all 5 women candidates
They're so unbelievably dumb they make Murko look like fucking Einstein, and he's not a bright one either.
SDS - centre right (old people vote for them)
SD - the opposite centre left (Pahor is from this party)
ZL - far left (the slovenian greens if you will)
DESUS - party of old people for the old people by old people
SMC - current top party
NSI - christian party (right wing)
SNS - nationalistic party without any influence
>puts fake flag
Im gona be in THE militia
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Fucking bosnian scum
never trust the slovene
They have one thing in common.
Imagine a job opening and all the candidates are not fit or don't like the job but think it would be a great addition to their resume.
They don't seek greatness or any particular achievement.
The debates have been like listening to the same person, except when they rub shit about each others history in their faces.
>civic nationalist
He supports Domobranci
Prep the bull.
shitskins. Non-Carantanians must btfo
samo hrvati stari moj
ne treba nama susjeda ni prijatelja
SDS=one albanian man party
SDS=Merkel lover
All bodyguards all ex OVK terrorists
>they aren't voting GOD
heathen scum all of you
Ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha hahahahahaha
Jebo vam Ivica mater
Slovenes are mountain Jews everyone in Balkans know this
Sloveniafags, there's 70 replies and still no rundown. We need a rundown on each main contender, what his chances of winning are, what his main policies are (EU cuck status, immigration, nationalism, etc), and which is /ourguy/. Get to typing you Balkan shits.
We can't give you a rundown. It's illegal at the moment.
Here's the rundown:
Borut Pahor - Most likely to be a president again. There's no reason to vote for him other than there's a lot of reasons not to vote for anyone else. He's a spineless leech and a safe bet that nothing much will happen.
Suzana Lara Krause - I honestly don't know much about her. She's a completey uniteresting candidate and has nothing tangible to offer, except the "I'm a family person and love all sorts of shit" type of ideological crap.
Angelca Likovič - She's a senile old fart whose only campaign is "for the children". All she's talking about is families, children, how abortions are murder and that we should procreate like rabbits. Oh, and that she'd take all the money from the tycoons and give it to poor people. I guess she didn't take the memo from living under communism for most of her life.
Maja Makovec Brenčič - Also one of the less interesting candidates. She's got nothing to offer except the "holding up to moral standards" and other similar plebeian paroles.
Boris Popovič - A guy that was in around 40 and more legal proceedings. He managed to get them expired by playing sick and unable to attend. This guy is a corrupt motherfucker, everyone knows it, yet we can do jackshit about it.
Andrej Šiško - Your standard clown. He's supposedly a nationalist, but he's not a person that I would let represent my country. He catters to football hooligans and only to the dumbest of nationalists. After all, his campaign is like "I'm the only one that tells the truth like it is". A dumb people's candidate, no doubt about it.
Marjan Šarec - Another uniteresting candidate that hasn't said that much controversial. Which is probably the only reason he's comming in second in all the public opinions. Like someone said already; Pahor lite.
Ljudmila Novak - She's playing the Hillary Clinton campaign for "we need a female president". She's got nothing else to offer except the fact that she's an extremely ugly woman. Pass
I actually hate people.
It's just that I don't discriminate who to assimilate. Who gives a shit if you're black or not? You can either speak our language, respect our culture or just get the fuck out of my face.
>Ljudmila Novak
she even kinda looks like Hillary
>Borut Pahor
Current president, this would be his 3rd term
all he does is pose for insagram basically
>Angelca Likovič
From the newly formed GOD party, socialist fundamentalist christcucks
>Maja Makovec
Don't know shit about this womeme but she was involved in some scandal regarding her pay
>Romana Tomc
literally who
>Andrej Šiško
could be /ourguy/ but is probably too dumb to even put together a coherent sentence
>Ljudimila Novak
From the Christcuck-lite party, supposed to be some kind of centrist or whatever
>Suzana Lara Krausse
no fucking clue
>Boris Popovič
Mayor of one coastal city, seems like a safe choice at least for economics
>Marjan Šarec
Christian socialist commie i dont even know what else to say
>SDS=one albanian man party
zarežal sem se
mislim pa, da naj bi se prej govorilo, da je Janša ciganskega porekla, kar je edino smiselno glede na to, da je iz Grosupelj pa takole dvakrat zapečen
>Im gona be in THE militia
You're only tough when surrounded by your buttbuddies.
But yeah, I can see what kind of idiots want militias and shit.
>puts fake flag
>bosnian scum
Fuck your god. Veles will rise again.
Ljudmila is a bible thumper when it comes to social affairs, and I believe she's pretty in line with Janša economic liberalism too. Wouldn't call her centrist.
Majkemi, da sem že videl enega šiptarskega prodajalca zelenjave, ki je zgledal do potankosti kot Janša.
Evo sem volil, sem šel na random in obkrožil št.5 nisem niti gledal imen. Je pa ena gospa rekla da voli Šarca ker je v eni odaji rekel da je top slovenec Rudi Majster. Pa en cigo je prišel na volišce pa ga niso najdli v imeniku. Če ne druga sem vsaj deci vode skasiral. Aja pa to volišče je tudi ena polomija. Noter ti špila muzika od Dirty Dancinga, tam ko obkrožuješ ti lahko vsakdo špega koga si obrožo, na koncu pa listek, ki je sprintan iz navadnega printerja, vržeš v škatlo, ki prekriva posodo za solato.
I couldn't include Romana Tomc.
All I have to say for her is that she's Janša's puppet. Everyone in SDS is, actually.
Now, if you like national traitors, then the SDS is a party for you. He basically catters to these people (Yes, we let them live. Yes, they developed a victim complex):
How many of you Slov bros own guns??
What are the gun laws like??
you need a licence and go through some tests to get it
then you can have a gun but you can't carry, only in a bag
>only in a bag
like a woman?
Can you use it for self defense inside your house??
He obviously ment gun case don't make fun of slovebro
we hired him for a friends birthday once