Why do millennials want to live under socialism?
Why do millennials want to live under socialism?
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Gen Z wants national socialism
for the record. that is a tranny
Because fuck having laws and borders and shit
Indoctrination by government union teachers run by the states and funded with strings by the federal government. Not how to think, WHAT to think.
They were taught that socialism is the best form in public school, then in the media and finally at college. Now with no jobs and no opportunities it seems like a good idea after college too. Eventually asking for gibs is not enough, parents start to get sick of your mooch lifestyle, then these people will be forcibly redpilled. Probably in a painful manner. On another note, that girl in your picture would be decent if not for the jewish/feminist haircut she was tricked into getting
State education/indoctrination.
because they're contrarian
next question?
a chance to succeed
They dont want to work.
Because Boomers killed all the jobs, making millennials wage cucks who have to work menial jobs and often live with parents still.
Socialism isn't that far off from the current state of life.
They never experienced it
Theyve lived under their parents into their late 20s and are perfectly content being treated like children by the government so long as they dont have to do any real work
Because they want top be good and nice to everyone, because they still have this beautiful thought that maybe, just maybe we could all get along and live happy, but no.
That's not how this works, and because of their naive thoughts and dreams, their worlds will come crashing down when they finally realize that governments are there to control them, other people want them dead for what the fuck ever backwards hilly-billy reasons, that the media is lying to drive their agenda, that every single big business does not care and just want money and finally, that you alone are responsible for your own happiness and well being.
It's like the old saying goes: When you are going to have sex with somebody, you both help each other to get naked, but after you are fucked, you are on your own.
Because the majority don't pay taxes and don't know what it's like to have the gubernment come in and literally steal from your pocket for the good of some fucking mooching cunt.
Your question holds the answer.
You need only remove the labels and describe it further to see the true knowledge therein.
>Why do millennials want to live under socialism?
>Why does a generation of increasingly infantilized young adults feel comfortable being heavily reliant on a governmental support structure the helps remove their personal responsibility and accountability?
> Sup Forums isn't one person
Godless society needs something to worship, that is socialism for this generation. Also every single one of these fuckers goes to college majors in some bullshit and then wants a job. Now jobless they demand money because they studied(partied) for 4 years.
Stop posting this 4/10 whore you memeing retard.
Because they want government to give them monies so they can stop begging mommy and daddy.
Same reason FDR won four terms. It's part of a generational backlash against a system we saw fail in 2007 and never really recovered. Prior to Trump proving how much of the malaise was literally Obama fucking things up on purpose, I was a lefty just like them.
I'd hit that, but not because i think she is cute or attractive, hell no, she is ugly, seriously lurk her instagram and see her full body pics.
Le Based Gen Zyklon is the most confusing meme. There is no cultural backlash. The kids are not more "traditional" or "conservative".
That's not Steve-O OP.
Because the ones who invented and control capitalism are now proposing socialism:
Universal basic incomes
Sighing for paradise to come
Arguments for a state stipend payable to all citizens are being heard more widely
The Economist explains
Universal basic incomes
Why plans to give money to everyone are gaining ground
Wow, how the world changes so fast.
Spent a century fighting the Soviet Union to end like this..
I just remembered shes some streamer that plays dota 2 I forgot her name though
regardless its not porn
>Why do millennials want to live under socialism
they cant compete in meritocracy.
soe, honeypot posters use her
because they want to remain children forever, and they need the state to be their parent
i blame boomers. they allowed greed to overcome them, and then squandered the resulting wealth, leaving prices out of reach. its only natural for millennials to advocate for a system that gives them a chance
Also here. It explains everything
Don't know about the degenerate SJWs but socialism makes a lot of sense from an economic and psychological perspective. Especially as it pertains to the whole wagecuck culture, the soulless daily grind that capitalism puts us through. It seems to numb people down a lot, Everyone feels the effects of it Your existence gets reduced to that of a cog in an inexplicable machine, doing redundant meaningless work, your free time is spend sleeping off the dread or escaping to mundane things. The ambition to try something new declines as well, perhaps you associate working on something with work itself.
All in all not a good situation to be in, this is why Marx talked about how capitalist societies results in social alienation of the individual from the society. Essentially people start feeling powerless and estranged from society, they lack any meaning and purpose and experience social isolation and depression. This is where revolutionary philosophies like fascism and socialism come in to try to give meaning to this lost soul, either by invoking feelings of racial/nationalistic pride or by working towards a common goal of abolishing exploitaiton of workers and the destruction of our enviroment and move towards a utopia. This is why intellectuals in the sphere have established that as long as capitalism exists, the socialistc far left and the nationalistic far right will always be in a sort of Kulturkampf because the problems both philosophies talk about are inherent to capitalism. They just have different solutions for it.
>An interesting video about alienation
>what would you do if your income were taken care of?
devote my life entirely to eliminating leftism from the west:
>developing the best counter arguments to their nonsense
>informing the public in the most effective way possible
>creating & spreading memes and propaganda to undermine them
>protesting leftist events
not sure if thats what they had in mind
so basically molyneux?
imagine if UBI was implemented and now there were millions of molyneuxs
They live in a country filled with the modern amenities provided by capitalism, but they’re too ignorant to research what happens in socialist shitholes.
This about sums it up.
Also, I just realized there is no fixing this
> Middle school kids are forming "Thot Patrols" to slut shame kids that "put out"
> not redpilled AF
P R O O F S ?!
because the modem definition of socialism is "the government does a thing"
both the left and right are responsible for this classification.
We rent apartments
We rent our phones
We use public transport because we can't afford cars
We already live under socialism, we just want to for boomers into this hell with us. And we are going to to. ;)
I like how you think. How will you solve this:
Things like universal basic income, welfare etc are merely tools used by the capitalist pig to keep the workers in check. You cannot have 1% of the population controlling more than 90% of the wealth. And we are increasingly moving in that direction with automation where workers will not be able to sell the only they CAN sell, namely their labour. The under class WILL rise up and kill the 1%. That is why they introduce things like welfare to keep the proletariat in pacified and make them conform to society like mindless drones.
This person's face makes me angry each and everytime it's posted here. Also, OP is a stupid fucking faggot.
> t. boomer
They want the government to adopt them.
can someone explain to me the agenda of the "why do millennials" poster?
You undervalue how much of a sheep is "the under class"
Because they have not lived under Socialism.
t. Lived Under Socialism
is girl from dota 2 esports not even sure if she has played the game or not but I dont care.
Because it's perfect.
Why would a generation whose youth was scarred by the job losses and repossessions of the sub-prime mortgage crisis be all like "yeah, no, fuck capitalism"?
It's a total mystery.
They are being told so.
I’m a millenial; I think my generation doesn’t really care much about money.
My ideal like would be to earn enough to buy a house somewhere in northern cali.
I study GIS, i think most of us are STEM degree memers.
Because they live in the post-Cold War Era. Had they lived during the 50s/60s, the ''Duck & Cover, ''If shit hits the fan we all get nuked by commies'', then they'd know why socialism is retarded
>northern cali.
Enjoy being pozzed
None of those things you mentioned are socialist. You're a literal retard. You must be a millennial, cause you lack any critical thinking skills.
Ahh... we care about money in the sense to only cover necesities:
Car about 30k, house hopefully... be bought at 100k (or at least pay off in 10 years rather than 30), worlds pretty fucked.
Millennials don't even know what socialism is, they're just told thats what to vote for. Thats why they are called useful idiots
Because they use their phones way too often.
Midwest sounds pretty comfy too, idk man, anywhere awya from the city.
I’m actually heavily considering Alaska, but first want to graduate.
That student debt yo... mine is 10k, only because i chose the slow and cheap way
>gommies xan gill us
>socialism is a failure
It's a good thing the CIA moniters this site. You're fucked now retard.
If you weren't a nigger you would have made a 5 and 10 year plan and would see that takes about 200k a year to do so comfortably.
le epic meme XDD!!!
Fuck off already with your predefined terms
>but socialism makes a lot of sense from an economic and psychological perspective.
It has never worked, it isn't working now and it will never work. Socialism has always failed everywhere it has been attempted. It has killed millions. You're completely wrong and completely ignorant of history, especially in the 20th century.
>the soulless daily grind that capitalism puts us through.
You're putting yourself through that grind, not "capitalism". If you don't like it, quit, forge a different lifestyle, you have all the freedom in the world to do this.
>Your existence gets reduced to that of a cog in an inexplicable machine
See above
>doing redundant meaningless work,
See above again, make your own work that is meaningful to you, be an entrepreneur, get off your lazy ass
>your free time is spend sleeping off the dread or escaping to mundane things
That's your own damn fault. Jesus Christ take responsibility for your actions. Do something else with your free time. And if you hate your job that much, again, find something else.
>The ambition to try something new declines as well, perhaps you associate working on something with work itself.
Another bullshit excuse so you don't have to do anything.
>All in all not a good situation to be in
It is infinitely superior to the hells on earth produced by socialism.
>this is why Marx talked about how capitalist societies results in social alienation of the individual from the society.
I knew you were going here. Marx had nothing of value to say, he was a lunatic. His ideas appealed only to jealousy and laziness, and the weaker parts of human nature. His ideas when implemented killed over a hundred million. He doesn't have a shred of respectability left and you should feel ashamed for associating yourself with him.
>Essentially people start feeling powerless and estranged from society, they lack any meaning and purpose and experience social isolation and depression.
Stop crying and get off your ass. More BS excuses.
cuz they've been lied to their whole lives
Stop saying we WANT to live with our parents. Despite the select few nu-males that graduated in lesbian dance theory, a majority of us do have a decent education and still live with our parents. Im a Credit Analyist at a bank for fucks sake. They, and every other bank, refuse to pay me more than $10 the hour.
How does that make sense?
>he thinks social democracy is the same as Stalinism
>This is why intellectuals in the sphere have established that as long as capitalism exists, the socialistc far left and the nationalistic far right will always be in a sort of Kulturkampf
More bullshit. Nationalism is not incompatible with capitalism, socialism is.
> They just have different solutions for it.
You fundamentally do not understand left wing or right wing ideology, you're talking straight out of your ass.
Kill yourself.
Because special snowflakes want to play with arts and crafts their whole life.
And Windows 10, Android, and Facebook spy you all the time. 24 hours under state surveyance
Microphone, digital prints, internet browsing, interests, mail, any device connected, even across netwoks
This is your Windows 10 CONTRACT
Privacy; Consent to Use of Data ...you agree that Microsoft may collect, use, and disclose the information
We share your personal data ... as necessary .... We also share data with .. affiliates and subsidiaries ... vendors ... when required by law ...
Microsoft does not recognize users' privacy rights. The Microsoft Privacy document does not say anything positive about privacy in this document that isn't contradicted by their own words elsewhere in the same document.
Microsoft does explicitly reserve rights to share users' private data with just about anyone and everyone.
Microsoft explicitly disallows legal recourse regarding privacy. The Windows 10 EULA comprehensively denies legal recourse related to privacy (and indeed anything other than IP disputes).
Because of security. The biggest Catch 22 of Gen Y is that they already owe the state their lives through debt slavery, so why not give up money they don't have?
They did shit like this when I was in middle school almost 20 years ago. Maybe it was because I lived in Michigan.
Fuck off already with your typical hateful bigotry bullshit
because capitalism failed their generation and the best countries in the world are socialist democracies...
Call it whatever the fuck you want, I don't care about your BS labels you keep swapping around for the same failed, smoking pile of garbage.
You do not OWN anything. Have no property. That's socialism.
It doesn't matter if the owner is the government or a corporation.
Fuck off already with your laziness, entitlement and faggotry.
They're objectively different. Literally every political scientist worth his salt says so.
I want to raise children with Soe.
>They're objectively different
I don't care about the meaningless distinctions between them.
>Literally every political scientist worth his salt says so.
Nice lack of sources.
they are lazy, entitled and selfish
You picked a shitty job faggot. Go find a real one
Why is income written as a plural? Isn't it a single thing? You can have multiple revenue sources, all in all it contributes to a single income, does it not?
Don't ask me. You can directly ask to The Economist.
That's the official word of The City. They run the world.
It is not a controversial opinion that socialism and fascism both have their origin in the critique of capitalist society
Do you know anything about history or have read a book in your life ?
>Nazi flag
>Complaining about how ideologies when implemented killed people
wew lad
Confirmed for mental midget who doesn't understand the difference between social democracy and socialism. I bet you're not even a nazi, actual Nazis understand the problems with capitalism instead of being cocksuckers of corporations and globalists and shilling for a society based entirely on nihilistic consumerism.
Sorry, I'm not stupid enough to fall for the lie that """social democracy""" isn't a stepping stone right back to the hell of the 20th century. they're all the same bullshit, they always, always, always result in massive totalitarian governments, failed economies and mass starvation. You are a naive, historically ignorant fool.
Thankfully Gen Z is much smarter than you. They hate socialism.
Financial sector? Deciding if someone is credit worthy to quality for a loan? That's shitty?
>It is not a controversial opinion that socialism and fascism both have their origin in the critique of capitalist society
Wrong. Fascism and nationalism are both much more compatible with capitalism than socialism, "social democracy", communism and marxism.
>Nazi flag
>Complaining about how ideologies when implemented killed people
I have nothing against killing communists, they aren't people.
>Confirmed for mental midget who doesn't understand the difference between social democracy and socialism
Confirmed mental midget who has been duped into believing there is a significant difference. Just stop now before you embarass yourself further.