How do we save women from themselves, Sup Forums? In the west, only half a century ago wearing a skirt above the knee was considered obscene and being labeled promiscuous was a social death sentence. Now women walk around with their asses hanging out in skin tight skimpy outfits and sleep around with anyone who will buy them a drink.
How do we reverse the damage that leftism has wrought on them. How do we get them to stop sleeping around and dressing like prostitutes.
How do we get them back in the fucking kitchen?
Women are degenerates by nature
You sure that a woman family?
Abolishing women's rights would be a good start. I don't know how could we do it thought. Voting is out of the question as every politicians is pondering to females in one way or the other.
You said it yourself. Men have to save women from themselves. They are no more than giant children. There is no "mystery" to women, no "I just can't understand women". When you observe them as you would children between the ages of 4-12 it all becomes much easier
>How do we save women from themselves, Sup Forums?
Create an economic environment that promotes rejection of complacency, and imagination of future outcomes.
If women had scope of how their bullshit would affect them, they would behave differently.
Currently, they have no slight of accountability until it hits them like a truck. Until they aren't pretty, they are fully facilitated and are a protected class that isn't allowed to be disillusioned.
Cut welfare.
who the fuck torches a bowl like that. that bitch has no idea what she's doing. this is quite degenerate OP I'll agree.
how do you fix it? 1- get rid of all feminist ideas. 2- make men real men again and stop letting them grow up to be manlets. 3- get rid of what we call TV today. 4- raise daughters conservative. 5- bring back the nuclear family.
ITT: The bitter, jealous and terminally fuckless discuss women
>How do we save women from themselves, Sup Forums? In the west, only half a century ago wearing a skirt above the knee was considered obscene and being labeled promiscuous was a social death sentence. Now women walk around with their asses hanging out in skin tight skimpy outfits and sleep around with anyone who will buy them a drink.
>How do we reverse the damage that leftism has wrought on them. How do we get them to stop sleeping around and dressing like prostitutes.
>How do we get them back in the fucking kitchen?
imagine that, a bong that doesn't care about making a foreign country a better place.
Bitch barrel even filled the chamber with smoke.
Get that shit as milky white as you can, and clear that pipe in ONE HIT or stop what you're doing, because you're weak
t. babylungs mcThot
It's no skin off my rosy nose that you can't get your dick wet.
Instead of bitching and complaining, be a man and raise your game.
You want to "make men real men again?" Start by not being a little bitch.
Youre an idiot. Women are degenerate because it's what man wants. It's man's fault for the way women act. We want slutty chicks who smoke dang nugs and performer fellatio on us. Women who dance on camera and in my beautiful country these chicks can get rich off beta men? Who's the real dumbass, the girl exploiting the man for his money just so he can masterbated and feel loved? Or the man who desires for women to act this way? It's a lose lose situation for man. Women only do what men want to get what they want. You want women to stop being so called whores, go live with the amish. Youre living in the digital age and this behavior will not go away. Ever.
What if we replaced all women's cell phones with a small handheld mirror?
You're a degenerate for posting this webm.
>How do we reverse the damage that leftism has wrought on them.
We gave them the vote.
If we stop enforcing their privileges, they will go back to their place, but we're not going to disregard their votes.
They have the government.
Government collapse is about the only way to correct this mistake, but with the immigrant pockets that will result in tribal war.
FUCKING BASED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>*Doritos fly out of mouth*
I waited and just played vidya and improved myself for 10 years until I found a wholesome non whore I suggests anons do the same and do not listen to muhammad
It triggers me to no end whenever I see people not exhaling all that air in the lungs before taking the hit......
lol you're talking to a man who has 2 kids and been married for 5 yrs. guarantee that you are probably still living with your parents. all i sense from you is projection. I'm sorry you've never gotten laid before, but if you quit acting like a furry tranny you may have better luck.
One way would be for parents to revisit arranged marriages for their daughters. The parents of both parties help to draft the prenup and have it witnessed and notarized by each party's lawyer.
Secondly, and this is even more important. You have to do anything you can to reduce your personal tax burden. Watch local politics and pay attention during budget proceedings for your city and state. DEFUND THE GOVERNMENT ANY WAY POSSIBLE.
Once public entitlement dry up and single mothers run out of food... They will answer to the authority of men once again...
One interesting thought would be to abort only female children for a while. Then when men are in majorities vote women's rights right into the fucking ground.
So are men, then.
How do we get them back in the fucking fieldwork?
that's a man isn't it
>taking the hit
haha, pussy german get affected by drugs
You type this just after you were on Sup Forums jacking off to cartoons. People that complain about degeneracy are ALWAYS secret degenerates
cleared it like a champ, nice.
You're just too fucking young to understand women, they are driven by emotions and very social, they will literally shut down their brains and just go with their emotions.
The great mistake is giving this weak creature rights, and ability to give decisive opinions on societies.
I met a woman the other day that was complaining to me how she exclusively loves foreigners but they hate her because she has white skin and all they do is go for the dark skinned colombians.
And then how she has nobody in colombia that likes her because they stop talking to her for some reason.
The cognitive dissonance in the nigger of genders is strong, so you can do nothing anout this.
Those photographers are utter scum
Am I the only one that sees a cavernous hole getting fisted every time I see this fist feminist symbol?
all these cam whores are from L.A
How do people find that attractive
What a moron. That's how you get an E. coli infection.
she ruined it by leaving the lighter on.
Not anymore
I bet you like to wipe your whores ass with your tongue
Crash the welfare state and the problem will solve itself. There isn't any short term solution, unless its only on a personal level.
>le welfare state is the reason why im a fat obese pig that jerks off to anime 2-3 times a day
>t.White burger logic
The people who like this sort of thing have a 'degeneracy' fetish.
Braaaaaaaaaaappppp "oooops teehee don't want your pizza getting cold teehee" braaaaaaaaaaaaap "eat up dear teehee"
>How do we save women from themselves, Sup Forums?
Why should we, user? The end of the ovarian jew is near.
>>le welfare state is the reason why im a fat obese pig that jerks off to anime 2-3 times a day
Well i am not that but its part of that problem to.
What do you think selfies on phones are?
Tell me how the welfare state is causing the average person to act like human filth?
>all these faggots bitching that women are sexual beings
The one thing I hate about this place is how fucking faggy it is. Why in the fuck do you want to put women BACK into christian style burkas?
So we're all degenerates? Everyone on the planet? Let's not do anything about anything everyone!
You can literally smell this hag's meat flags from her post.
No we don't want that. We want whores to be publicly called out as whores when they act the type. You see how cow towed people are by the word racism. Wouldn't take long to do except the media doesn't want that
They are actually better at delaying gratification than men. They have been trained to be the way they are through media and the education system. And also it has happened because we allow it, and in many cases encourage and re-enforce the bad behavior. The problem won't be solved as long as we have a jew run media, and as long as kids continue to be sent to schools which brain wash them into jewish cultural marxism.
What the fuck is that?
Can u define 'sexual Being' user. we may have a different interpretation.
The only solution
>implying eating buttholes isn't the greatest thing ever
You don't get it if the girl has good hygiene
No you nigger, those of us who want women to go back to dressing modest, want them to dress like pic related.
Muslims have their own form of modesty, which is the burqa.
I'm not asking for women to wear Victorian era dresses but at least have a sense of decency
>how do we save women from themselves
Stop letting white men be apologists for them.
>not degenerates also
Half the anons here fap to dudes.
>Tell me how the welfare state is causing the average person to act like human filth?
It enables, without it they would literally die. Without the welfare state single mothers would literally be out in the gutter, other women would see that and think
>that might be me if i keep wasting my youth fucking deadbeats, i better tie down a stable man asap.
Now single mothers are taken care of by big daddy government (which gets all its money from men) so now single mothers are like this instead
>Muh kids deserve better than dis, i need more monies from dem programs. Gibsmedat
Single mother, alcoholic, druggies, obese people, anime jerking NEET's etc. All of those groups would be a lot smaller if the government just stopped subsidizing their bad life decisions.
Well thats fine by me. I generally loath whoring around but I don't see it as my business.
How did you get here? fucking. What will you do to make more? Fucking. Every (healthy) adult human wants to fuck 1+ other adult humans (generally of the opposite sex).
Why? For what purpose? What virtue or value does modesty actually hold? Can you defend it?
You're likely just a reactionary SJW-in-disguise. Literally just some nigger tier ideologue with the ideological equivalent of a christian in moral panic in the 20s and 30s and a sex-negative feminist in this era.
I won't pop a gigantic boner when a girl with a fat ass walks past me
It's true we are naturally degenerate, we just want to be fuck by handsome men without facing any consequences. And i don't see why it's a bad thing.
I see that you are arguing with your holes. That won't fly here.
>not popping boners when hot girls are near by just to show off your wares as easy advertising
I bet you don't even have a virgin QT3.14 redpilled wife yet do you?
why would I advertise my dick, if they only want me for my dick, then the relationship one-sided, the dick will be a nice surprise latertje
Women dressing like pic related is not modest. Degenerate clothing's like pic related give you lustful thoughts. If you have a girlfriend and she dresses like a slut, not modest, every guy is going to want to talk to her.
And be honest user, would you allow your 16 year old daughter to dress like pic related?
>be human 200 000 years ago
>women only have sex with violent dominant alphas (10% of men)
>only eat shit you find lying around, do some occasional hunting
>sleep rest of the day
>why the fuck would you work?
>5000 years ago
>we've been living like apes for 195 000 years
>this cant go on
>how do we get men to work and create something that will last instead of lying around all day
>stop letting only 10% of men fuck all the women
>distribute the women equally amongst all men through arranged marriages
>only requirement for getting a woman is working hard and following the laws set by your elders
>beta men (90% of men) start working 16+++++ hours a day to impress their elders so that they will be given a woman
>remove elders power to distribute women based on hard work and responsibility
you fuckers are so retarded
women were FORCED by wise men to marry hard working stable men in order to create the excess resources need to build a civilization
>tl;dr pre-arranged marriage (i.e. marriage) is the cultural technology that created civilization and the ILLUSION of traditional women, removing said technology destroyed the illusion and revealed the degenerate nature of womens primal urges
First thing that has to be done is stripping them of citizenship. Only White males of pure blood should have that right. If any of them get out of line then the next step is to be taken for us to reclaim our rightful place.
What's more degenerate really?
Or this?:
>Women are degenerates by nature
Women are just a reflection of societies men. Everything in society starts from men, women just follow.
I'm sure they'll be entirely surprised.
I am not afraid of my own lustful thoughts, I have a thing called self control because I'm not a liberal cuck.
My wife already gets talked to by far too many men just for having a pretty face so that's a non-starter of an argument.
But my 20 year old daughter, assuming I had one, can decide how the fuck they want to dress. If i raise them well they won't dress like they want to be fucked at random on the street. But it is their choice not mine at that point.
>smoke a bunch of weed
>don't actually inhale it
>Why in the fuck do you want to put women BACK into christian style burkas?
becouse pic rel white sharia. bad since when?
Its worth noting as well that since women meet men in almost all intellectual categories there is no reason to assume society will suddenly collapse backwards.
Aside from SJWs which are a whole different enemy.
post vagene pls
If you'd lose some weight, it'd at least be 4.5
That's a big bong.
I don't get why people smoke through pipes like that. Chamber is way too fucking big.
Still makes it bigger than yours Ahmed.
You have to do more to justify your position than reference an idealized version of the past. WHY is this better than current?
This is the state of western men.
>allows women to dress however they want
>freedom to do whatever!!!! :DDDDD
>post vagene pls
sorry hrvoje I dont have one.
>WHY is this better than current?
because women look respectable that way and not like whores.
It will collapse backwards, non-patriarchal civilizations cannot exist. That is why Europe is slowly fading into an Islamic caliphate run by extreme patriarchs.
>would you allow your 16 year old daughter to dress like pic related?
teenage girls only dress inappropriately because leftist propaganda enables them.(jewish run television/ nigger music and videos).
We need to root out degeneracy at it's core. Once the children are allowed to dress like whores and consent sexually it's too late. We are getting closer to this dangerous precedent every day.
you can do nothing you little bitchboys lmao
No, I am black and my dick gets all the white girls
Yes you are correct. And those girls who have been brainwashed will try to influence other girls who are pure, Virgin,modest. That is why it is important to homeschool your kids. The number one reason why daughters rebel is because of degenerate influences, their degenerate friends.
>200k years ago
Like pottery
this roastie didnt fully inhale OR hold it.
0/10 not impressed
t. pothead
Hey, I'm an individual, unlike United States of 56%
I doubt my parents were fucking for cash on a camsite.
Yes. Freedom to for adults to do whatever is a value of the West.
And women can choose freely to dress respectably currently, which allows easy sorting for who should be taken seriously and who should not.
This remains to be seen. There are other examples of functional matriarchal societies around.
But what we're moving into hasn't existed before. A generally equal society between the sexes. The primacy of the man is not required to sustain civilization when the main product is lines of code.
The word you're looking for is "efficient"
And so what if someone does? Why does it matter? It has no noticeable impact on anything important to the continuation of society.
I probably wouldn't fuck a camwhore though because I have a preference for women that are interested in strict monogamy.
You are never going to find a perfect woman. They are all snatched up by wealthy chads. This is what I did. Be a decent man don't be a pervy degenerate. Like you said women are just small children. Just because she dresses like a whore and is obsessed with social media doesn't mean she is lost. Find one that is interested in you and act like a good person when she s around children learn by mimicking adults, be the adult show her how to be a human. My gf used to be the party go out type didn't have a real job pretty much a female neet. Now she works 9-5 comes home makes me dinner we hang out together or with my friends she helps with work around the house and is a good stable person.
See pic related
The west's freedom is a lie. Freedom to do bad is not freedom.
She torched that shit way too long, you hit it with the flame for a second and then pull and let the bong fill up until it becomes nice and milky then you hit it in one hit, then you repeat that and clear the bowl. You will need more water so you can hit that milky goodness all at once and it doesn't irritate your lung, ice is also great for the big smoke not the daily because it's too much hassle. She is definitely not a daily smoker though and the fucking huge ass bong has an ice catcher but she's too stupid to use it.
If you hold smoke longer than 3-5s you're a retard
>And women can choose freely to dress respectably currently,
Who said I would wish to regulate anyhting by law. Whores and whorish clothing existed in all traditional socieitey it just wasnt prevalent.
And, no, women dont choose that much, they just conform to societal norms.
>This remains to be seen. There are other examples of functional matriarchal societies around.
literally 0 matriarchial civs.
>And so what if someone does? Why does it matter?
It does, your characted and pedigree DOES matter - both simbolical and utilitarian value.
Yes, we have laws against actual bad things that harm others and society.
You have to actually justify what RIGHT and WRONG are, and why they are that way. In a free nation people are free to chose right and wrong. A man cannot be forced to do the right thing only shown the way.
>How do we get them back in the fucking fieldwork?
don't worry, when society collapses and the only form of currency is bread and clean water there will be a return to feudalism.
I hope you like turnips.
>rape them all
>kidnap their sons
>raise them in hunting bands