This is a hot topic in China right now. Every rich chinese guy travel to ukraine and buys his ukrainian wife.
The women offer themselves on the Internet. Video related.
Chinese men buy Ukrainian women
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not surprising,theres also quite a few Ukrainian girls selling their virginity online for a few $1000. biggest whores in existence
jesus these girls are going to have a rude awakening when they get back to the motherland. Literally considered lower than chinese or even asian women even.
so eastern europe "based" men get cucked too.
Stupid whores. I hope they'll get raped and murdered by those chinks.
Disgusting. Why debase yourself? Better to die alone then with purchased love.
That's really not their style. You are thinking of Arabs and Muslims.
As soon as he cheats can't they sue him and divorce? She wins.
This bullshit thread again. Fuck off chink spammer, go back to r/asianmasculinity or whatver it's called these days.
>Giving a fuck what prostitutes are paid to say
>Giving a fuck about prostitutes at all
Pick one.
>chinese incels buying """"love""""
Huh? I'm not a chink. Watch related videos, they have million of views. This is really a hot topic right now in china.
>when economically cucked and your women sell themselves for money
who gives a fuck about some nonwhite whores?
History disagrees with you, China is not far off from Islam
old news ukraine is a shithole
>the absolute state of Ukraine
is this the true power of Ivan
Not in china mein friend
Boт я личнo нe пoнимaю, нy и зaчeм китaйцaм шлюхa, кoтopaя бyдeт любить тeбя тoлькo зa дeньги? He взлeтит этa хyйня - лeгчe пpocтo cнять чecтнyю, лoл, пpocтитyткy и ycпoкoитьcя.
just another anti-asian thread.
God bless Ukraine.
it was pretty funny, chinese pimping
they even crippled womens feet from babyage on so they could not properly walk. because small feet are attractive and so are helpless vulnerable women.
I went to China for business.
The most depressing 3 months of my life.
It's so polluted, you never see the sun.
So many people smoking, spitting, streets smell like shit and piss, garbage everywhere.
The smell of rotting meat outside stores with no refrigeration or health codes.
China is a cesspool, no matter how many buildings they build.
talk about a shitty investment
burning money
poor decisions
no refunds
should have gone gay
I don’t blame them. Asians are ugly.
>expect to get a huge payout for sucking chink dick for 5-10 years
>ends up dead because Chinese don't have divorce laws and the rich guy will just have them killed
Sad! They really have no idea what they're getting themselves into.
китaйцы пoмeшaны нa cтaтyce и нa вceм пoвepхнocтнoм.
кpacивaя шкypa pядoм, дopoгoй aвтoмoбиль=yвaжeниe co cтopoны oкpyжaющих.
+- кaк в пидopaшкe нынчe
No. You won't get shit from a Chinese citizen as a foreigner.
Communist China puts chink citizens rights over foreigners. Not equal.
In fact, they'll just sell the whore on the sex trade market
Millionaire chinese guys travel to the west and pay top-dollar for the possibility of meeting their white wife, because they know asian women are fucking ugly.
Some chinese guy basically pimps out a few women that are desperate for money.
All of this because Germany and Sweden prefer taking in filthy niggers and arabs rather than saving fellow Europeans.
Europe ends after the Ural mountains and beyond the bosporus. Hence Ukraine is in Europe.
This. Prostitutes are garbage and shouldn't cared about, same goes for roasties that behave the same
They are quite literally a cum dumpster and an object
how can germany and sweden save them?
ukraine is one of the poorest countries in the world outside of africa
also, not only economic but also general living conditions are bad too
even though turks also go there for prostitutaion, actually I like ukraine and I want them to get respect again
Глyпo вce этo. Я вoт личнo мeчтaю, чтoбы мoя тянкa(кoтopoй никoгдa нe бyдeт) мeня любилa ни зa дeньги, a зa мoй хapaктep. Paзвe этo нe aхyeннo? Иcкyccтвeнныe oтнoшeния нe пpинocят ни paдocти, ни любви. Хoтя китaйцы дeйcтвитeльнo пидopaшки eщe тe, нo мнe кaжeтcя или в cтpaнaх пocтcoвкa пo-тихoнькy вce этo пидopaшecтвo иcкopeняeтcя, a эти хoхлyшки вымиpaющий вид и в cлaвянcких cтpaнaх никoмy нe нyжны.
>germany and sweden prefer black niggers over white niggers
its like you think they owe them favors?
>I like ukraine and I want them to get respect again
go to war over them with russia and make them part of Turkey
>kek when asian poorfag
>kek when NEET
>kek when sill got approached by white girls all through HS and College
Your move, burger.
> not supporting civil war
> not blocking free trade
> not blocking Ukrainians that are desperate from coming to Germany instead of them fleeing to China
Kurwa just take back Lwow you retard.
fuck you
urine shit
go back to urine and make room for an arab
No wonder, you would be the only non-white there. Only means you're exotic and girls are curious.
What's new? Literally any prostitute in my country come from the Ukranie, Russia or Poland.
Why do Slav women have no decency and self-respect?
>inb4 "because they're poor"
That's not an excuse.
Don't try to pull Europe apart, you're probably a Jew.
In the mean time I'm living in Poland and taking your women.
Sounds like prostitution but with a lot of extra steps.
Also, damn that chinks has a pretty hooker for a wife!
I shit on everything you have to say
urine scumbag
Communism breeds the most base survival instinct. They're extremely materialistic.
Calm down Pawel, why are you not making Polish babies?
Why not, I mean I don't care is an asian mixes with a white, the baby is clear skin and is between white and asian, wheareas if a black mixes with a white, the baby is pretty much black, so I say if some ukrainian women can't find men, then marrying an asian doesn't bother me
Not an excuse, but this is the reason.
"independent" Ukraine
This is the biggest myth. White genes are weak. The kid will look 100% asian.
Ukraine gets all the dicks, muh ebin Nazis and Christian values: oligarchy and prostitution. Miss Lenin yet?
Yes, it enables it, but many countries have been even poorer than that, yet there wasn't such an extreme amount of whores.
>be taught that women are your "soul mates" and "life partners"
>the split second that your country experiences economic collapse she's blowing Chinese guys for pocket change
As I get older the more I realize that everything I've been told was a lie.
I’m white. I’m better than you.
>do Slav women have no decency and self-respect?
They do, it's just the "Ukrainians" who are the black sheep in the Slav family. "Ukrainians" don't exist as a nation, they're just degenerate Russians.
It's easy. Slavs have no soul and do the most heinous things to obtain power and wealth, but are not smart enough to obtain these things with means outside of their sex.
That is why slavic men are so extremely brutal and slavic women are extremely kniving, but the men never have the mental ability to mix these two in order to obtain power lilke most men to in other parts of Europe.
That also explains the very rigid power structures in slavic countries.
Men kill men to stay in power, other men agree that that guy killed the most men so he's in power and they beat the women to keep the system like that.
Despite everything, at least I'm not Ukrainian.
>Greece 1-2
no way
No, is the same with russian and polish women.
kek sure you are.
>in Slovenia
x to doubt
So,how did you end up in Slovenia rice boi?
Kek I know a turkish girl who personally raises Turkeys average by a good amount
From what I heard from Turks, Turkish girls are as slutty as all of them. The only difference is, that they do anal before marriage because it technically doesn't count as sex.
Sauce on this, right fucking now!
Kek, there seems to be some truth to it
Or its Turks buttfucking eachother
Imagine being a footfag back then
Pops mistook it for Switzerland.
superior white race for sale
Meanwhile all of asia is available on mail order bride sites. You need to go back
You forgot the x 3 rule.
> TIL Belgians and Swedes are sluts
It's not in China, it's in Ukraine, China doesn't even allows interracial marriages. The guy is an ex-Chinese that lives in Ukraine.
i fuck greek girls every summer
this map is ass wrong
In my opinion it is under control here.
>China doesn't even allows interracial marriages
what? you're a faggot, that's what.
No, this isn't true. They go to live in China. These dudes come from china.
oh so it's not so bad after all?
Sluts are pretty easy to come by here.
Though hadisidic, some Muslims and Druz usually are one partner women.
Chinks are so fucking subhuman
Can we meme a war between China and India so they eradicate each other?
China has no migrants, least on planet. The guy graduated in Ukraine and works in Ukraine, read some more.
>China doesn't even allows interracial marriages
my freind's father expatriated to china and married a chink bitch there
i'm going to have to buy one of these
How do you even look for a wife here? I live in Kiev, most girls here are major sluts
nigga what are you even trying to say? Stick to your gookspeak
>China and India
if poos die i'm all for it
smelly dirty subhumans don't deserve to exist
I regularly fuck Ukrainian chicks that are trying to get pregnant for an anchor baby
have fun with aids