Why are americans so opposed to let the Mexicans in? If anything, considering the average appearance of the american person, importing in mexicans would make them whiter.
Why are americans so opposed to let the Mexicans in? If anything...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Bulgaria talking about whiteness
They don't want to ruin their pure genes
All non-Americans have an inferiority complex. They have a psychological need to be butthurt over America as a defense mechanism against their insecurities. Every moment of their lives revolve around America and every single one of them is desperately in love with America despite all the shit they talk. Consider how they willingly spend all their time hanging around Americans on American websites like Sup Forums. What they really want is for Americans to recognize their existence and validate them, and when we don't appeal to their insecure needy satisfaction they get asspained and lash out. They are getting angry reading this and the overt declaration of the truths in this post, but none of them will leave Sup Forums despite the painfully illogical act of spending all your time hanging around Americans if you actually hate them. Their actions speak for themselves, non-Americans are like insecure girls desperately looking to be noticed from the alpha male and trash talking as a means to make themselves feel better when they don't get attention they so crave so badly.
Todos los no estadounidenses tienen un complejo de inferioridad. Tienen una necesidad psicológica de ser más valientes que Estados Unidos como mecanismo de defensa contra sus inseguridades. Cada momento de sus vidas gira en torno a Estados Unidos y cada uno de ellos está desesperadamente enamorado de Estados Unidos a pesar de toda la mierda de la que hablan. Considere cómo pasan voluntariamente todo el tiempo rondando a los estadounidenses en sitios web estadounidenses como Sup Forums. Lo que realmente quieren es que los estadounidenses reconozcan su existencia y los validen, y cuando no apelamos a su insegura satisfacción de los necesitados, se los asfixia y ataca. Se están enojando al leer esto y con la declaración abierta de las verdades en este post, pero ninguno de ellos abandonará Sup Forums a pesar del dolorosamente ilógico acto de pasar todo el tiempo dando vueltas por los Estados Unidos si realmente los odias. Sus acciones hablan por sí mismas, los no estadounidenses son como chicas inseguras que buscan desesperadamente ser notadas por el macho alfa y hablar mal como un medio para sentirse mejor cuando no reciben la atención que tanto anhelan.
Translating this for all the americans:
>Yo All non-Americans gots an inferiority complex. dey gots uh psychological need ta be butthurt ova America as uh defense mechanism against they insecurities. Every moment o' they lives revolve around America an' every single one o' dem iz desperately in love wif America despite all da sheeit dey jive. Consider how dey willingly spend all they tyme hanging around Americans on American websites like Sup Forums. What dey really wants iz fo' Americans ta recognize they existence an' validate dem, an' when we's don' appeal ta they insecure needy satisfaction dey git asspained an' lash out. dey is getting angry reading dis here an' da overt declaration o' da truths in dis here post, but none o' dem will leave Sup Forums despite da painfully illogical act o' spending all yo' tyme hanging around Americans if you actually mah fuckin hate dem. they actions speak fo' themselves, non-Americans is like insecure beotches desperately looking ta be noticed from da alpha nigga an' trash jivin' as uh means ta make themselves feel bettah when dey don' git attention dey so crave so badly Ya' dig?
aw thanks ese
Same reasons African-Israelis aren't a thing.
Mexicans look weirdly dark compared to real Spanish from Spain.
Every single Bulgarian I met was darker than Algerians. I have no doubt that some of you are white, but come on. At least use a meme flag to meme
You've met gypsies.
>making the same thread you made 15 minutes ago
>Bulgaria, Australia, and pirate cuck copy pasting the exact same posts in this copy pasted thread
I doubt it, since they were in university. Since when do gypos go to school?
The average dominican is whiter than the average american .
>making da same thread you made 15 minutes ago
>Bulgaria, Australia, an' pirate cuck copy pasting da exact same posts in dis here copy pasted thread , wOrd!
Every Bulgarian I met was darker than the Mexicans jumping the boarder.
confirming what he said
I have compiled a list of the most common american responses:
>I did a DNA test and am 100% european. Literally more europran than people that actually live in europe
>Europeans are losing it because they have no guns and no freedom to even begin to say the cause for their lives collapsing around them
>At the end of the day Amurica is better and Yurop is bad
>You're a shitskin and no one cares what you think
>Not an argument
>I'm whiter than you muhammad
>Hello /leftypol/
>due to mass immigration you Europoors are going to be really outnumbered in 10 to 20 years, far worse than us
>All non-Americans have an inferiority complex
> Every Bulgarian ah met wuz darker than da Mexicans jumping da boarder bitch nigga!
shit version
EU has probably 10x more blondes/blue eyes per capita, and the guy whos supposed to be EU looks like the typical American, probably because someone just reversed the original image.
America is whiter than southern Europe for sure
t. "I get all of my information about Europe from /pol"
>probably because someone just reversed the original image
>America iz whita den southern Europe fo sho'!
wE wUz WhItE
What did the murican mean by this
t. I got all of my information about America from Sup Forums
Why does this entire board lack so much self-awareness?
>no u
Wow, that's great.
The people in the north look like a serb for fuck's sake. If that's not a mutt I don't know what is.
Open borders while the world breeds behind closed ones is genocide.
Plus Mexicans only create Taco shops and lawn Services that only hire there cousin Jose from mexico. The havent invent a god damn thing, not even the quesadilla machine. that was a white guy too.
Sup Forums is fucking annoying, go figure.
It's pretty sad when a nation of brown people vote for someone more nationalistic than every other western nation. It's also sad that the strongest, most influential nation in the world is a brown one. What is your excuse, faggots? So much for the master race, yeh kuks.
This is weak af no wonder you are being ridiculed to shit.
these people are american citizens
delet this
Did someone tread on your safe space?
You're just delicious that they're our protectorate and you're simply stuck in your third world island hell hole.
That whore got exactly what she deserved.
Memes aside
We don't want mexicans for the same reason you don't want romanians
Top lel. Fucking keyboard Jews.
Actually no, you're just fucking annoying thats all.
>more nationalistic than every other western nation
that's funny, not offensive
You are bad at your job
So are you
Not an argument, faggot. I'm right and you know it. Germany has a choice between a hardcore socialist cuck and Merkel. Enjoy, faggots. The whiter a nation is, the more it's emasculated and cucked if Europe is any example..
The midwest is truly the last glimmer of hope in this country.
California fag here this meme is pretty accurate desu.
Gorillions of me mongs here
>muh echochamber is in danger, reeeeee
I have no problem with Mexicans, I'm good friends with a few of them, I just don't like illegal immigrants of any nationality that don't pay taxes and make shit like insurance more expensive for the rest of us, and if we kicked the illegals out half our prisons would probably be empty and the democrats would never win an election again
All these are true except the first one
Did you know that "Quesadillas" don't really imply to have cheese in them?
It's true in that the average italian, for instance, in america who might let say be have italian half irish, is whiter than a full italian in europe. Pic related is an american italian named donald cerrone. Compare that to the average brown italian.
>Of these three original groupings, only two are existent in any large numbers today: the Nordics and the Alpines. The original Mediterraneans of ancient history are not to be confused with those people loosely termed "Mediterranean" today - the present day inhabitants of the Mediterranean region are largely mixtures of several races, with the original White Mediterranean component for the greatest part having long since been submerged amongst invasions first of the Nordic and Alpine White sub- groupings, and then under Nonwhite Arabic, Turkish and other Middle Eastern and North African racial groupings
You guys don't put cheese in your quesadillas? The memes are right--you truly are animals.
I would very much like to genocide every single one of doninica niggers.
I agree that americans look like shit and are an amalgam of whit subraces, which makes them moor with no own place place (they are an ethnic wretch). However mexicans (or mestizos rather) are worse. they behave like niggers and look like turds -imo are far worse than niggers-
they have a shitty accent and ruined the Spanish language, they are useless at basically everything and were it not for conquistadors they would still be running around naked and beheading each other, not any more civilized than arabs.
I don't like americans as a whole but I like mestizos even less, i dread mestizos you could say, so id much rather america stays white. Id also support an ethnic cleansing of all mestizos in this shitty continent
Fuck off, the only reason the midwest is so white is because youre fucking irrelevant flyover states, even then you have some of the most damgerous cities in the Usa full of niggers
>I have no argument so I'l just spam pictures like a faggot
What a kuk.
This stopped being funny yesterday, its just annoying now
What's my job?
nice try kike
>barely any americans on Sup Forums
>spams american hate threads daily
>comes on Sup Forums to be an obnoxious twat
I can take a joke and what not but jesus christ.
Mexicans speak better Spanish than the Spanish. You haven't even met a Mestizo other than your ARgentina variety. KYS
Most Mexicans vote democrat, maintain more loyalty to Mexico then America and don't want to learn English.
>the original white mediterraneans
Holy shit, Sup Forumsniggers and their WE WUZING are hilarious
Just stopping in to say..
I know youre easy to trigger reddit, but really?
You see the same thread posted every 5 minutes, and think
>oh thats definetly not bait ill tell him like it is while bumping the thread to the limit.
Youre cancer, just as bad as the fucks posting the shit, hell even worse. Shows how fucking stupid you are.
Just kys already
This place is nothing but teenagers
You're really mad, cuck.
Thanks for the airspace, bitch
Being a basement le alt-right neckbeard
You are either not browsing other boards or you are playing dumb on purpose.
If you do browse other boards and you are honest, you will admit how Sup Forums cringelords are derailing every second thread without anyone asking them about their views.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are a great example
>bragging about deadly, gross incompetence
Great post, fellow burger
>It is worth stating again, as it is of great significance in more ways than one, that there are very few of these original Mediterranean racial types left in the world today. They were known as the "Old Europeans" and inhabited large parts of Europe, Egypt, the Middle and Near East and Egypt at the dawn of history.
>These Mediterranean types bear almost no resemblance to the present day inhabitants of the Mediterranean basin: the original Old Europeans have been absorbed almost completely into the African/Semitic/Asian stock of North Africa, the Near and Middle East.
>The only place in Europe where occasional glimpses of this original Mediterranean sub racial grouping can still be seen, is in the Celtic fringes of Britain, most notably in Wales and Devonshire, and in the Basque territory of Spain. In these regions there exists a short dark strain - remnants of the original inhabitants of Europe.
Top lel. You are a cuck to the Jews. I hope Shlomo annexes your shitty bodega.
It's cause we've got a lot of injun blood
Stage 4: Depression.