Are we in danger of becoming a world of small-souled bug men?


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Someone's mad he doesn't have money for good products.

would you rather die alone surrounded by your collectable figurines or live in a safe and productive community with a loving wife and beautiful children that all appreciate your way of being?


What I meant is: there is nothing wrong with having a hobby. Also nothing wrong with Teslas, less pollution is better.


aw shit I have headphones, a keyboard AND a graphics card. I even have some of that pomade stuff too but I never use it

>take a man from the greatest society that ever existed
>take away everything that it stood for and replace it with shame
>tell him to apologise for his ancestors greatness
>tell him he is a burden to the world
>break his spirit and identity down into artifacts of hate and evil
>and surprise surprise, he becomes a corporate slave, eager to accept anything that will replace the connection he has lost to his kin
>those around him have become equally offensive as a form of defence
>every action is scrutinized and ridiculed
>there is no community, no honesty or kinship, only individual slaves paying for their own board on a prison planet

It is already this way.

Nice reading comprehension.
What he's criticizing is people whose hobbies consist entirely of conspicuous consumption.

Hopefully someone kills Zuckerberg.

>that image
fucking kek

U talking bout me?



>he tweets safe opinions under his full name

I was just thinking about how it must be nice to have all the correct opinions so you can tie them to your real identity

Meanwhile opinions such as "hey, maybe Drumpf isn't actually Hitler" have to be hidden by a veil of anonymity lest I be doxxed for being an intolerant bigot



This. I like this big man post but it's also too specific with the Fortune 500 crap.
Anyway, try using a mechanical keyboard for a few weeks and go back to the crap you were using before. You will hate it.
I also have nice headphones because I like music. I don't have a nice graphics card because I don't game.

the latter but it's obviously impossible, every woman is a slut

so fuck you, i will enjoy nice things

what's wrong with vim you stupid faggot, it's more productive

stop stealing posts from MPC you fucking faggot, come up with some original ideas

Moderates 16 subs...

i assumed we were there already. It happened to me until I realized what it was. I've seen others hint at it, but none described it so completely such as this. This from an imageboard?

the bugman is just the Last Man with internet and smartphones.


It's part of the Brave New World plan.

>normies aren't responding to my ideas, how do we fix this?
>I know, let's call them brainless, soulless sheep! that will surely work

>bugmen are normies
Have you ever stepped out of your college dorm?

Haha dude you're a fucking canadian


and thus the bugman's path of development becomes known.

Not all of us can be huwhite warriors posting on Sup Forums 24/7 faggot

Good one, leaf. I'll spare you the rake today.

>Also nothing wrong with Teslas, less pollution is better.

Buy a bicycle then. Most people that live and work in a city don't need a car.

"Muh culture".

Every culture existes for one reason - to circlejerk each other through repeatable (but useless) rituals and create oxytocin high of belonging. Every culture is hostile to outsiders, every culture creates homogenous mass, the distinctions are just bells and whistles. The rivalries are petty and pathetic, just like rivelries over sport teams.

But cultures exist for a reason. Human brain comes with capacity to empathize with only so many agents, so it is advantageous to create "The Other" and view them as mere source or resources. That's the purpose of every culture, boys.

That would make sense as redditors have a strange fixation on eating bugs.

Whoever wrote that is extremity butthurt and I want to distance myself from the right wing after reading it.


Bugman detected and reddit spacing as well. You have to go back, maybe pick up antique typewriter collecting.

obviously. and with that some cultures are better than others, but also adhere to survival of the fittest. There's still no reason to believe that this ushering of bugmen isn't to make them dumb and docile.

If I had to guess, I'd say a butthurt Internet lefty wrote it all and is just hoping it will catch on to discredit the "alt right".

It was clearly written by a gaylord who hates normies.

nothing boils my blood more than listening to these smug obnoxious brainlets with dunning kruger syndrome.

Good post but you know deep down if you could have god-vision of the guy who wrote that's life there would be some real sad and pathetic shit too. A normie doesn't produce that kind of text.

There's a self loathing element to all nerd screeds like that. Pleasureman's law.

bugman does not mean any man who isnt a white nationalist, a bugman is a very specific persona of every male who thinks theyre an individual.

Only if we dont remove female 'rights'.

this pic is fire

>reddit spacing
>reddit tier comment

why are you here?

What's with Freakonomics? I've only read the book, but it dropped on me one of my most important redpills, that a predicted explosion of crime in the US didn't happen bevause abortion was legalised. Later I connected the dots with niglets getting capped in the womb.



To point out that what you are positing is completely non genuine and cringy.

The future is lost.

Notice also that instead of expressing his masculinity through strength training, martial arts, hunting, skilled trades and sexual conquests, the Bugman turns instead to expressing his manhood through grooming and the purchasing of over-priced artisanal barber products.

Beards used to be manly, but they have been ruined by nu-male bugman faggots.

nice .jpg, faglord.

This specific guy will purchase clever in-joke printed t-shirts off the internet, his patron saint is Nikola Tesla and he is a big fan of The Oatmeal.

>being an anarcho capitalist
>complaining that people favour individualism instead of collectivism
what's wrong with this picture?

>mistaking these people for individualists

>Beards used to be manly
Beards use to be thing that everyone wears. It is funny that you in your glorification jerk of the past decided to get rid of logic and reduce your statements to gerontocratic whine.

I have a beard, use vim and work in a stem field

Am I a bugman?

Do you own a smartphone watch?

>gazes at jpegs of nebulas and ponders the wonders of the universe

That activity is too deep-minded to be a bug man thing. Bug men don't give a shit about the natural splendor of our world and universe

Chances are 19/20 you are.

>that a predicted explosion of crime in the US didn't happen bevause abortion was legalised
Crime still exploded though, because of niggers fully abandoning white institutions.

He's describing the Chinese.
The wonderful mixed race creation of Israel Cohen after the Khazar Jews won the Opium War.


Due to overpopukation over 65 prcernt of the pop are soulless

Undisputabke fact

They hsve NPD symptoms

Of course they don't. Look at the personal lives of Spengler, Tesla, da Vinci. Not saying this guy is even on the same plane but normies don't write things like this because they don't have to think about it.

Hmmm wow are they reall khazar hmm wow

then why are you engaging with them?

this is like if you showed up to a soccer game, randomly ran onto the field in the middle of the game, and when everyone stops playing and is like "what the fuck are you doing here?" you squeak out "well not everyone can be a soccer player!" - get off the field if you can't play, retard


>Being a grown adult and tracking information
>Be an engineer, doctor, scientist, or any type of professional
>Rely on the advice of others
>Rely on studies of others
>This is bad because...
>You're a bug

this is the stupidest meme. Craft beer is delicious, consumer electronics are fine. There's nothing wrong with wearing glasses. Posting on Sup Forums is no more valid a hobby than making artisanal cutting boards or whatever you think bugmen do in their free time.

it makes sense from a utilitarian point of view, but compriomising the flavor in our diet will suck major cock for living.

This makes me glad to be a filthy parasite in society's bosom. Although, I'm aware that this is identity signalling -- how very convenient it is that I just happened to be in this position while becoming aware of this idea!

what is this bullshit, you want to practice your "cultural roots" bullshit? You want to go back to shitting in a can?

So i have a beard fuck you all for hating what is to me just a natural part of my face

raidsprayed bugman detected

It's not really about these things individually or even collectively. It's the reason behind them.

If you like craft beer because you like craft beer that's fine, if you like craft beer because some subreddit convinced you it was cool and hip and unique then you don't actually like craft beer and you are in all likelihood a small-souled bugman.

Hi, MPC. Glad to see some real effortposting instead of shitposting and degeneracy on Sup Forums for once.

But Pman is way too much of a delusional Trump fanboy sometimes.

>be NEET that's too lazy to shave
>have giant neckbeard

D-does that mean I'm a bugman?

RIPPED PHREAK spirit is poasting in this thread

>bugmen, when will they learn?

You mind giving me the source on that? I might put it together into a single picture

What’s MPC?

I don't think that's very common at all. It's like people getting upset over other people enjoying David Lynch movies or whatever: "you can't actually like that, you're just trying to fit in!". The vast majority of people who are older than high schoolers like things that they like because they actually enjoy them, not because reddit told them to.

Found the bugmen.

>that pic
I know bugmen who lift

Poor little buggy-bug.... :(

weightmachines don't count, also deadlifting is a must

It's not about the products, it's about identifying with the products

>the Bugman turns instead to expressing his manhood through grooming and the purchasing of over-priced artisanal barber products.


Reminds me of the Calhoun "mouse utopia" overpopulation experiments:

>Initially, the population grew rapidly, doubling every 55 days. The population reached 620 by day 315, after which the population growth dropped markedly, doubling only every 145 days. The last surviving birth was on day 600, bringing the total population to a mere 2200 mice, even though the experiment setup allowed for as many as 3840 mice in terms of nesting space. This period between day 315 and day 600 saw a breakdown in social structure and in normal social behavior. Among the aberrations in behavior were the following: expulsion of young before weaning was complete, wounding of young, increase in homosexual behavior, inability of dominant males to maintain the defense of their territory and females, aggressive behavior of females, passivity of non-dominant males with increased attacks on each other which were not defended against.[2]

>After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. During this period females ceased to reproduce. Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were dubbed "the beautiful ones." Breeding never resumed and behavior patterns were permanently changed.

A spin off of a right wing spin off of SomethingAwful and home of Pleasureman, inventor of SCALE, destroyer of Neoreaction (along with Weev), bullycider of shitlibs, and hater of Richard Spencer. OP is probably referencing this thread: