This show has been dropping true redpills for long time.
Why haven't you started watching Mr. Robot? And what are your thoughts on it?
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Edgy garbage written by irl 2deep4u 20 something larping """anarchists""" who probably hold communist views too
no thanks
>Why haven't you started watching Mr. Robot?
Because the only 'TV' I watch is from the 90's to early 00's
because it's a shit show for plebs. I dropped it in the middle of season 2 with no regrets.
The third season goes full PC without even hiding it, not worth it anymor
>He's only seen the season 1 monologue
I've watched until they made that guy burn a suitcase of money in front of some bank or something like that. The only redeemable character was the exec guy with the crazy wife but seeing how they didn't plop him that far into the 2nd season, there was no reason to bear it anymore.
just fucking end yourself
Season One was okay.
Season Two was tryhard boring.
Season Three started out by saying that the true globalist conspiracy was about electing Theresa May and Tonald Dump.
The biggest redpill in the show was that...
...are you ready for it?... you think you can handle it?...
...democracy may be a compromised political system...
...and this is the big one...
Capitalism is bad(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
If you like this show I recommend all Michael Moore movies.
>Niles: Look Frasier, he 'took the bait'. This is actually rather rewarding in its own way!
>Frasier: Quiet Niles, I'm not resting until I've responded to every last one of these poorly written insults.
>Martin: If only you boys were this interested when I taught you to bait hooks in real life.
Utter cockamamie claptrap.
It drops a few real redpills by coating them in the Jewish global agenda.
It's subversive and twists the truth to promote exactly what the establishment wants.
Frasier was a master piece of television, even as a kid I thought it was fun but now as an adult I can really appreciate it.
The narration becomes insufferable and the main character is terrible.
Redpill no.
You'd be more redpilled watching peppa pig
Saged for promoting Hollywood
Back when Jews were still obsessed with WASPs.
well seasons 1 and 2 are pretty much "muh liberty, muh communism" but the thing is, in the season 3, the show realize, capitalism is a better system, a bad for a good.
Frasier had very few jewish writers or producers/directors.
It's one of the last shows that wasn't inundated with jewish influence.
I like the first 2 episodes of the first season. You know, before it went schizo. Piece of dog shit.
>be me, watch Mr. Robot season 1
>hm, feels like Fight Club
>It’s just Fight Club
>hm, feels like Hackers
>fuck this
i legit heard a laugh track
If you want redpills watch Brass Eye and The Day Today. All the episodes are on youtube. The original Black Mirror was very well done.
How TV Ruined Your Life, 6 episodes.
I'm rewatching Season 2 right this moment and it gets worse by the minute... I liked Mr Robot at first, but this anonymous-parody-thing is just too fucked up and "hollywood"
Why am I not watching jewish television filth? Gee I don't know
still a very watchable show
i remember hearing that kelsey grammar was accused to being pretty (((racist))) when he had to work with a black actress on the show, too.