Are European-Native South American hybrids considered white, pol? Pic related, my new neighbor.
Are European-Native South American hybrids considered white, pol? Pic related, my new neighbor
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Hispanics are white
not white obviously
he's mixed race
This guy is from a former Dutch colony (Aruba), but surprisingly he's not black?
He looks maybe 50% european and 50% something else, some type of latino Jew mix
"hispanics" are mostly native indios with some white admixture. Some have 0% white admixture, some have 70%.
Native indios are mongoloids. They are considered to be part of the asiatic race (their ancestors originated in Asia).
Hispanics are ugly happas.
Most hispanics look similar to Filipinos, seeing is how they are spanish+southeast Asian hapas.
Yeah, except he doesn't look that asiatic to me, or black really.
Vriend, volgens mij is dat een Anti, en volgens mij zijn Anti's nog altijd negers.
t. Anti
Ja technisch gezien wel, maar ik vond hem opmerkelijk "niet-zwart"
mixeds are not white
Only in America
A hybrid you say. Daan you would know better about that than most of us.
To answer your question, no
NO they are already "damaged goods"
a fucking leaf
tfw actually called daan
pic related: classmate from curacao, a true bi-racial specimen
I thought you mostly had north Africans and turks. You have to deal with a lot of seedorf type people too?
it's a dirty fucking mexican
Are you retarded enough to think that that guy is anywhere near what you'd call white?
Jesus christ, this makes me less patriotic. They're called mulattos for a reason.
Last time I checked south europeans with any admixture are tricky to deem white.
t. half south european
Looks white to me.
t. American
>posts in leaf
Most of the turks and moroccans are labour workers that were supposed to help rebuild post-war, but just refused to leave. Then our government decided to let them stay and allow their families to move.
We have negros from Suriname and the Dutch Carribean since there were slave colonies there. Suriname is basically half black half indonesian/indian . It's a shitshow.
We also have a shit ton of indonesians because we occupied them for three and a half centuries.