Where were you on 9/11?
Where were you on 9/11?
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at school
Taking a dump when wife told me what happened
Flying planes.
>chuh chuh chuh duauhn chuh ah ah chika chika "I'm fresh"
Not sure... I was probably watching Clifford the Big Red Dog.
I was sitting in a field drinking beer, went to the shop to get more & it was on the shop tv.
At first I though it was a film because I was a bit drunk already.
then when it kept looping over and again I saw it for real.
Helping people down the stairs of the north tower
In my junior high classroom.
working at the pentagon
watching TV late at night with my mum. we switched to CNN in time to see the second plane hit live.
pic very related.
sitting on the carpet in front of the tv. mum was crying. didn't know why. t. born 1995
in the womb
sittin in house watching powerpuff girls
Class, pre-calc
Underage detected
I was 15 and in 8th grade. We found out what was going on shortly after the 1st tower hit, and the whole class watched the 2nd one hit.
Playing basketball with my normies.
senior in highschool
was in detention for skipping classes that morning in lieu of having breakfast with some classmates.
On the phone with my dad for the last time.
>having breakfast in lieu of going to class
D.C. first year of hs
The time it was happening I was eating breakfast since I was in highschool and it was almost 6am. The tv was off so had no idea until a neighbor came by the house because he hitched a ride. He walked in and said "have you seen it?" I said no so he said to turn on the tv.
Cheering for my favorite aerobatic team
playing with lego
Iceland setting up tilt sensors and seismometer while driving around in a 4x4 in the middle of nowhere.
Didn't find out what happened until I got back three days later.
At home jerking off to CNN.
Later I went to a cafe with a bunch of friends to celebrate.
On a school trip to the ardennes
Watching live, saw the second plane hit.
In school.. the teacher got a call and we turned the tv on and sat in the floor just in time to see the second plane hit.. alot to grasp that young
Watching Stickdeath or Joe Cartoon on the computer in the spare classroom.
Sucking my mom's tits.
Home economics class.
>15 in 8th grade
Found the Israeli
I miss comfy old internet
Wondering where the fuck my Cheez TV was
>tfw didn't even get to miss school
You where held back i assume?
Lining up for elementary school. I live about 14 miles from manhattan so we were soon able to see the smoke from the towers.
In front of the tv thinking this shit is going to be the only story on the news for weeks to come, so i switched off and went about my day.
I was in 5th grade in school, the teachers were all crying but they wouldn't tell us anything. I actually didn't get to see anything live, by the time I got home and put on the TV the towers had already dropped. I remember I went to school the next day and everyone was talking about it and this black kid was like "what happened? I was watching cartoons"
Heading toward the towers...
I couldn't save them...
I was too late...
I was on an internet forum that was mostly leftwing, majority Americans. That day and the next week they could not shut up about Palestine. It was a topic much more than 9/11. Only a psychologist could explain that. It disgusted me.
I was a poor 12 years old at the time. Everyone was glued to the TV so I used the distraction to jerk it to the JC Penny catalog. :)
Are Koalas cute?
>>Where were you on 9/11?
>be in high school
>have a great view of the manhattan skyline from across the bay
>taking a math quiz
>finish up
>see classmate staring out of window
>quietly ask her what she's looking at and responds the tower is on fire
>see one of the towers start to envelop with smoke
>father shows up out of fukken nowhere to sign me out (should've been working in Brooklyn)
>can't drive home since the police can't make up their minds about shutting down the bridge
>walk home
>watch the towers burn while walking over the bridge
>get home and watch the frantic coverage on TV
The country lost its goddamned mind after that.
I was 13 and partaking in a fap.
Until they go rabid and drop out of a tree onto you late at night
Browsing SA
First of all, cell phones were basically non-existent. Try to imagine that.
I was a senior in high school. During the morning announcements, the principal said something like "...and we will keep your teachers updated on what is going on at the pentagon." We all looked at each other like "what the fuck." The news started to spread, and class broke up. They rolled TV carts into the library where some of us gathered to watch the news. I saw the second plane hit and the first tower fall. After the tower fell I went to my car, drove home, and watched the news with my folks. That's about all I remember.
Walking my dog on Fiesta Island in Mission Bay, San Diego. A lady came up to me and asked if I had heard about a plane hitting a skyscraper in New York. I thought she meant like a Cesna or something. Went back to my folks place and watched on tv. Saw the towers collapse in real time.
home watching the whole thing, amazing show
I saw it live on the news and thought it was a movie
apology for poor english, here i was when world trade centers dies
>i was sat at home drinking budweiser when fred ring
>"wtc is die"
Just kicked out of school so I was home playing Sim City 2000 making planes crash (among other disasters) - no lie.
I had just gotten done fucking a thot i knew and her friend all night while drinking. Woke up with the flu and a hangover so I called off from work.
Actually felt so bad, and I needed an official excuse, I went to the dr, who gave me a bunch of meds thru an IV in the emergency room (it was easier to get it all done down there as opposed to his office).
I was watching tv, tubes in both arms and sipping juice when that faggot Dan Rather said "and here comes another plane, obviously to douse the fire with water like you see in a wildfire situa-" SMASH, right into tower 2, just like Isreal intended
It's funny how at the time I tought americans wouldn't make a big deal about it and threated like a usual terrorist attack.
youre not funny
How did you come to that conclusion? The Towers weren't just a showpiece landmark but also a major economic center. The falling of the towers wasn't just a loss of life but a significant hit in the country's economy.
in the bronx doing lsd
My mom was in DC on a business trip, I lived on the west coast. I was 11 years old getting ready for school when my dad turned on the TV and saw the news. Watched it for a while and my dad took me to school whole listening to the radio. Managed to call my mom at school, she was in a hotel about half a mile from the Pentagon on the opposite side it was hit.
Later my mom came and talked to my class about what happened.
also keep in mind the whole rest of the year everything we did had to be STARS AND STRIPES, PATRIOTISM, LIBERTY!!!! AND FLAG WAVING HOLY FUCK IM SO JACKED ON AMERICA. meanwhile bush, cheney, rumsfeld rode the wave and invaded a brown country
3rd grade math test
Luisito Comunica?
Confi at work. ...waiting for the boss to call off the day and send us Home
>15 in 8th grade
nigga i was 15 in 11th grade
sleeping because im a hawaiifag
Drivers ed
At home, my city was being hit by a hurricane and classes were cancelled, so I was able to watch everything happen in real time.
Watching Spongebob, watched the second tower hit live.
It looks a lot like him in the thumbnail, God i hate that faggot
>Be me, 10
>At school
>Come back
>Dad says "the Twin Towers are down!"
>Meh, who cares
>Go to my room and play with my Hotwheels
Isn't he a pro skater? What the fuck is his name?
Having a breakfast beer, within the hour I had ordered a case and had a ww3 party going, but since it was a Tuesday I only had a few people in on it. Fucking jews couldn't even wait until a Friday.
At home, playing Age Of Empires 2 when my mom yelled: Look at the news! an airplane just flew to that tower!
My answer: Cool.
I really liked Age Of Empires 2.
I was at school. Well technically I was on the schoolbus around the time that the first plane hit. We didn't really hear about it until halfway through the school day though. It was honestly terrifying, none of the teachers would tell us what was going on and there were no TVs or any news media in the school. All we knew was that all the adults were really scared and they called all of our parents and we went home at lunch time. On the way home my dad was listening to the report on the radio, I tried to ask him some questions about what happened, but he was so angry that he only replied with a few words so I didn't get the full story until later that night.
I think that's Jason Dill?
On the couch cheering. I wanted more planes! MORE PLANES AND DESTRUCTION!!! DESTROY THE FUCKING DEGENERATE USA!!! Fly into the fucking statue of liberty, destroy the fucking empire state building!! kill it all!! even back then I recognized the United States as a force for evil, I didn't know that it was controlled by Jews though.
911 was an inside Jewish job -- a pretext to go to war and destabilize Israel's neighbors. It's all for the establishment of 'Greater Israel' and the Jew World Order.
Coming down with a heavy flu at work. Left for home short time after noon, after the one muslim in our group had said the towers had come down. Didn't believe him.
Later found out he couldn't have known at the time. With the time difference between EST and CET, there's no way he could have known at noon what was going to happen.
In school, 3rd grade. Teachers all left the classrooms, returned crying (woman), and then the head nun went over the PA and let everyone know.
People were getting pulled out of class by their parents for some reason even though we were in Michigan.
Afterwards went to my uncles for a birthday and watched it on TV.
You make it sould like that happens often. Does it?
At home. School was cancelled because of a huge storm that night.
playing video games
Power outage?
He is probably from my city, there was no power outage, it wasn't even a very strong storm but we are all very wary when someone mentions hurricane because some parts of the town get flooded really fast. Kinda like Houston.
Just doing a dry run for film footage was a really amazing feat for a bunch of saudis
then off to "flight school"....lol
they are all still alive
That makes sense, thanks. Never lived in an area prone to flooding so never had school cancelled due to storms. Just blizzards
More often than it should
Teaching high school. Life has never been the same.
>7th grade English class, in New Hampshire
>Teacher got a call on the White Wall Phone
>says she has to leave for a minute.
>see other teachers walking down the hall
>couple minutes of silence
>hear crying
>start freaking out thinking some Colombine shits going down
>She comes back in sobbing
>gives us the jist of it
>whole class doesn't give a fuck
>she gets mad about how no one is upset by it
>school does early dismissal so our parents can tell us the whole thing
i was inside on of the hijacked planes. terrible experience
In highschool, i saw the news on tv when i went back home. I thought it was pretty funny news, i couldn't imagine how the world would be fucked after that.
First day at new office job, relocated to Midwest, moved from NJ a few months earlier. Family still out east, shit bricks for family that lived back east. Couldn’t get a call out to check on everyone. Boss put tv in office area, managed to get local affiliate with the antenna. Didn’t learn much about my new job that day with the 4 of us sitting around the tv wondering what in the shit was going on. Lost two friends of the family that day in Tower 2.
ha ha fag
7th grade Reading class. they kept everyone in classroom for a while and wouldn't tell us, then eventually our teach pulled up an article on her computer and told us that two planes had crashed into the twin towers and that terrorism was suspected. then we got sent home early. watching it on TV once I got home was pretty surreal.
The one thing that always sticks out in my head for some reason from that day was this weird high pitched siren-y noise on firefighters' kits, I think to let people know where they were in low visibility situations. The station I was watching had a ton of firefighter bodycam footage and this noise seemed to always be going during it.
At work, in Chicago. I was the guy who told everyone what had happened. Got laid that night. They still have my picture up on the wall. I'm special.