Is it an illness? or is it lack of willpower?
Drug addiction is an illness ?
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Sup Forums is an illness.
Potato niggers are an illness
Its an illness. Recovery is possible by filling the spiritual void via the 12 steps.
teaniggers are a cancer
This bullshit, I had to go to rehab under court order, everyone inside is obviously low functioning bottom feeders but they get into this weird cult-like mentality.
AA/NA or whateverthefuck is programmed for failure on a fundamental responsibility
>fuck your life up
>end up in rehab
>follow 12 step
>stave your shit behaviour with hope and endurance
>put your life in the hands of a god you care about
>create emotional arguments to soften the blow of being honest about your shitty decision making
>throw personal responsibility in the bin
>get out of rehab
>support network is gone
>feel sad
>fuck your life up again with a vice
9 out of 10 usually die within 1 year of completing a AA/NA program.
t. Australian beer connoisseur
high concentrations of the somali is illness.
I spent five weeks in a treatment centre. Didn't just fix addiction of last two decades, fixed last four decades of broken thinking. Most don't make it because they can't surrender and be honest that they cannot fix it themselves and stop going to meetings and stop working the program (last three steps are DAILY) maintenance.
All addictions can be traced back to a series of decisions that led to reduction and loss of the individual's free will.
Any behavior can be addictive given the right reinforcement. Alcohol, drugs, lesbianism, shopping...
Once the person is addicted, it is a disease, as free will no longer dwells in the individual that has habituated to the reward stimuli.
Can you restore free will? Yes, only by borrowing it from another person (A Helper) who will lock you up until your chemicals clear up and you restore the ability to make good, sober, choices with some degree of personal autonomy.
People underestimate the compulsive quality of sexuality, especially in women.
Happy you made it work for you mate, I don't believe it's effective and firmly believe supidity is it's own punishment,
"surrender" as you put it should only really apply to physical death or ego death in the context of spirituality.
>completing a AA/NA program.
I don't think you understand how that's supposed to work, son.
22 years on the bright here, contributing member of society.
>Is it an illness?
Sort of. I think an allergy would be a better way to explain it though. Mind and mood altering drugs and alcohol effect different people different.
AA/NA is for weak-willed faggots.
it's essentially complete when you're dead or having never touched said substance to begin with because on-going process.
catch 22.
>Is it an illness?
I'm not sure booting up or hitting the bottle should be on the same shelf as influenza.
Both. A lack of will power which leads one to do drugs causes you to be ill.
>having never touched said substance to begin with
The majority of people can have a couple beers with the boys and leave it at that, or take prescription opiates as prescribed and not wind up pushing needles.
>good goy, keep living in decadence and abusing everything I shove in your face
The best rehab is a concentration camp, the cure for zionism is the bullet.
Let's stop pretending substance abuse isn't symptomatic of a larger issue.
>Let's stop pretending substance abuse isn't symptomatic of a larger issue.
What issue? It has been a thing since people first figured out how to crush a grape.
the thing about it being an illness, nobody made you pick up they hype or the bottle today.
Whereas ill people are just ill & can't help it.
there's no reason to think otherwise, what makes you think addiction is mutually exclusive to itself?
Good post man, was hoping to read this.
Thanks :) I went to the best place in the country and the success rate is only 15%
Doesn't work like that at all.
Wrong. Drugs and alcohol came two decades later for me. I was born an addict. Booze and drugs were a symptom of addiction, my problem was me.
Breathing is an illness
Drugs are fun
Almost. Treatment only works in stage 3 of addiction. Stage 1 looks like normal behaviour. People can be addicts before stage one. It's a behavioural problem where relationships are formed with objects rather than people.
Perhaps a little bit of both.. Some people are predisposed to certain behavioral patterns, which include addictions, obesity and shyness. You can break out of these default settings, by willpower, but it is hard so most people are unable to do this, or if they do, then there is a high likelihood that they will fall back or just find a replacement which they also have an unhealthy relationship with.
AA is for quitters.
I think it is a combination of free will and circumstances.
For example I smoked crystal meth couple of times, and I never got addicted to it. I did think about it later on,and could reckognize this as start of possible addiction, but I haven't engaged in in it again.
If it's an illness then it's an illness you have to choose unless you're born a crack baby I guess.
Also I am pretty sure I am addicted more to Sup Forums and perhaps one addiction cancels out the other.
It's partly to do with a lack of willpower, but initially it's just curiosity. Depending on life circumstances, some ppl are gonna try and drugs and other's aren't. Maybe you could describe drug addiction, at least initially, as an unwise decision.
After you use for the first time, you then discover that you like the drug. Then you keep using the drug (this is where the lack of willpower comes in). Then your body gets to a point where you are dependent on the drug. Your physiology is fucked now and your dopamine system (amongst many other chemical systems) are out of wack. This is perhaps the closest addiction could come to being an "illness". The willpower required to quit the drugs at this point of the addiction is really quite huge, but possible.
I think some people have a predisposition to becoming addicted. Perhaps this predisposition could be considered an illness? Honestly I don't know and I don't care. I don't know why the label matters. Just call them addicts. how hard is that?
It's a bad habit. Certainly it becomes harder to resist once you've been in the habit for a while, but that's the same with anything. You can always make difference choices and perform different acts.
>I have a disease
is an excuse. Believing things are out of your control is literally the best way to fail to control them.
Addiction of any kind is always a choice, as it arises when people keep choosing immediate pleasure at the expense of future consequences. Only then the structure of the brain does start to change, but that happens with pretty much anything that makes us feel good, not just drugs.
Thanks for the link, it seems like an interesting read.
It starts as a choice and becomes lack of will power to quit. I spent a year doing 60 to 80 mg of oxy daily and quit cold turkey with ZERO symptoms of withdrawal. The same with cigarettes. That was actually much harder to quit but still. Just an exercise in will power.
That's why I stopped going in the naughties. Didnt work out well
I was addicted to crystal meth in NZ. Sup Forums is more addictive
neither, it's a military assault, like you brits did to those ignorant slant eyes when Europeans got bored of drinking tea
Life is stressful, so people use drugs. Prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco also of the same problem. Modern civilization is anti-nature. People were not made to live like this, cut off from nature. Everything is fake, and part of the masonic Disneyland stage reality. I don't even think we are actually on Earth.
Never heard that before but interesting
Cigarettes are more addictive than anything else for me
I was with ya til that last part
I smoke, but I can go all day without a ciggy.
Its more of as habit than anything else,if I am at work I'll have a smoke before I start, got a day off won't smoke unless I have a beer.
Take lecithin in the morning with your coffee. Your body turns it into acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter nicotine mimics.
It's a (really) bad habit.
0 physical withdrawal? i doubt that somewhat unless by a year you mean not every day
Running is unironically a strong fucking drug. It can help you get off anything
explains why nignogs run so fast
I do blow, drink excessively, and smoke. I fucking love doing these things but I go months on end without doing them because I have self control. It seems like you're getting yourself a bit of self control, keep it up
*shrug* there are a lot of models for therapeutic change in addiction counseling.
I was trained in Motivational Interviewing. It's a series of comments designed to affirm or explore the consequences and benefits of change/no change. William R. Miller, PhD has contributed to this approach. Here is some information about it.
I'm curious as to how many actually have tried/ experimented with drugs, and the real % of those who become "addicted".
Of all the drugs I've tried, the only ones I was ever addicted to were tobacco and caffeine. Used to drink 20-30 cups of tea and coffee a day in a house share, someone would make tea, then someone had to get up for a piss so they'd also make tea for everyone again, cuz, you know, why not another cuppa? 4 People doing this. 2 cups of tea on the go half the time. Got worried about my inability to function without caffeine. Cut back to max 4 cups a day. Worst. Fucking. Two weeks of my life ever. So angry and irritable. But worth not having to drink a coffee in the morning just to function. Used to chain smoke joints whenever not working or dealing with the public, certain members of family out of respect for their anxiety. Then the only tobacco I liked started making me feel sick. So I quit cold turkey and switched to smoking weed only. Nicotine cravings are the real deal. But after the first 3 days of withdrawal it was grand, the odd 10 minute temptation up to 6 months out. Still smoke sometimes when I drink, but I never get cravings. It's just extra nice to smoke when drinking, which I do maybe once every month or two because I really don't like hangovers and feeling down for days.
MDMA, Speed, Coke I can see real potential for addiction in, that stuff is extra nice which is why it is so dangerous: you get a strong urge to redose. But you should have a scale, research the safe limits and stick to them. Like how you know you are not supposed to eat yourself into an early grave. Haven't tried heroin or meth yet, but will soon. Will report back then, fags.
TLDR: After a decade of drug use and experience with other drug users I think addiction is the sign of ignorant use, denial, low will power and lack of discipline. Some people can handle drugs well. Others toe the line, scrape by. Some end up sharing used needles.
>20-30 cups
Jesus Christ, what the fuck dude, I thought my 4 cups a day was already quite a lot
I’m just different than that I guess
haven’t heard that yet, will give it a try
You can see how a depressed and anxious person would easily become reliant on something extra nice, right? Maybe not as potent as molly, but a benzo in the morning to face the world, which doesn't seem like much, although absolutely an addiction to those who are self aware, and inevitably spiral into worse problems and jjust masks their problem
I feel you on the smoking while drinking shit btw. It's a weird urge that lots o people get
I’ve found that meth is maybe a point or two higher than coke on the scale, but heroin and other opiates have always made me fall asleep
>spent a year doing 60 to 80 mg of oxy daily and quit cold turkey with ZERO symptoms of withdrawal.
bullshit of the highest degree. even if you tapered i'd doubt it
Yeah I suppose, Tbh the first thing in my mind in the morning is not have a cig,but to a lot of people it is.
Friends of mine have to smoke weed as soon as they wake to get going for the day.
coke: no desire for redose, not that good
mdma: very powerful, very big comedowns of off just 1 dose, wouldnt become addicted out of fear. truly
opiates: been addicted, euphoria deletes most of my mental problems, clean now and back to being suicidally depressed
benzo: similar to above minus i was still extremely depressed on them. very effective for anxiety.
weed: awful. gives me a psychotic break every time, unbelievable schizo effects
i'm using phenibut right now. it is so delayed and subtle (still powerful) that i can take days off just fine knowing i will feel less anxious and more productive on other days. something that doesnt act within an hour is great for removing most addiction potential i reckon
Yeah. Never again.
Benzos make me feel weird, never really like them, but I could see it taking over all the same with repeated use.
Opiates are very nice, especially morphine, but still not enough to make me want to do more than once a month. Makes me too drowsey. It's a whole day lie in bed in bliss but can't get shit done experience.
Really curious about this phenebut. Could be handy for meetings and interviews, going to get some.
coke - tried it once didn't enjoy
mdma- ditto
opiates - not my thing
benzo- never tried
weed- enjoy it frequently
deug addiction starts out as a lack of will power, then a crippling addiction
The second. Hitchens is right.
Being a racist is a mental illness
Yeah man, I quit smoking cold turkey after 12 years of over a pack/day. Hardest thing I did in all my life.
There is a really good book called The Addictive Personality
I wish there were more 12 step/AA threads on Sup Forums
Chad detected, shitgenes can't compete.
0% sarcastic. Some people can handle their drugs
Good point. Before 12 step program I drank and drugged, was successful in work but my marriage was failing and I was constantly trying to scratch an itch I never could. I looked for answers in physics and metaphysics. I had an inherent loneliness and felt like I never quite fit in anywhere. That lot is VERY common for any addictive personality. The 12 step program in AA/NA/CA is a GREAT way of fixing all that.
Call bullshit all you'd like but it's true. The first day I stopped I went through the day terrified that I'd have bad withdrawals but there was nothing. I stayed in a state of anxiety for a week just waiting for anything to hit and it never did.
Tips on quitting caffeine plz. I don't think I 'have the disease Addiction' but I do think I got high on coffee all day for ten years and upregulated the hell out of my adenosine receptors to where I'm clearly dependent.
Maybe 20 aborted quit attempts behind me. Longest I ever went was 6 weeks. Motivation, thinking, focus, physical energy go to shit. Considering getting a month or two of Adderall to get me moving while my adenosine receptors down-regulate. Also thinking I'll only use it on work days (I work part-time, so 4 days/wk would be 100% clean, just being sluggish and shitposting I guess)
Anons plz
> spent a year doing 60 to 80 mg of oxy daily and quit cold turkey with ZERO symptoms of withdrawal.
Utter bullshit. This is physiologically impossible. A year of daily use at these levels (or less) would result in a horrendous, at least 10 day long, withdrawal.
I think you just have to power through it. Exercise, eat well, and keep it under 4 cups coffee or 6 cups tea per day. Distract yourself with a productive or healthy hobby whenever you feel cravings. No easy ways out. You will feel better in time.
Nope. See
Yeah, read that.
What you said in both posts is still literally impossible. You're larping as the solitary human example for a biologically impossible outcome.
You either: only used occasionally over the course of that year; or are lying about the whole thing
Nope. Don't get me wrong I realize that it's not the norm but I'm thankful as I can be that I didn't go through what some people describe. But I was a daily user and live my life now every day thankful that shit is not a part of it any more.