>tfw no gf to lynch and spit on commies with
hold me Sup Forums
Tfw no gf to lynch and spit on commies with
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Absolutely disgusting. This is no way to treat a fellow human being, even if you do disagree with their politics.
Good thing communists aren't human.
it's a corpse , the secret police had probably tortured/raped her or her kids at some point. their appetite for handwringing numale betas calling for peace is close to zero.
I agree, this is a nice thing to have. Up until the leftists have all power in government, when they make your religion illegal, when they make criticism illegal, when everything you held dear becomes illegal, when they begin encroaching on your private life to make sure you're not doing anything illegal, when they're knocking on your front door to make sure you're not doing anything illegal...
My altruistic friend, look at history to see what leftists do to those they disagree with once in power.
I agree. But everybody knows that communists are not humans.
STFU Faggot
Stay cucked limey.
Commies are like muzzies, m8.
No need to fret since they aren't actually humans.
Not really, bud.
Not edgy, just a truth that makes cucks like you uncomfortable.
He'll fight you with his tea spoon, before Mohamed takes it away from him.
btw get ready for some butthurt, tomorrow is the memorial day for the '56 revolution
> implying that communists are human.
thou shalt give context.
one of the luminaries of the Hungarian Socialist Party posted this today or yesterday in anticipation of tomorrow's anniversary of the 1956 uprising, with some snarky commentary about how it's the wrong thing to celebrate.
inscription says they are lynching an army officer but this is commie propaganda by the re-established regime. we don't know who the lynched guy was, in all likelihood he's a low-ranking state security agent.
>even if you do disagree with their politics
it's just a way to demonstrate the depth of the disagreement.
Show them no mercy, for you shall recieve none.
>Show them no mercy, for you shall recieve none.
in a world of sheep, choose to be a wolf
communism isn't just politics its a corruption that spreads
its the betrayal of all past present and future citizen of your country and they should be punished accordingly to that
>keep in mind there are worst fates than death
mercy is a luxury that small countries like us can't afford
>Fellow human being
Are you a fucking jew or something?
>communists >human xddddd
Just when I thought this board was reasonable and not just a bunch of 15 year old edgelords
Kill yourself Muhammad we learned from history.
Stop changing your IP faggot
Are you retarded? Islam is a form of fascism
Not an argument. I do what I want.
just gonna leave this here
Hungary loves KGB officers now
Ok rabbi sholomstien
u re the edgy one here, nigger
Damn, a good leafpost for once.
Are you retarded if you don't understand it's socialists and communists in your government who encourage mass migration and diversity?
It's neoliberals who want a cheap labour force and an atomized society to exploit.
Communists aren’t human.
I love that picture.
The funny thing is if you look at what the USSR said about what happened it really makes you think. They called the people fighting the regime counter revolutionaries, fascists and Hitlerites
>trusting the gestures of a KGB intel agent
you think he was honest when he was recruiting foreign spies too?
how would an ex-ÁVH officer run your country? it's the same
everyone whos, not a communist is literally Hitler
SO happy to see everyone leaving big steamy dumps on the jewish political ideology of communism!
so only about 50 years ago you could openly shoot a communist?
That gif is so poetic, almost like the universe is trying to tell us something. What could it be though?
Dude that's fucking sweet! I can't belive I've never seen it before
>this faggot actually doubts that we would unironically vaporize every communist on Earth in a second if it was feasible and legal to do so
We would. Muslims, too.
And the world would prosper.
How dare you
Its people how many retards that champions communism haven't even done a days worth of manula labor in their life.
That gun is on my wanted list. Nice!
disgusting soulless snow niggers
Bless you Austria
Yea, right. That's why your "neoliberals" like farage and his fellow partymembers opposing mass immigration, while your anti-"neoliberal" leftys cry for shiploads of niggerdick u complete utter moron.
Lurk moar.
Why would they? They are commies because they feel out of their sense of entitlement they would be skilled workers or burocrats
Probably they would since comunism doesnt award merit and has many holes to by filled by controlable people to the state
The farmers and operarians however would be as exploited as ever but they wouldnt know what that is since it's probably the same people that thinks Mili comes from stores
we disagree with them a lot, though
made me kek