Hillary Clinton Gave a Speech at Yale University Yesterday

Notice anything?

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The bitch still can't walk without crutches.

Hope she drops dead soon along with McCain.

notice how no major media outlet will touch this, had this been Trump, or some hollywood celeb, this would be front page.

The media protects her image.

it was HER turn!

>Wow, what a w-wonderful audience

H-hi-hi-hi. I'm Jimmy.


She's stunning and brave for not hiding in a corner in a moment of vulnerability. Face it faggot, she has more balls than you or in fact me or anyone on Sup Forums

Hillary is a queen. I bet she can SLAY real hard with them crutches too.

I notice she looks very Presidential.

>W-wow, so many people, reminds me of the election

Was about to say no niggers but well fuck.

will touch what? Hillary is not that relevant anymore, media wont touch her because nobody cares.

Imagine if this abomination had won the presidency.

Imagine this as being the projected image of US power in the world: A geriatric criminal on crutches

We dodged a massive fucking bullet.

Trump fucked her life so hard, she still can't stand on her own legs, even after a whole year now.

He's /ourbigguy/.

you kiddin man? Media still puts her on TV every other day asking her opinion on everything. If you don't know that, you just arent paying attention. Hillary is acting like shes still on the campaign trail


They talk about he all the time when its something they think helps her, or disses Trump, even now.

She's dying lol

What ever happened to that black doctor of hers with the injector pen?

Roosevelt was in a fucking wheel chair, you mong

So the weight of her crimes is so heavy, she needs crutches. When is Sessions going to put her in jail?

Yeah I noticed that she's a STUPID FUCKING BITCH

Times change, you can't be cripple and a leader in 2017 anymore.

He committed suicide after Hillary caught him injecting Huma with a different kind of pen

they report on every shit she takes. are you fucking retarded?

Pretty shit president, too.

Yes, Trump voters are not only sexist, but also obviously against cripples.

Do you have a link to this? I'd like to spread it around to social media

I refer to cripples as physically retarded.


Every article I find, she's order a Chai Tea. Never see her with a coffee

Texas would like a word with you

thanks user, that is very good to know

No you fucktard. Just callin it like we see it. Someone who is too cripple to be president

And he did everything in his power to make sure the public didn't see him in that chair, up too building a fucking secret underground rail line in New York to get too the city without the public seeing his crippled ass. All because he understood the public and the world needed to see a strong man in the white house.

Also he was a terrible president, and a horrible person in general, so he is hardly a decent exmple.

I hope she spills all the crazy shit she knows before she finally dies. Bill did rape those women, we killed Seth Rich, rigged elections, pay to play, etc... She could burn down the whole swamp on her way out and end up /ourgirl/

I remember small hands, funny hair etc. being enough to make media and Hillary supporters laugh at Trump's appearance, just imagine how toxic they would have been if Trump was in as bad shape as Hillary.

> Chai Tea

That would be tea tea. Do you mean masala?

HAHA. I hope she dies soon.

The greatest redemption arc of all time

so, obviously the broken toe story is a cover for something more serious going on

she's done

Why does he have a podium attached to his wheelchair? Is that his 'speechifying' chair?

coffee has too much caffeine chai tea is a good alternative for people on anxiety medication

Never thought about it. Don’t think anyone has asked either.

honestly feel bad she's going to stand trial now

Don't forget the constant assumptions about his penis size

He's just rolled up under it. You can see the post of the podium between his legs (poorly lit).

Yeah, that was a pretty funny joke from the other thread.
>Being this thirsty for (You)s

Why is she always looking up? It's like no matter where she is, there's something very interesting at the top of the wall opposite her.

Someone shoop this shit up.

I don't get it.

Not in the anglosphere, go back to your country.

Yeah, and her story is she fell in high heels drinking coffee.
She doesn't wear heels or drink coffee.

Of course it is. Who gets Jimmy crutches for a broken toe? At this point, you should be shocked if something Hillary Clinton said was actually the truth.

My new waifu behind her and to her left

She looks like a character from South Park who walks with those kinds of crutches and has a very bad stutter.

This was the first time I saw that pic. Its a pretty easy joke to think of you know.
Jimmy from South Park walks with similar crutches and thats his catch phrase

She still has clout with lefties they wish to use. After muh "popular vote" they think they need her. Bitch still has a bite, she shouldn't be underestimated

Purple color revolution shit again
Symbolic that it is crutches this time

Fucking dodged a nuclear bullet



>Who gets Jimmy crutches for a broken toe
An old woman?

looks like she does wear heels but there like half inch heels its kinda funny

>horrible person in general
Quick compdown?

>Notice anything?
so she would have been the 2nd crippie prez?



Hillary is so weird:
>a reporter surprising her causes a seizure
>high pollen index causes a 2 minute long coughing fit where she vomits a green lump into a glass of water
>a 71 degree day causes her to pass out and have to be thrown into her car
>a broken toe causes her to be on crutches about a week later


Oh wow she really is gonna "drop dead" (read: disappear to Europe) right before this whole pedogate/russia thing blows open huh

"Wow what a great auudience"



Are you guys retarded?

hillary is a disgusting kike who will take all her evil secrets to the grave, she would rather die early than admit that her enemies, the proponents of truth and prosperity, were right

In fact she'd be more likely to do the complete opposite, and sacrifice herself just to spite everyone for not respecting her will to be a corrupt pile of festering AIDS

Supposedly she broke her toe because she fell backwards while running down stairs in heels.

>EU flag

>guys i HONESTLY feel bad for hillary

no shit?

how can you globalist shills manage to be so brain damaged?


last one

Well, she is 69. Weird shit is to be expected.

Stunning sick garbage doodle shit smelling cunt pedo lesbian drunk narcissistic fuk! Whats there to like? Also hiding fake toe for ALS.

trump is older

he just didnt spend his entire life on a steady diet of xanax and human sex slaves

Eating children's brains is really catching up with her.

Didn't she fall down some stairs and broke her toe?

Fkn keked!

Very much

Digits and she's dead before Christmas.

Fucking leaf

And the media would eat it up.
If she won the presidency and her health issues become this bad we'd be hearing non-stop coverage over how strong, selfless, and determined she is to be running a country regardless of her health.
And late-night comedians would do nothing but bitch that the right keeps bringing up her health and how mean they are for picking on a poor, sickly woman.

nice shoop

So much ableism in this thread. You are all a bunch of pathetic cripple haters. I hope you vurgins all diaf or come to embrace progressive values and get a REAL life.
What do you call three vertically disabled persons of height on a merry-go-round? Midget spinner

>1 post by this ID
I love you lefty shills. You always give the same old response.
>hillary clinton tries to play commander-in-chief by publicly announcing her opinion whenever possible
>media happily reports it every time
>left-wingers circle jerk over it, stating "this is why she should be president"
>hillary clinton does something embarrassingly retarded
>media doesn't talk about it at all
>left-wingers don't talk about it at all
>right-wingers start talking about it
>"hurr, why are you even talking about this? nobody cares! hillary isn't relevant anymore!", cry the left-wing shills

She's not the president

>too old to run for president

Dude, she cant run in any meaning

They wont touch it because its more fake news from the fake news faggot brigade

Oh no you didn't

>millions of these subhumans are invading my country every year
Make it stop!

To be fair, Abbot is so utterly badass that his wheelchair just makes him look stronger.
He's one of the few leaders who can pull such an appearance off.


who needs two brace crutches for a "broken toe?"

>Saw a picture of crooked Hillary at Yale, she couldn't even stand up and walk without crutches!
>Very weak and disrespectful!

Purple, anyone?