> 03 Apr 2012








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she's cute desu

side note: i would fuck the living shit out of her


or it was covered up

>Close to
Why the need for fake news?

Anyway, they're full-on with Trump.

Would let her infiltrate me

The Spy Who Needs to Shag Me

WEW I would have bred that Ruskie.

>close to seducing Obama admins
>close to

The one time an entire admin of numale bugmen actually pays off.

dont u understand?? "close to" was a lie!


quick rundown pls, I am not at home and bad internet here


If you stupid, brain dead shit eating cucks would actually READ the damn article, you would see that the Obama FBI found who this bitch was and REMOVED her from the country before it was an issue.

What this proves, yet again, is that Obama was the smartest man in the room and put the best people for the job in the right places.

Was he or his admin perfect? fuck no, there was still a bunch of shit that went down.

BUT, he clearly has a good head on his shoulder and did some things in the best interests of the country and it's citizens....a far cry from what the Traitor-In-Chief who currently lives in the WH is doing.

cry harder, faggot.

I really want to know who she was getting close to and if they had anything to do with the Uranium One scandal.

>Uranium One
cry harder, stupid cuck

>Obama FBI found who this bitch was and REMOVED her from the country before it was an issue.

haha sure they did... thats just what they want you to think.

I want to capture and torture her...


Oh wow, what a retort. You fuckers are going to have a hard time explaining why a sitting US president allowed a deal to go through after he was told that the people involved were corrupt, money laundering bribers from Russia.

The Uranium One scandal is not only, or even principally, a Clinton scandal.It is an Obama-administration scandal.

The Clintons were just doing what the Clintons do: cashing in on their “public service.” The Obama administration, with Secretary Clinton at the forefront knowingly compromising American national-security interests. The administration green-lighted the transfer of control over one-fifth of American uranium-mining capacity to Russia, the greatest foe of the US according to the IC.

She was deported tho and everyone knew that, you slowpoke

They removed her after the damage was done. After there was enough dirt on the administration to force a sell off of strategic energy assets to Russia. And after everyone cashed in. Obama was a puppet, doing the bidding of his masters. A good poster boy for the globalists to parade around.

retard detected.

>You won

Then let her back in to attempt to entrap Trump JR...awkward

80's hair kind of kills it but still

Most likely they all fucked her for fake intel then deported her once she suspected.

>YWN be a government official so Russian spies can seduce you

It's not fair desu.

How is this news, been know for sometime. Say hi to chicken little for me.




shes even a qt in her mugshot


>tfw you will never infiltrate her


are you a fucking homosexual

how do i get myself a qt russian spy gf?

Why are Russian's eyes so close together? Are they retarded?

I'd infiltrate her birth canal if you know what I mean

She actually took the job just to get laid

I would put my penis inside of her vagina repeatedly if you know what I mean



>Anna Chapman
She've been known "spy" and now a celebrity in russia for almost 10 years...Is everyone here retarded?

muh muthafukkin dick

yes but now u can put the pieces together

it all makes sense

>tfw you will never be important enough for a government to dangle a beautiful white woman spy in front of you who will engage in all of your most disgusting sexual fantasies
why even live?

>Most likely they all fucked her

Doubt it. Obama only fucks men.

>close to seducing
how hard is it to say "i'll suck your dick for launch codes"

or monkeys

but what does it all mean?


>close to seducing

translates to

>seduced us but we deported her after we fucked her and are now getting ahead of the story by claiming she just came close to seducing us



>shitty russian puffy cheeks like a mongrel/jew
>1980s "big hair" like dolly parton or some slut
>eyes too close together and too small (unfeminine)
>bulbous nose from poor breeding or too much vodka
>nasty mole starting on her chin.. will be hairy and giant by 40
>russian spy.. enemy of freedom-loving peoples all over the world
>skinny, stick like arms, another sign of bad genes or diet
>generally a disgusting ho that should be locked up for life

You must read this account -- the Obama official she was trying to seduce was Hillary Clinton -- no joke, The article is long.

Her face looks a lot like Putin in this one

Read this. Chapman was part of this spy ring. dailycaller.com/2017/10/20/hillary-clintons-russian-ghost-stories/


Typical Niger bitch. Always worried about >hair

>that Slav face
All women age like milk, but in Slavs it's the worst AND the fastest.

>All white women age like milk, but in Slavs it's the worst AND the fastest.


can you stop saying happening unless there has been a truck of peace? ty

The only way Obama could be the smartest guy in the room is if he was surrounded by nothing but cheese pizza and hot dogs

>implying kids aren't smarter than this dumbfuck


HRC bundled all the spies out with no negotiation deal bc she didn't want them to mess up her Uranium 1 deal

Gee, I wonder how you get a job like hers.

After the FBI arrested 10 of the spies in June, 2010, Secretary of State Clinton worked feverishly to return the Russian agents to Moscow in a hastily arranged, lopsided deal with Putin.



How could you even resist?

So 1 + 1 = Hillary is a lesbo. Why is nobody connecting the dots?

would come on face /10

Trump has russian spies infiltrating his administration before he was even president!


Well it's not HER you should be worried about, its her fucking slav handlers who would put radioactive material in your tea while you were fucking her.

worse, Trump has Jews infiltrating his administration before he was even President!

>Anna Chapman
Old news, really.

champman hosts a conspiracy channel called ren-tv.

There's most likely been countless miles of penis inside that woman

I'd give her the nuclear codes.

Would die of multiple organ failure happy,
Totally worth it desu

We all know she is ...it's just too vile to contemplate

I bet you are the guy that keeps trying to push the traps are not gay meme. She could have poisonous snakes for hair for all I care.

Joke is on the Russians. Obama is gayer than a stack of strawberry pancakes.

Perhaps that is why she and Weinstein are such good friends...they share a common obsession.

>eyes bug out of head
>boi-oi-oi-oi-ing sound
>clears throat
What a lovely, young lady.


but not his cabinet

Their wives are best buds.

If she was seducing Hillary, I'll laugh myself into the afterlife. I mean, seriously guys, what are the odds that Russia sent a seductress to entice Hillary?

Imagine the fallout.

You mad?
I love that the whole "muh Russia" bullshit has and continues to blow up your stupid lefty faces. It's glorious, and it's going to get even better.

aaand the erection is gone
what the thing with bitches who look fuckable in clothes and makeup but if you unwrap them then its just disappointment

tfw you will never be important enough for hot russians spys to try to seduce you ,

>looks perfect for men who spent their young adult lives in the 80s and are now in the halls of power
sorry but most men don't like the fat cunt look you currently sport even if you tell yourself you're fat and beautiful

One has to wonder why Obama did nothing but send those Russian spies back home.

10/10, would divulge my state secrets into her womb.

HRC bundled them up and send them off ASAP w a terrible negotiation ....days before the Uranium 1 deal went through

Real life Black Widow
