Why is it nearly every single Leftist is ignorantly oblivious to the Jewish Question?

Why is it nearly every single Leftist is ignorantly oblivious to the Jewish Question?

Most of them dismiss it as absurd, unfounded, a coincidence.

They say things like " they are looking for a pattern that doesn't exist and assuming that a loose correlation implies a strong causation"

Are they brainwashed or is Sup Forums wrong?

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Bad goy!

Many leftists are actually better in terms of being anti-israel

So it's Liberal Globalism vs Conservative Nationalism?

But most of them still believe in the 6 gorillion, which was debunked.

Don't look over there goy you'll be a racists if you do.

I used to think the JQ was some crazy conspiracy shit but there were just too many coincidences for me to ignore.

I was talking with my brother about the JQ and his girlfriend overheard us. Her reaction was 'are you like satanist or something'.
Are you a satanist.
A satanist.
A fucking satanist.
I was so dumbfounded I couldn't come up with a rational answer for a couple seconds.
Imagine being so bluepilled you think this have anything to do being religious.

My sister told me it was ridiculous of me to suggest that Israel controls America.
In the same weekend she also said she found Paris "wonderfully diverse" and spoke of how much admiration she had for Merkel when I criticised Germany's immigration floodgates and the EU.

I guess it's time to educate your sister then.

It's funny because you're critical of the Satanists.

>Are they brainwashed or is Sup Forums wrong?

Sup Forums is never wrong, op.

That's because white cis men are the jews of leftists.

It's so fucking hard. Literally every time I talk about politically about hard or unpleasant issues without pathetic sugarcoating she just resists, offers weak answers and when I give what I can only assume are frighteningly undebatable retorts, backed by statistics and evidence, to her responses she eventually demands that we change the subject because she doesn't feel like talking about politics or starts questioning where I'm reading "things like that" or suggesting I've become "too conservative" or "radical".

It’s 100% logical why she said that. But you simply do not understand do you?
How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions.

1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3)It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.

1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
- [ ]

>Why is it nearly every single Leftist is ignorantly oblivious to the Jewish Question?
But that's where you're wrong. I'm in my 30s and growing up and now into adulthood I've got tons of typical liberal friends and even with the ones who clutch pearls over shit like trayvon not a damn one of them trusts the jews or likes Israel. Partly because conservatives always rub their dicks together with Jews but they are aware of the shit they have caused in the middle east. They aren't talking about it all over the internet because they don't wanna sound like nazis but even they are aware








Tell her why you have become conservative in the first place. It's not about being good or evil. Tell her it could have been avoided, but you're thinking that way for the greater good.
Exposing the jews is going way too far, in my opinion. Start out with the basic facts. For instance, 70% of french prisoners are muslim.

Get inside her head for a minute. She thinks you're a blinded bigot. Turn the table and show her you've been thinking about it a lot before having such thoughts. Yes, tha's sugarcoating but it's necessary if you want to unbrainwash her.

This. On the right we have neocohens ecelebs wannabes like (((crystal, shapiro, loomer))) who refuse to talk about the JQ and pledge allegiance to Israel.

When I was in school being called Jewish was a common pejorative. It meant stingy, miserly, maybe calculating. Had nothing to do with a persons religion. It was used similar to "that's gay". Then there was this big pro-homo PR campaign by ad council I guess, made people nervous to say it, like policing themselves in your head. Though it wasn't specifically advertised people kinda stopped saying Jewish too. Never thought that being Jewish or gay was really nefarious, but maybe that's thanks to health and history class. Then I went to college, RIP. Started to find massive amounts of "hate" online though. Moon man was my favorite. But at the same time I'd listen to negro rap and think it was cool too. shit no wonder I was a confused lad, too much information not room enough for reason

explaing does nothing, they have been indoctrinated severely, they must see it in some extreme form or experience it to break thru

> t. Ahmad

I don't understand this mass hysteria around jews. who cares if they run everything? they are probably just superior. Whites run the west, which is the greatest place ever.


I think whites are just threatened by Jews, just how blacks are threatened by whites

leave the jews alone, it's not their fault if they're so good at everything

obvious troll

are you okay Hans?

We need to create a redpilling normies manifesto. Like starting with basic, socially acceptable redpills and facts with increasing intensity. You are right though I went too far naming the Jew straight up. She outright asked me if I'm an anti-semite on Friday. The question took me completely by surprise so I said, "to an extent." It was uncomfortable silence for like three minutes before her husband changed the topic.

>I don't understand this mass hysteria around jews. who cares if they run everything? they are probably just superior.

People should be critical of Satanists. The Laveyan ones are edgy atheists with rules that sound like a 12 year old wrote them. Luciferian Satanists are literally evil.

guys I was being serious....I truly was, who cares if Jews own things, I don't understand

It's nice to have this spelled out so clearly. second half of your post is verbatim what I was going to reply. Saving this


Goes to show how effective the jew's control of education and media has been. Most people aren't even aware. Hopefully the internet will change that. I pity our tv-bound elders that missed out on such an opportunity.

They are more than their religion. Lots of them are atheists

What are you talking about?

Leftists are the only ones who dare to be critical of Jews.
On the right almost everybody, even the "far right", supports Jews 100% because they fear being called a Nazi.

She probably just wants different types of penis. They don't care about statistics or facts. They care about feelings. Telling her about the prison will probably just make her feel sorry that they have been victimized by the white man and the idea will probably turn her on. Women can not be red pilled. They need to be scared or lead in the right direction

Shapiro and Loomer are kikes so what do you expect. Don't know who Crystal is.

You need to assert as a man that she is wrong and in need of correction. Don't be above using manipulation and abuse. Deprogramming is a harsh process. Much of her reasoning is based on emotion and so that's what you will need to focus on. Don't feel sorry for her, she is a stupid normie and had this coming. Your obligation (if you choose to take on this often thankless task) is to your people, not to her feelings.

When she resists by stating some nonsense platitude you use the dialectic (Socratic) method. It's much more effective if the normie is forced to answer the questions themself. Start with basic questions about our political, media, and banking system. Force her to make the connections herself and state it in her own words.

Don't expect too much from her though. She is after all, a woman, and for all you know she supports immigration because she wants to hop on invader dick. Save your best efforts for intelligent men.

>A foundation myth explains: 1. Origin and structure. 2. Ultimate good and evil. 3. What is held sacred.
>Our foundation myth has become the Nazis, WW2, and the Holocaust.
>Having a negative/backward foundation myth poisons us.
Someone screencap


It wouldn't be such a big deal if Jews used that power to work in the interests of white people but they use it to destabilize us from within while simultaneously using it to benefit their tribe

That's because they view Israel as a white supremacist country oppressing the poor brown people

just fuck her really hard in her pussy, abdoolah, and cum in it, fertilize her

meme flag posters are worse than leafs ever were.

I wish they would just get rid of them. They have added nothing of value to this board.

Might have been less awkward to say yes emphatically (but not maniacally), then clarify: mainly zionists (or what you said). By capitulating in tone (I'm guessing)but not literally it creates power struggle because there is now a disagreement that must be resolved somehow. Even if it's that the both of you rationalize it away privately.

There are two sides to an interaction, you get half weight. Normalize your own perspective for your own good. Normalize her perspective based on respect. She gets her half to finagle. Usually interactions are negotiated 50/50 out of courtesy. When it's skewed to one side 25/75 it's awkward. One person is right, other wrong. When it's all 0/100 then a fight breaks out.notice the imbalance doesn't feel nice. (Though may be inescapable)
She was pushing all her weight, if you let up, it is awkward. Had you pushed all your weight, asserting your point of view (not your beliefs, they are inexpressible) and decreasing respect to her then it would equalize. She might be shocked but as long as there is balance in mutual right/wrong-ness it should be fine

We have so much of importance in common. Why do Jewish lobbies still control the US now that this wave of nu-paleos are of voting age? I'm getting impatient.

its not igorance. its just boring...

like is this suppose to be same epiphany? because your little fantasy land is much more bland than I would hope for. brainlet

Leftists are extremely antisemitic in my experience.

t. Jew.

I've heard some fucked up "Hitler should finish the job" shit out of the mouths of leftists shit I would only ever read on Sup Forums normally.

Let me put it this way, there's no right-wing "let's kill some Jews" marches in any Western country nowadays, but there's plenty of left-wing globalist pro-Palestine marches where Arabs and leftists chant like "one, two, kill a Jew" in London.

Fuck leftists, basically.

Tell them that the CEO's of each of the 8 major Hollywood movie studios are Jews, and most of them will tell you that that's an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. Some of the more comparatively reasonable ones will just say something like "Jews are just good at business/money/entertainment," or "So what?" or change the subject, but most will just say it's a conspiracy theory. The correct theory of human psychology which explains this phenomenon has not been fully expounded yet. I would not be surprised if it's related to hypnosis, under which more amenable sujects can be made to believe, for example, that they have 11 fingers, even as they count them out in front of their faces, etc.

You have been brainwashed. You think that greedy rich Jews are any different from greedy white rich people because you're stupid and racist and your stupidity and racism lets the wealthy divide you and make all of your arguments get thrown away as mere racism.

Because of absolute spergs and retards are the ones presenting the JQ most of the time. It's bad optics - think skinheads in suspenders shouting in your face about how the Jews are subhuman and the root of all evil. That obviously puts people off, and makes them dismissive of the entire idea if JQ in general.

>Are they brainwashed or is Sup Forums wrong?
they are brainwashed, look at the history of the legal profession in Europe, focus on cases involving child murder and cannibalism

Leftists will love Jews - when the Jews are weak, miserable, poor and barely surviving. Liberalism loves ostensible weakness - the Arabs are weak individually, they are stronger as a people/religion but that amounts to jack shit with how stupid they are. Same with Africans.

Are they saying it ironically? They might be pro Palestine and say things like that, which echo the perceived intention of Israel towards Palestine.

none of that is really different from typical judaism

>Leftists will love Jews - when the Jews are weak, miserable, poor and barely surviving.

Exactly this. Leftists, and actually a lot of people don't mind the idea of Jews if we're weak, pathetic, and miserable and need their pity to survive.

But woe to Israel and their oppressive army of not-nice sand-monkey removal.

I don't think there's any way to chant "kill a Jew" during a big angry political protest full of Jew-hating Arabs and have it be "ironic."

I mean maybe it's ironic in your head.

>When I was in school being called Jewish was a common pejorative. It meant stingy, MISERLY, maybe calculating.

Yeah we did the same thing. Stereotypes are there for a reason. We also used "nigger-rigging" as a term for half ass repairing something.

The word niggardly also means miserly.

From webster's dictionary 1828:

NIGGARDLY, adjective

1. Meanly covetous or avaricious; sordidly parsimonious; extremely sparing of expense.

Really jingles my jangles.

Everyone’s been taught that the only people in history that have hated the Jews were the nazis. Hating Jews is as European you can get

Seriously this. Idk where the whole "you hate Jews therefore you are a Nazi" thing comes from.

If you hate Jews you're more likely to be a Muslim or an SJW than a Nazi nowadays.

People get so offended so easily these days. Yesterday my gf's friend brought her husband to my house for dinner. He was a black man with a heavy accent. I asked him what his background was and everyone shit their pants yelling at me saying it's racist to ask someone where they're from.

The guy is from Niger, btw and he also apparently hates PC culture and in so many words told everyone to go fuck themselves.

in germany most leftist hat th jews, only the central-right supports them
they just do it in america, bc its a too big majority to tread them properly

what really makes your statement into a conundrum for me, is that most leftists hate israel and support the terrorist state of palestine

Isn't this basically copy pasta type thing from a black pidgin speaks video?

Where were they debunked really?
Though I am sceptical about the number myself the number hasn't really been debunked.

You underestimate the power ironism has over the left. It's so prominent that they are not even aware of it sometimes.
They might be with the arabs at a rally but they are there for social justice, to them the race is irrelevant. It would be racist to categorize the protesters by race. So "kill a Jew" is meaningless to them because they don't see race. It borders on the absurd, so it's entertaining. At the same time, they realize it may trigger their political opponents because "this is what you sound like when you let kill palestinian citizens" so they are having fun and fighting the good fight.
Honestly, Havent you ever seen The Daily Show?

The girls that are pro Palestine are like that just because of muh dead babbies due to Israel. That's as deep as it goes. It has nothing to do with being aware.

this is the cuck poster as well. ive got your number.

This kike is right.
Karl Marx wrote a book about JQ in XIX century.

Wait I don't understand you guys,

As a conservative Christian American , and a nationalist , I have no problem for a country like Israel or France or Albania or whatever to exist or pursue their interests - as long as it's for the benefit of humanity and not for subversion and destruction of it's own people. This is why we all know that countries like western Europe are all being destroyed because the globalists or Zionist Jews who are mostly atheists or luciferian kabbalists and part of the International Cabal, consisting of the bloodline families (who are Catholic and white , not Khazarian), and it's being done by subversion of these cultures and nations by importing foreign cultures which destroys individual nations - that is evil.

So I've no problem with Israel as a state - sure - but for America to BE A SLAVE of Israeli foreign policy IS SUBVERSION. How come the right wing doesn't see that? As a strong Christian, of course Jewish people (the real 12 tribes) are in need of Jesus and I don't dislike them or whatever , and in general Americans love Israel because of their hate for Muslims and the wars we have been fighting. And many Christians are deceived into supporting anything israel does because of brainwashing that Israel can do no wrong. Ever. That's pure brainwashing.

We're not against nationalism or individual countries like Israel. Were against dual citizenship in America where all our tech gets stolen to Israel or where Israeli dual citizens ask for loyalty oaths before you can be a senator! That's total bullshit and not American. But I dont know how to convince most Americans and Christians that Israel isn't some holy nation that is always needs to be supported.

Its difficult even for myself because 99 percent of all Christians support them and we view it as a curse if we don't support Israel fully and that God sends judgment to America because people like Obama didn't support Israel. I don't know how to reconcile those two thoughts.

its not that they run things it is that they run things to the ground
they are cunning no doubt about it - they use it to rise to positions in already functional societies, while trying to amass as much resources to themselves they do not care about the rest of it to the extent that it'll become so damaged that it ironically threatens themselves too its like parasite that is too aggressive to its host

Its because theyre too busy trying to determine if their cocks are pussies and vice versa.

They've got enough to think about in their feeble minds.

And if I was the President who was honest and wanted to do what was right in terms of international treaties - I wouldn't make a treaty with Israel until they announced their nukes and signed the non proliferation agreement as every nation has to sign. Why do they get special treatment? JFK was right about that because we're dealing with Jews who want to not go by their own borders and not announce their stockpiles and wage war by deception as Mossad does.

We know Mossad and Zionists did 911 and it pisses me off we haven't had a national discussion or debate about that obvious truth or the Israelis being caught on 911 in a fox news report by Carl Cameron which was deleted. A nation that subverts America is no ally and a dangerous nation. I view this as a rational human being and as a Christian who wants honesty on both sides not where America becomes Israel's servile dog. How can 3000 Americans get murdered and Israel not be held responsible for having its rogue Mossad operatives and our CIA for doing this? How the hell is it The Muslims , especially if it was Saudi Arabia who CREATES SUNNI TERRORISM and exports it.

How the hell isn't the far right or conservative movements whether Christian or atheists, not asking these questions?

and theres plenty enough people of every ethnicity who act the same they are worthy of being called kikes , just like wiggers are worthy being called as niggers

based poo

Yes but being anti-Israel ins't necessary being anti Jewish.

That's right goy.

Nothing is debunked until we say so!

We only had one Jewish kid in my year at school.Everybody hated him. Coincidence?,I don't think so.

Women can be redpilled. However has to be by their sexual partner. If his sister is married to a liberal, she's most likely screwed, and if his brother tries to redpill her so brutally, she will find refuge in her husband's ideals.

They're looking at it the wrong way. Are there secret groups working towards goals that sometimes coincide, though often times they have disagreements about their aims? Of course. But why are there so many Jews that do things which are harmful to their host society? This pattern has repeated for all recorded history! Is this evidence of a conspiracy? I do not believe so.

Rather than a conspiracy this is something much more simple. These behavioral peculiarities are the result of genetic proclivities. Behavior is genetic, it is why blacks share such strong behavioral similarities from LA to Lusaka, despite the hundreds of year break in their physical and cultural connection. This same pattern of behavior fitting within the norms of their genetic origin explains why Jews have done this for so long, even Jews which are nominally atheists. The idea that Zionism or religion is the explanation for the behavior of Jews cannot explain why genetic Jews, which are atheists, still fall within this continuity of behavior.


Behavior is heritable and it explains why people of disparate races cannot coexist, most of the time.

Ever see a holocaust documentar that follows the social justice trope of "inclusion" and giving a voice to the lowest among us?' Never. God forbid we discuss any western event or history without being sure to focus on the fringe, but despite the fact that a huge plurality of holocaust victims were not Jews, hardly anybody gives them more than a passing mention. Imagine if you made a holocaust movie and had a "diverse" cast of victims. Jews would lose their fucking shit. Jews are the most fucking exclusionary group on the planet and yet all they ever do is dilute everything else with it. Their foundation myth is literally that God set them apart to have dominion over he rest of us. That is how the idea of communism became an outgrowth of Judaism. One select class that rules "fairly" over the whole of the world, for the supposed benefit of all peoples, whom are all equally unfit to make decisions for themselves. That is essentially the Jewish mythology, and communist Jews see this as the rightful world order. They cannot divorce themselves from that. I say this from personal experience, and do not hate Jews as a whole, but the culture is unable to produce a population, taken as a whole, that can live in mutually constructive cooperation with other peoples. They live by entirely different rules concerning the treatment of other Jews vs. non-Jews. They use egalitarianism to deconstruct other cultures, while not believing in it for themselves, which is why you can't let Jews with this mindset into your society without them forming a separate column.