Sleep tight white boys
Sleep tight white boys
I would rather be a dead chad than an old beta
This is why i haven't lifted in 2 years
But I thought "whites" wernt actually a race and that race was just a social construct
Hint: the article ignores that the amount of exercise that can kill "white men" could kill just about anyone because it's a ridiculous amount of exercise
Fucking kikes.
Just because excessive amounts of exercise might be bad doesnt mean you shouldn't lift or run regularly.
leave exercise (and your women) to black men, white boy.
Nice try but you're not going to stop us getting swole for the race war.
Boy, I sure am glad that no one is shilling bullshit propaganda designed to make white men weak and defenceless.
Chadom is risk. But Chadom is life
>gleefully writes the brainwashed White girl on her MacBook Pro as she sips her Starbucks coffee while stroking her cat, not realizing that she will commit suicide due to missing children and dried up ovaries in around 15 years when all the Good Men have raised conservative families with loyal White wives
Many such cases!
Too much of anything can kill anyone.
>it's a ridiculous amount of exercise
7,5 hours per week or more is not an insane amount. That's a little more than an hour per day.
Exercising really hard it not healthy, if you feel like shit the next day tone it down.
>7.5 hours a week of working out
This kills the white man
> 7.5 hours a week of working
This kills the nigger
20 minutes of brisk walking 2 to 3 times per week is all you need user.
This study combines all forms of exercise. Don't be a chump, ditch the virgin low intensity cardio, and embrace your inner powerlifting+high intensity cardio chad.
It's beta male soyboy bugmen who do an endless amount of slow running that get heart attacks, not deadlifting alpha males
>There are no differences of race
>Except Whites are inferior
Which is stupid. Elite level powerlifters don't even train that much. If you can train 1 hour per day 7 days a week you are not doing any serious weight training with heavy weights.
Even if this bullshit article was true,
Black men are already dead thanks to gang violence.
Jesus fucking Christ... the kikes are literally trying to make us into fat niggers. Every time I see some shit like this, I get a strong desire to see journalists thrown into a flaming spike pit filled with cobras that have AIDs
more pop sci bullshit looking for clicks. Study didn't even look at mortality or sickness rates.
Is there even a need to say why this is a shitty argument?
>too much exercise can kill WHITE men
>Everyone is the same, race means nothing.
wined the clock.
Exercise shortens everyones life, the difference is niggers lives are already extremely short from their terrible life decisions
Thats literally all this fucking is
How this manages to be misconstrued into something completely different is beyond me, its very very simple, niggers have an extremely low life expectancy, working out doesnt kill them even faster because they eat so fucking terribly that they NEED to work out just to not have even more heart disease, stroke etc
>Exercise shortens everyones life,
>being healthy makes you die
Lol ok
If you never want to be able to consume a burger without getting a belly perhaps. Sure it might work while you're young but after a few decades of putting a few pounds on ever year you'll become an American-tier fatty.
if you're going to eat like fucking crazy, like niggers, and be a fat ass, then exercise will actually be beneficial to your health, because you were going to fucking die way earlier anyway
but if you dont eat garbage food and an excess of calories, you would live longer by not pushing yourself to the limit
that being said i still exercise constantly to the point of nearly having a stroke because i fucking hate everything
i eat an average of 3-5 burgers a week and im only gaining muscle
>Linking directly to Unilad
>fucking UNILAD
come on... for fuck sake
You'll be gaining fat as well, can't gain muscle without gaining fat.
You can eat burgers all day everyday, as long as you train properly and count your calories to keep them around maintenance, you'll gain mostly muscle.
It's not a claim made by unilad jackass, they're just explaining the study.
Exercise doesn't shorten your life. It benefits your life and helps you live a healthier, longer life! Anyone saying exercise is bad for you is lying and a fool.
>MSM is LITERALLY saying for white men to become sissy cuckolds, while praising the big strong athletic black men achievements every opportunity they get.
>you would live longer by not pushing yourself to the limit
Lol wut. Mike ohearn is almost 50, and look at this shit.
>can't gain muscle without gaining fat.
>You can eat burgers all day everyday, as long as you train properly and count your calories to keep them around maintenance, you'll gain mostly muscle.
literally choose one
what the fuck?
>20 min brisk walk 2-3x/week.
>Eat burgers all day everyday.
Why can't Brits read the post before the post they are replying to?
>Anyone saying exercise is bad for you is lying and a fool.
Some types of exercise are probably not healthy. Long distance low intensity running is probably very bad for your health.
>tfw cycle 200 km in a week
take it up the ass, jews, I'm still alive
>using UNILAD as a legitimate source of news
fuck off kike
>another SJW (((journalist))) wants white genocide
>400 KM
fuck me
Too much exercise can kill anyone but no one gives a shit if people other than white men die.
You have bikes?
The study is linked in the article dummy.
If you count your calories and do 2 or 3 walks per week, you can still eat burgers everyday. It won't be many burgers though, only around 1500 - 2000 calories worth per day.
Anyone lifting weights for 7.5 hours a week is probably taking all kinds of supplements and other performance enhancers. Which is what I suspect is actually killing them.
More than 5 hours a week is the realm of body builders who want to look huge as fuck.
This anti-white stuff has to fucking stop
I said 'mostly' muscle.
Look up the definition of the word 'mostly'.
>More than 5 hours a week is the realm of body builders who want to look huge as fuck.
Or anyone who doesn't want to have to tell people they work out
International weightlifters have morning and evening sessions. Powerlifters train less than that because they're fat fucks who can barely walk.
Why wouldn't we?
I commute each day with one by travelling to the nearest city which is quite far. It's better than a car IMO.
You can get shredded as fuck with only 2-3 hours of lifting a week. Only people who want to be huge work out for longer than that.
>It's better than a car IMO.
You know how cars work right?
Breaking News: Nobody lives forever. Do you want to die a bitch? FUCK NO.
No-sports confirmed.
Sorry this thread is for Chad jocks only
>Which is what I suspect is actually killing them.
one of the most common ingredients is caffiene, which was found to lengthen peoples lives in some study, to my disbelief, since its a stimulant and increases your heart rate and causes insomnia
but i suppose it could have antioxidants or some shit to counteract that and do even more but i still dont trust it, hell even black coffee feels like shards of broken glass in my stomach recently, fuck that noise
That's working out for 2 hours a day every other day.
That's not that much lmao.
>You can get shredded as fuck with only 2-3 hours of lifting a week
>you can get shredded in less time if you're lucky enough to have God tier genetics.
Ftfy. Even a real simple workout takes 1 hour.
I get to do cardio each day, it's good for me. If I used a car I wouldn't have any time left to do exercise and I would grow fat.
I think the exercise that they say can kill you is long distance running. Weight lifting would not get your heart rate high enough
Caffeine is good for you. Same with nicotine. Smoking is bad for your lungs, though.
>Anyone lifting weights for 7.5 hours a week is probably taking all kinds of supplements and other performance enhancers. Which is what I suspect is actually killing them.
I think one of the problems with this number is how people calculate the amount of time they exercise. You can easily be 2-3 hours in the gym doing heavy weightlifting, but the time you effectively exercise is much lower than 2-3 hours, and probably more like 30-45 minutes at most. If you do heavy squats, you're spending a lot of time not exercising in between sets.
You speak ancient truths, user.
Most pro bodybuilders will lift weights for an hour a day 5-6 days a week.
Stay weak and flabby, goy! Dat masculine build, so toxic!
(where de buff black men at!! me knickers is soaked!!!!)
Also this. Leg day takes 2.5 hours easy. But I spend a lot of time in the squat rack, taking time between sets so my heart doesn't explode.
>Weight lifting would not get your heart rate high enough
Idk if you're doing it right
Quads and a worthwhile post. Checked and based!
we're all gonna make it.
depends on how you do it, i suppose
scooby is almost 60 and looks great and i'm assuming he's in near perfect health. but he's also super autistic about his diet and performing every exercise with perfect form to limit potential danger.
then you have Rich Piano who killed himself because he wanted to be a mass monster.
>Leg day takes 2.5 hours easy
Ever do 10x10 squat workout? That alone can take 30+ min.
Bullshit, I used to do one hour a day 6 days a week. That’s what most guys in the military do desu and a lot of them live old as fuck. Probably a bad sample.
Pro body builders train with light weights and do high reps, pointless looking at them
And I bet you can't even squat 200kg because you train like a dummy
>10x10 squat workout
Why would you?
That's right WHITE GOYIMS, don't exercise & become wimps & sissy faggots so your women will flock to black men
>10x10 squats
You’re either cheating by set 6 or the weight is far too low.
There is no comparison between weight lifting and long distance running. White men that do long distance running are prone to heart attacks by their mid forties. That is what this study is referencing but wants you to think it is about weight lifting
>Don't exercise, white people
>Don't buy guns, white people
>Don't have children, white people
>The resistance is coming, white people
It would be funny were it not for the implications...
Why would you do that? Bellend.
Bet you don't even follow a proper periodized program and follow some bullshit from a bodybuilding mag.
10x10 would be impossible to do consistently if you were using serious weights by the way.
Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn't seem to have any health problems. He's 70 and still spreading his virile seed.
>And I bet you can't even squat 200kg because you train like a dummy
Lol you retard. You're legs are the biggest muscle group and need the volume. 200kg is like 440 lbs, and my most recent squat pr is 485.
>inb4 hurr internet tough guy I don't believe it
I don't give a fuck
>Pro body builders train with light weights and do high reps, pointless looking at them
Holy shit you're retarded
>90 lb weakling detected
>Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn't seem to have any health problems
Sorry to bring it to you, user. But Arnold has mental health problems.
Ive only seen blacks at a gym only a few times, Blacks just run a lot and go to prison to get buff
>see that white men the world over are suddenly getting out and getting in shape after the God Emperor gets elected
I love how Chad is emerging to become the new heroic figure for men to aspire to be. It also looks like it is an natural occurrence as in you can't stop heroic figures from emerging as long as they are aligned to the truth. This birth is going against everything post modernists and feminists preach about. Chad is already getting stories akin that of Hercules, not through poems but through meme. Soon enough, we are going to get a canonization of Chad and we will all gather around our screens to tell the epic tales of Chad Thundercock, slayer of nu-males.