Let's talk about women, Sup Forums
>women can't make decisions on their own
Not true. I know some that are fools, but plenty of others who are totally responsible
>women today just ride the cock carousel, that's why I never fool with them
Here you go being beta males again. The trick is to actually talk to women and find out which ones are sluts and which ones are not. You'd be surprised, but if you actually socialize with people, you'll find out that there are more decent ones than you think.
>MGTOW is redpilled
Good goy.
>giving women the right to vote was a mistake.
Not necessarily. There are more sane ones than you think.
Other urls found in this thread:
Almost anybody who hates on women has some weird shit going on in their past with a slutty ex-gf or a crazy mom. There isn't a problem I see that these mgtow guys bring up about ladies that isnt also a problem with men
I'll stick with MGTOW
Fugg off fat stinky american
I socialize and I have yet to meet a single woman who is rational and logical not giving into feelings the second things don't go their way. They have a pussy and that's all the large majority has. Of course there are good ones but they are few and far in between.
>>women can't make decisions on their own
Not true. I know some that are fools, but plenty of others who are totally responsible
That is true in the private sphere of life, when deciding for a large group of people they have a fixed point od view and will always choose what advantages themselves the most instead of the whole group.
>women today just ride the cock carousel, that's why I never fool with them
Here you go being beta males again. The trick is to actually talk to women and find out which ones are sluts and which ones are not. You'd be surprised, but if you actually socialize with people, you'll find out that there are more decent ones than you think.
Obviously a lot of women aren't like that but those who ride the cock carousel are fucking disgusting and it's worth to stay away from women just to don't meet any of those
>>MGTOW is redpilled
Good goy.
I wouldn't call it redpilled but it's perfectly rational lifestyle choice these days youtube.com
>giving women the right to vote was a mistake.
Not necessarily. There are more sane ones than you think.
That's not true, most women vote left no matter the circumstance leading to a shift in the entire political spectrum leaving no hope for making government change tendency to getting smaller instead of growing until women lose voting rights
>plenty of others who are totally responsible
I sopped reading thete.
Pretty obvious, OP is a femscum.
Fuck off, femscum and just that you know: mwn WILL renove your rights again, sooner or later, because the truth about female mental underevolvement cant be tainted over with massdeception 4ever. In fact : men are waking up in masses. Soon we will be the majority and u animals will rightfully no longer be alowed to decide.
Then, civilisation will become great again, civil again, positive and intelligent again, free again ...
Fuck of, femsxum, u beling beheaded for even daring to speak without permission!
>Almost anybody who hates on women has some weird shit going on in their past with a slutty ex-gf or a crazy mom
Seems like women's fault
>There isn't a problem I see that these mgtow guys bring up about ladies that isnt also a problem with men
Read your previous sentence
after working 9 years in a women dominated workplace all i can say is that you don't know what you're talking about.
>Not true. I know some that are fools, but plenty of others who are totally responsible
That's great, that means that they can manage on their own.
>Here you go being beta males again.
There is nothing wrong with being beta, you can be beta and live happy life without all the competition and stress. Beta males also has less testosterone therefore they don't have as much sexual drive as alpha do. They can manage without woman.
>The trick is to actually talk to women and find out which ones are sluts and which ones are not.
It's like playing Russian roulette there is some chance that you hit decent one but the chance is low and the chance of complete failure is high, and again beta has less sexual drive so the reward isn't as good, and you are playing with your life and well being
>You'd be surprised, but if you actually socialize with people, you'll find out that there are more decent ones than you think.
Socializing for beta introverts is painful and tiresome. Would rather play some videogames in my room.
>Good goy.
At least MGTOW doesn't want anything from you, it's you that want to manipulate MGTOW into submission. You are more of a Jew here.
>Not necessarily. There are more sane ones than you think.
>what is welfare state
No thanks I'm good. Let's ignore the family court and the absolute bias against men, let's ignore female unreported domestic abuse towards men and provide no shelters, let's give rights to irresponsible babies and let them make idiotic decisions, let's ignore the single mother epidemic raising literal future criminals. Let's ignore the male deaths on the workplace and parrot this narrative that there aren't enough women in positions of power, so let's put them in power, because strong independent wahmen needs handouts. Let's ignore the absolutely unequivocal objective differences between male and female and regard them as equal in everything even though females need the government money paid mostly by men so they don't starve to death because the incompetence of a women is constantly at risk of destroying entire nations.
You get an upboat for trying
The exceptions don't define the norm roasty. You're not fooling anyone
There was a photographer in a mgtow thread about a month ago, he would photograph these models and he said it's a living hell because they have no sense of decency, one model was constantly told how beautiful and what a nice smell she had when in reality she reeked like a dumpster, so the guy now goes to photoshots with old spice in his bag because the clothes are expensive and he must return them clean
This, men can only ignore so much. Artificial wombs can't come soon enough.
>there are more decent ones than you think.
As long as the number of decent women is less than the number of decent men, sexual market forces will leave many decent men without a decent woman.
MGTOW is really win win situation for everyone.
Woman don't want beta males, Mgtow don't want woman, alpha doesn't want competition. Only retarded nazis has something against MGTOW.
This every single time. Stopped getting surprised now
OP on suicide watch
What if i hate hetero women because they are hetero when i want all women to realize they are actually gay and man was only a necessity so they could survive but now they they can survive men are almost obsolete so these women should just go out with other women. Is my hate justified?
We love women so much we created poetry and romanticism that's how much men love women.
Actually at some age women do want beta males, thats when they start shaming MGTOWs
You are so pussy whipped.
lol, kys
>you'll find out that there are more decent ones than you think.
Look, there's too much at stake for it to be a risk I particularly want to take. I'm sure you've seen the sexual partner count breakdowns that show how even serial monogamy is a bad thing
>Not necessarily.
Voting at all was a mistake, but women voting was particularly stupid because of the way we implemented it and how it (likely deliberately) missed the point of why they weren't voting in the first place. Family>Individuals
I know this is a controversial opinion on Sup Forums, but women are people too. Some of them are shit, some of them are not
cool anecdotes m8, really smart move there.
pro tip if you don't have statistics to back your fucking claims up, don't post
(I agree with the MGTOW shit tho)
I'd love to see someone make one like this but reversed. So put a hot chick as pic and an awful bio see what men reply with.
Look roasty, even my own mother tells me that women should always walk behind men, that they should seek the guidance of men, and with that, both parties can be happy.
She knows she'll never measure up to what her father has done or my father can do. She knows that submission is the easiest way to go through life.
So when will you learn roasty?
>plenty of others who are totally responsible
I stopped reading right there.
Pretty obvious, OP is a femscum.
Fuck off, femscum and just that you know: Men WILL renove your rights again, sooner or later, because the truth about female mental underevolvement cant be tainted over with massdeception 4ever. In fact : men are waking up in masses. Soon we will be the majority and u animals will rightfully no longer be alkowed to decide.
Then, civilisation will become great again, civil again, positive and intelligent again, free again ...
Fuck of, femscuum, u belong beheaded for even daring to speak without permission!
Time to end female rights, NOW!
Yeah they are people, almost always useless as partners, try to control you through emotions because they don't have any, make more problems then they solve and are sometimes extremely dangerous. What's your point?
The Aeneid was written out of love for women?
Reminder: Women can't be redpilled,history and religions teach us this.
Women: Emotions over logic, vaginal Jews,financial leeches, authors of their own misery and demise.
Women hit their peak at 15-18, then its down hill from there. Thats a biological fact
the whole "women hit their peak at 30" is PC bullshit. Its nothing more than a womanly tactic to shame men into dating roasties, instead of dating fertile, young women. But because so many males are pathetically desperate they're willing to date roasties.
Its why women try to shame successful men that date women in their teens and early 20's, when there is nothing shamefull about it at all. Whats shameful and cruel is having a child with a woman thats 25+
>Someone shit on this plate of food
we (the 3 males) were basically ignored by them, so we got to see how they really are when there's no available man in sight. guess that made it a lot easier for me to remain faithful to my wife for such a long time.
Point was that not all of them are shit. Does that trigger you mgtows?
These fucking threads make me hate women. I've known and know decent ones and been with a lot of them. I was bluepilled and just banged random thots which now disgust me. And now that I go out and get in relationships with actual decent women, these threads get me to think that they might just be thots behind the mask anyway. Fuck me.
oh look another thread about women.
was gonna sage but then I remembered that these threads exist because there are many of you who just don't understand women at all, and MGTOW is just as fucking dumb as feminism, it leads to even further declining birth rates.
this has to be a satire account
The Divina Commedia wasn't??
Lost it
>being him
Why do you care about declining birth rates? Honest question
Some poetry was written for women, some wasn't. Men can draw on motivation that doesn't center around women.
if that happens to you, and you dont torture and kill the bitch, you are no man
i would burn her alive slowly with a handheld benzomatic torch
>the nawalt argument
Oh finnbro how the mighty have fallen
> women
> people
Women are literally and unequivocally animals, not men.
Because they have no working brain
Are antisocial, toxic, parasitic
Develop no civillity on their own
Unable to cooperate (anti social)
They have zero signs of anything that seperates animals from men.
Which firs of all grounds in selfcontrol and selfreflection,
Of ehoch females have none,
Which bte explains everything.
They literally are subhumans, really animals.
1 post
1 sage
Not really, I'm not a MGTOW but you'd have to be stupid not to see how most women are less then worthless and the rest is just worthless with only a few being decent. I'm happy to have a 20 y.o. traditional christian gf which I mold to my liking but I consider myself lucky and I known her a long time before dating her so I had a good judgment of her. Its 100% rational for men to avoid dating, when you see how some women behave and then try to deceive everyone including themselves. Absolutely disgusting.
Because he cares about the future of his civilization?
Yeah this seems hard to accept for some people
Tits or GTFO
A literal literary movement dedicated to women and how beautiful and gorgeous they were.
Have women even done something remotely comparable?? Man created an entire timeperiod where women were seen as angels.
Dating a redpilled cuteboy is the way. Most submissive twinks are just waiting for you to drill your ideas into them
It's not hard at all perkele, but it's just hunting for the unicorn, an exception to the rule doesn't make any difference
Literally the only redeeming point of white women is that they're the only ones capable of creating white men.
But by coalburning they reject that chance and thus deserve everything coming at them.
Is the future of civilization at risk with verifiable data supporting that claim or is it just unjustified paranoia is what I'm really asking.
Men and Women hold different qualities that are equally important for a harmonious society. Women unable to conform to traditional gender roles are either autistic or sexually misfit.
>It's not hard at all perkele, but it's just hunting for the unicorn, an exception to the rule doesn't make any difference
Maybe like attracts like
listen carefully how those decent women you say you met talk with/about their parents. then you'll know for sure what you're dealing with.
not an argument
Aren't whites already a minority of births in the US?
this, i ve been deceived before, and never saw the warning signs, like her weird dysfunctional relationship with her parents, and rest of the family
dont ever trust a woman's word, if she is saying she is "good", SHE IS NOT
ngl, it's his fault doing this shit with out finding out if she was single or not first.
No it doesn't work like that at all, if anything the opportunistic nature of women drive them to always seek a better partner to ensure the offspring has a comfortable life. I'm not hating on women for it just stating the true female nature
We're right around that line, yes, which is actually a good thing, because the ones that aren't having kids are the shitlib whites. Conservative whites are always counted as at or above replacement rate, which actually makes them have higher birth rates than all minorities except South American spics
>mfw theres r34 of this
MGTOW is just hedonism, it's no more red pilled than feminism or SJW lunacy
there is nothing red pilled, mature or productive about living life like you're six years old with a pillow fort that has a "NO GIRLS ALLOWED" sign on the outside
>Have women even done something remotely comparable?
They have perpetuated a massive cycle of media-influenced women creating women-influenced media. This movement now sways the majority of the west. It's a subversive movement, but it is an influential and massive movement nevertheless. (((They))) are involved too.
What I was saying before is that men can be motivated by things other than women. For example, the Meiji Japanese made massive gains under the motivation of impressing their god-emperor. Therefore, man can persevere even in the coming age of sexbots and artificial wombs.
>having 50% non-whites is a good thing
Ok then, if you say so. Btw have you been listening to Alt-hype?
I must resist
>just find your special NAWALT unicorn waifu in a sea of sluts
No thanks
I have, yes. He's right. If Trump sufficiently closes our borders, the future is permanently ours, but it has to happen now
I see your point, i agree.
I was referring to the fact that men created romance and this idea of love