Are you going to Church today?
Of course not. You complain about degeneracy and don't realise you're part of the problem.
Are you going to Church today?
Of course not. You complain about degeneracy and don't realise you're part of the problem.
>organized religion
>not degenerate
pick one.
i always go to church on sundays, first church then some beers with friends. its the best ritual!
>goes to church
>commits sin after church
Drinking beer is not a sin but getting drunk is.
Churches are houses of SATAN
I am though, Mr. Assumy
The candles are too expensive, the church is jewing me out of my money.
Saw an ad for a catholic kindergarten in the train a few days ago:
>This is how diversiy looks like
>Adds picture of some asian kid
>a church
It's like you have never read the 10 commandments?
I'm a Seventh-Day Adventist so no. Did that yesterday.
I work from 7 to 1 though
Christians are trully scums of the earth. Supporting love and tolerance. And workshipping jewish king
Fuck you! I'll burn your church down! Fuck, I'll burn review brahs church down with his skinny ugly ass in it! Than I'll go home and edge to traps for an hour maybe shit post on Sup Forums
Already been this morning
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God was the message
See, we are all monarchists deep down
Have just been. Catholad reporting
Jewish filfth is the problem, not I.
Just finished as well.
>Jesus BTFO pharisees in regards to paying taxes
Was in church today got to see the Patriarch of the Georgian Orthodox church (a great honor)
I am though
I don't know if/whic church is not degenerated. Church cant be trusted anymore
And they say, the realm of god is inside you - not in buildings made from wood and stone. cleave a piece of wood and I'm there. Lift a rock and you'll find me.
Religion is never the fucking answer
>Supporting love and tolerance.
We don't tolerate shit.
All churches talk about in Australia are muh refugees
Last time I went to church (catholic) they were preaching about diversity and tolerance. So no, I'm not part of the problem, the church is.
I actually am going to church.
A bible-believing, spirit-filled house of God. I go three times a week and on Saturdays I preach on the streets.
>Implying organized religion is the awnser
>Implying saturday is not the day of the lord
>Organized religion is not the answer
>Saturday is the day of the lord
Don’t let them tell you otherwise: God invented beer for us to enjoy the pleasures of life. Beer is not sinful, being shitfaced is.
It's a jew