ITT: Countries that would produce hilarity if they go to war against eachother.
ITT: Countries that would produce hilarity if they go to war against eachother
New Zealand and Iceland
Denmark and Sweden.
Romania and Hungary
Why the fuck would poos ever go to war with Iran.
>Emplying it won't actually be an epic fight considering most of the fighters will be ex-ISIS members having a blast from the past.
I dunno, I heard Iran has a thing for blowing shit up
Mongolia and Papua New Guinea VS. Venezuela and Canada
Australia vs. Canada
Nice try, Chad.
war isn't funny
USA and UK
Pretty sure there were more morrocan terrorists than iranians.
Israel and Iran. Please make it so.
Belgium and Netherlands
Canada vs Mexico
Algeria vs Morocco
I would unironically fight for the Dutch.
Germany vs pretty much the whole world
I don't know why no one posted it already
Any war where the US isn't involved. I just want to be comfy as i see it all play out.
That would end in Paris being occupied by the US.
The obvious ancient conflict
They would have to fight in the pacific. America wouldn't host faggots fighting poor people.
TOPKEK! Basically the whole war would take place in the suburbs of Paris
UK vs UKraine
This one is special! It would basically cause an American civil war
Slovenia(Janez) vs Croatia(Hrvoje)
But you are gay
I realize you're Greek and therefore lazy
But if these two were going to actually fight it would have happened long ago.
I realize you're American and therefore retarded, but if those two were to start fighting tommorow morning your country would basically collapse due to division between those that are Saudi and Israeli puppets in all levels of Administration and Influence...
Turkey vs. Greece
Winner gets Constantinople.
>Lazy Greek doesn't know Saudi Arabia is literally Israeli controlled opposition.
SA is an American puppet state again after Trump cleaned house. We would basically pull funding from Israel and tell both sides to knock it off.
France vs Canada
>Canada needs to get killed to win
>France surrenders
>Retarded American doesn't know of the division between Israeli isolationist Jews and diaspora Internationalist Jews
It's literally the other way around
If it was a brief conflict we'd fuck them up in Thrace and the land borders we share due to the Mountainous terrain. But we'd lose most Islands in the Aegean close to Turkey plus the whole of Cyprus... If it becomes a war of attrition though then we're fucked....
Oh they're going to fight. Just not until after the antichrist has appeared.
China vs India i want to see 2.6 billion people go to war
This bong gets it...
1 John 2:18 Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour.
Just imagine million manwave death marches being vaporized by MLRS... hardcore shit
US Virgin Islands vs Republic of Chad needs to be memed into reality somehow.
fuck off neither of us want to touch the other
I lift and prep everyday for the coming Maltese invasion of Libya to reclaim our ancient Carthaginian heritage and establish spazio vitale for the Maltese people.
US and Iraq
He said war not an anglo massacre
We could so with cutting 1/3rd of the population
Helll I'm from the future and in 2018 the vigon islands will gain independence and find vast quantities of untapped uranium in their soil, but the republic of chad (which by this point will become the kangdom of chad) will also find vast quantities of uranium, because of quantum decay all of the uranium exept for theirs will disappear which will give the Virgin Islands and the kangdom of chad time to build nukes and become the most powerful nations in he world. After this rise to super powerdom the great Virgin-chad Cold War will start after a bunch of morbidly obese racers will send them both a Certain virgin vs chad meme. When I come from it's still going on
The U.S. virgin islands were only 3 of the islands in the picture though, doesn't the UK own the rest?
Also if Chad could borrow some boats and the Islands were by themselves without their owners then yes, chad would win
mfw Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam "वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्" is actually a declaration of war
North Korea and Brazil
Greece Vs. Turkey
Not really. America wants to get rid of the monarchy for example
We can blitzkrieg though the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and Burma. #superpower by 2030
>haha xd funny wars
now how about the real shit
it's 2020 you little poo
gib extension pls
Sweden and literally anyone else.
Chad and the Virgin Islands
we have enough slav rape babies in germany we dont need anymore ivan
i thought you might need extra
I hope that includes a colonial war in Africa with pooniggers fighting against chinkniggers for 3+ billion people at war.
Saudi Arabia is a puppet of Israel lmao
Armenia and Azerbejian
You two, get back to the telecom company.
Italy vs France
Italy switches sides and France surrenders
both lose
oy VEY give me Piranski zaliv!
Kosovo vs. Serbia
eh, don't you remember that one time France conquered Europe and got btfo here?
Nigeria vs. Niger
To find out once and for all, who da realest niggaz.
France vs UK
Funny thing is on paper they are very evenly matched, imagine the Sup Forums shitstorms
i would totally host leaf vs beaner death matches, charge for tickets and sell refreshments.
Our air force and navy are superior, but if it was a land war, I honestly think they'd beat us.
*Nigeria vs Russia
that would be the real show
But isn't there is already war in Somalia?
US Virgin Islands vs UK Virgin Islands
Catalogne vs spain
You go to milk factory and do milk
open bob plz
Walen buiten broeder
send vagene
Australia vs Norway
>oi m8 thees goldilux cunt wont go down
>jörgenklernemunenssensen (release the emus)
Eesti vs just Okinawa
Russia vs White Russia (belarus)
fuck no
milk truck arrive
Wooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !!
Poland vs Pooland
Ireland vs Taiwan
Russia vs sub-saharan Africa
UK vs 1 Mosque
Hong Kong & London vs NYC & Tokyo
Chad would have to use up their entire GDP to hire somali pirates to launch an invasion on the Virgin islands.
Guernsey vs the isle of Man
>UK vs 1 Mosque
Spoke pajeet, and let out a content sigh.
As soon as he inhaled again, he smelled the foul odor of curry and poo in the air, that he was so familiar to.
"BTFO..." Pajeet lets out a single tear. HE DID IT! But his glee was cut short, as his bowels began rumbling like the drums of his nation's shitty music.
He quickly ran out to the street, greeting his pal Vanesh on the way. Waddling, he squats down and pulls up his traditional indian mandress as he releases his last curry dinner, faster than ever after drinking from the holy Ganges.
>vagina vs anus
>not Hungary vs Turkey
This. The last time we did it it was a sham, we should try it again some time