>tfw live in literally the best country in the world
Tfw live in literally the best country in the world
Other urls found in this thread:
You have a gay poo as your leader.
A 1/3rd of your island belongs to another country.
You don't have your own currency.
You are in the EU whose aim is to replace you with Arabs.
Higgins says we need an adult debate on gimmigration:
1. Leave EU with no deal,reject all talks
2. Deregulation
3. Deport foreign criminals / Exile domestic criminals
4. Close National Schools
5. Close RTE
6. Remove income Tax
7. 5% Corporate Tax
basically stop pretending we aren't a tax haven and make the rules to suit ourselves.
>oh the markets wont like that
Did I say we didn’t have problems? No. I just implied that our problems are nothing compared to the rest of the world, which is on the brink of a world war. The first three things you mentioned are cosmetic. Ireland will be even more white in 50 years as the rest of the white Europeans flee here.
wew, join a gun club lad, the "it'll never happen here brigade" are on their last legs
we are in an equally shit state as the UK and France
>no bombings yet
mussies have no reason to attack us, as every single person in public is terrified of having a distasteful opinion.
we are sweden 10 years ago m9
I think we’re just poorly informed. I’ve brought up no-go zones to plenty of people and not one of them had heard of them before. My dad is redpilled but he reads the papers and watches fucking rte. I tell him what’s going on around the world and half the time he almost doesn’t believe me. I think it’s the women here who are particularly stupid.
Women are kept in line in every country with increasing native populations, otherwise they turn men against each other (from literal butthurt) and they are literal (80%+) retards (the men are a close second).
they bend over to invaders as they cause the invasions, they have zero loyalty and shouldn't have an opinion let alone a vote.
>people disagree with this
the best argument they have is "ah sure, we can hardly take it off them now"
most women i know vote for the sole reason they feel they are meant to.
>More free shit
gets a vote
>nice words
gets a vote
on and on and on the retardation goes.
and it's no ones job to inform you but yourself.
It would nice if it wasn't for all the Irish.
Don't forget
>Looks attractive
gets a vote.
So do you guys have a lot of Muslims down there?
Hardly ever see any up here in NI, you see the odd nigger and even less sand niggers unless you go to Belfast but even then it's vastly all white Northern Irish. Also our police are always armed so I doubt muzzies would try anything, even if they did the populace here would be furious. I can just imagine the backlash now, it would be glorious
this guy for Emperor
>tfw live in literally the most boring country in the world
literally 80% of the UKs landmass is in the same situation as Ireland, mostly white country with history and culture. All cities are shitholes and the UK has more of them but that's the only difference.
That one girl is college age? wtf, Ireland...
Ireland is only good in books. You have a shit speaking voice that's hard to understand and makes your women look unatractive. a dead native language, or close to death. It fucking rains all.the.time and everything is made from rocks found near the river bed. You guys are pretty lame
the roasties age like milk
they look physically different by 18 years of age
We're hard to understand because we warped the english language to suit ourselves, we took tonnes of irish words and phrases into english, but of course thats denied by the oxbridge robots.
You just weren't allowed in on the Craic, you butthurt immigrant
Half the country has an accent like Liam Neeson and he has a nice speaking voice. Ulster accents are the nicest and the women here are hotter. Other Irish accents are nice too. The
Language isn't dying and schools that teach kids through the Irish language are thriving. Never heard or seen river rocks used to build anything here.
>the roasties age like milk
a kebab that clean on a college girl is rare here
pic related is the norm
the muslims are trying to beat your kill count in europe
fucking disgusting wtf
And no sane person would ever support that. Thank fuck.
Fucking kek
I think we have reached a tipping point with immigrants. Nigger on joe duffy this week saying we shouldn't read mice and men in class. 90% of the callers agreed. We are going to get jewed hard in the next decade.
Limerick and places like waterford. are being taken over by them. No go zones in 20 years.
It looks ok now but in a few years we're probably fucked, most on the people I know that arent in stem are retarded leftists
Well they're an ethnic minority now, annoyed they get more protection but at least we can point out we're different to that scum, surprised they havn't been rounded up
Most of those presidents with "Irish" blood actually have hillbilly Scotch-Irish blood. Like you.
Why paddies are so cute :3
define sane
Liam Neeson is an Irish Catholic you mong and he literally played Michael Collins, the leader of the 1920's IRA.
Holy shit... lol
>No guns
>Poo in loo as leader
>Zero hour contracts
>Soul-crushing weather
Ulster is Irish.
Don't call a Country out if your mayor is literally a Muslim
remember the google president ?
>You don't have your own currency
It's called weed and firewood.
That shit is as good as fucking gold for us.
irish are subhumans
there are guns everywhere you mong
wow,they changed the puppet
want money? fuckin work for it
your a miserable housebound numale
i saw a guy give someone a hug after he gave him a bag of coal for xmas once
The poor words that get over used here.
Hope mama merkels "new Germans" fuck your ass red you Russian rape baby.
no wonder all the local Albanians emigrated there.
It's unbelievable how good Ireland is compared to every country in the world. No humans or animals that will kill you, no form of natural disaster, no abortion, population has a very small percentage of non-natives and a tiny percentage of non-white immigrants, refugees can't walk here, sexiest girls in the world, only country that seems to understand craic...
I honestly pity every other country, and pray a Rosary for you all weekly
>only country that seems to understand craic...
This. This is why Irish are so successful abroad. It astounds the dry shites.
my father ran a tiny business in the "bad times"
he went to murica,
had the craic with a businessman,
got a small loan of a hundred thousand
became local business leader
>all because he could chat shit and have fun
i honestly pity those wooden people known as Brits
Anyone who is a productive member of society.
OK retard
yes, we must be extra productive for scum to survive here.
I'd say you're a townie, and typically enough, brainwashed into thinking we need any of that
Hey Éire when is Conor gonna come back and kill Tony?
>hes a bogger
Wow, shocking. Far too much is expended on your rural cunts.
December surely?
we waste food on you turncoats
>muh monies can be eaten
>muh island will die without gibs
boggers are the only people even connected to the country, your types think cow shit is icky and soil is dirty. fuck off to Brussels fanboy
by no means would it die. But the comfort of our city folk, the quality people of the island, would suffer having to renegotiated trade deals with all of... 163 countries the EU has deals with. Not to mention our primary economic driver isn't corporate tax, but export supported by a robust treaty network with the US allowing shared standards and reduced tariffs. Tell me, what good is a tax haven if the entities which use it won't have access to their domestic markets? The americans are railing against us as taking advantage in trade as is, how would we get a deal to allow our continued access with 22% of our export base?
Because across the entire planet, only one country has pure WTO terms and those are not favourable.
Come to think of it, do you actually know whats involved in trade? In exporting agri-food even?
Are you aware who the current leader of Ireland is?
imagine food grown within eyesight of your kitchen, preventing other illnesses
>trade deals
imagine cutting better deals to suit our economy over germany's
>corporate tax
10 companies pay half of all tax in Ireland you mong
>shared standards
you have no clue what your on about
>tax haven
you can move money where you like, you seem to equate DPRK isolationism with leaving the EU
By increasing our industry (not just tech, I mean clothing, disposables, machinery, etc)
we can grow a low cost, sustainable economy instead of this road to Bangladesh we seem to desire.
Yea, I export construction material and beef boyo
exporting 1's and 0's benefits non-irish
a guy who lost 2/3'rds of the popular vote in a 2 horse race?