30 billion could end world hunger

Yet whites decide to spend hundreds times that money on war.

And you have the audacity to claim white privilege doesnt exist.

Pic related is white privilege in action.

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>Yet whites decide to spend hundreds times that money on war.
elimination of the hungry ones is a real long term solution, giving 30M USD and waiting few weeks for the next money demand isn't

7 billion people on earth, $30 billion equates to $4.28 per individual for the year. So that is slightly more that $.01 per day per human, only one meal a day. So 1/3 of one cent per meal 3 meals daily. Lie-U-tell.

KYS Faggot


The USA's job is to fight and kill and cause problems.
Not feed the needy.

>$30 billion worth of corn flakes

>pay one meal for everyone on earth
world hunger solved forever!

Ending world hunger is a grave mistake.

You do realize that feeding world hunger only spurs the out of control breeding on the parts of the world that already have that problem right? It would make the problem 100x worse.


>30 bn divided by 7bn
>american maths

not all 7bn are living in poverty. its 30bn / 2bn

What if we used war to solve world hunger by killing all the hungry people?

So it's 30 bill a day to end hunger
Fuck that
That's like 1.1 trillion a year with literally no return on investment except maybe a bunch of pregnant poor people

> Only white countries spend money on their military
> Only white countries go to war


lol Charity is the job of The Church. Christians give plenty. Maybe you should go hit up the jews and muslims. If the muslims spent more money on needy and less on suicide bombers we might not hate them so much. Oh and since athieshits like to preach atheism as a religion, hit them up for money too. Come to think of it you should probably start bothering those pagans as well!

Use their corpses to fertilize the fields until we reach sustainability. Masturbators must go also.
>watch the porn, be the corn

Maybe mugabe shouldn't have told whites to fuck off and salt the fields then.
>what are bugs to eat
>what is a condom

You're screwing with data too, fagoot. If we assume that at least 1/2 of the world's population has enough food to subsist, then those numbers start looking much more reasonable.

Why should I pay to feed niggers that will have 20 kids each and start starving again?

>cmon guise feed the people that hate you!
Fuck em
fuck you

Sage for the troll

what op's pic dont say is the cost of ending world hunger for 8h is $30bn

go cry to Saudi Arabia faggot

Isn't american army just a money laundering scheme?

But then the africoons would breed like insane and we'd have to throw more gibs because we didn't teach the nogs how to fish and even when we give them farms they fuck it up.
Fuck off commie and saged.

You guys really love picking up statistics and not knowing what in the hell they actually mean. For one those stats are from an assumption by the UN WFP that only 842 million people are in a state of hunger. The problem is virtually all of those people are living in developing nations that are already receiving $59 billion every single year out of the over $150 billion in development aid raised every single year. The people in those nations just aren't getting that aid. The governments in those nations squander all the aid for themselves and leave the people to starve. Giving them more isn't the way to solve the problem. Stopping their governments from squandering everything we already give is the way to stop it.

George Soros spent 18 billion on open borders. Where's the outrage there faggot?

Look at Puru, filled with rich black guys and they spit on the homeless. Your argument is invalid. Fuck off.

kek nice one

For how long a day? Then what?

Why would we want more niggers?

So 2/3 of a cent per meal is more reasonable?


Let's not encourage population growth in Africa. They already can't feed themselves. It is cruel and inhuman to encourage unsustainable populations. When the shit hits the fan hundreds of millions will starve to death. How does that make you feel?

Yes, lets give africans more food so they can push out more kids they cannot afford to support.

All support for africa should be cut.
Their population would quickly drop to sustainable levels.
Or they would actually have to work to create large agricultural projects to keep everyone fed.

>feed these niggers
>people only eat once in their life

has nothing to do with white

This is just a ploy to funnel money into (((managed))) "charities".

Okay, let's say we actually do that. What then?
We give food every year to niggers.
They shit out more kids per family, and start starving again.
We give more food per year.
They shit out even MORE kids per family, starve again.

It will never fucking end until we stop sending ANYTHING, and let the nigger ecosystem snap back into balance. A lot will die but they're niggers, they'd die anyway.

>"Play with the knob, lose your cob"

I prefer wars to feeding niggers.

30bn to end world hunger for one day yes; because oh wait they'll throw it all away anyway

You left out some decimal points, senpai. 2.3 cents (roughly) per day. And as the red cross keeps telling us here in the US, 5 cents a day can feed an African (and that's with the Red Cross taking their cut).

stop making these ffs


Bullshit. Glassing africa with a bunch of B83 thermonuclear bombs would cost much less than $30b

Cut all support for 3rd world shitholes. Starvation is a natural fix to overpopulation problems. It's what nature does, it's what we should do.

I don't care two shits about Africans, Asians or South Americans. Africa should be divided into colonies again and they should implement China-like population controls.

This is correct, and it's already been happening for decades. Why do you think the population of Africa has exploded?

Pic related. It's an oppressive white dictator, saber rattling against freedom.

>Meme flag

30 billion.. for one year. it wont change till they change. it becomes a welfare state. not as easy as chucking money at it

lmao Christians don't give shit
those are the retards who give all their money to tv evangelists claiming they can make blind people hear again

>30 billion could end world hunger

for what a day?

Whenever I see this graphic, I don't see it as an advocation to spend 30 billion on world hunger. Instead, I see it as an illustration of just how wasteful the US is with its money, and how much more we could accomplish at home if we budgeted a little better.

How many jobs would ne created, how many local economies would be stimulated, how many lives would be improved, if even a third of that war-spending went to rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure?

It won't end world hunger though...only pospone it for a set time. It won't give people the knowledge to sustain agriculture or manage their resources fairly and efficiently, no amount of cash can instill that as it can only be learned.


White privilege exist because other countries suck? How is this the white mans fault?

You know what happens when you throw bread to cockroaches? You get more cockroaches.

and what is the profit of ending it? are you gonna keep paying for them? are you gonna deal with the millions that want to come to europe?

Submit your budget for consideration or shut up.

>1 post by this ID

Pic related. It's some oppressive white guys spending money on guns instead of food, and cutting the heads off of innocent minorities.

SAGE. Proofs needed.


Fuck off.

That money gets spent in the US, just like building stuff would.

THey are not spending $737 billion on war. They are ultimately spending it on themselves. Where do you think all that cash gets spent? That's right, to organizations and operations that own everything already.

But, but, salaries! Poppycock! Pay is handled by Wall Street firms, transited through Wall Street banks, printed at the Fed, held in personal accounts of employees at Wall Street-owned or operated banks, spent at big box retailers (usually in hock to Wall Street), partly paid out to suppliers (usually in hock to Wall Street), or rolled into purchasing financial products from Wall Street banks.

Money is not the root of all evil. Banks are the root of all evil.

And please, don't start with the antisemetic crap about Jews.

>feed people who produce nothing and dump out half a dozen kids they cant support
you will end up with so many more hungry kids lol

so minus 30bi wouldn't be used to feed americans.
cost is not the same as expenses.

for 3 hundred billion we can by everybody on earth a new set of sneakers. don't you care about peoples feet.

Our infrastructure is actually pretty good for a nation of our size: lpi.worldbank.org/international/global

>feeding Africans would fix all of our problems with absolutely no consequences and everyone would be happy

Ending world hunger leads directly to an overpopulation of people who can't even manage to feed themselves. How far do you want to take that, faggot?

The poorest people are the ones that keep reproducing the most.
25% of the birth childs in india are unregistered, which makes up a total of 33% of the whole worlds unregistered children.
India and china make up more than half the worlds population, excluding the unregistered people in both countries, as well as the ones that migrated to other countries.

The people are starving because they decide to keep reproducing without being able to afford it and this fuckery needs to stop.
Homeless people should be given money to get a castration - this is the only solution to stop starvation.
The next step is to disallow people to leave their overpopulated or corrupt shitholes. Few people can afford to leave their shitholes without external money support - the poor ones are stuck there and the rest is leaving instead of fighting the problems

It's not just that.

There is a reason why "our standard of living" is so much higher.

It's fuel for the rackets. We get paid more, so we can spend more on the healthcare racket, the education racket, the tax racket, the food monopoly racket, the insurance racket, and so on.

We overpay for everything because, as David Graeber puts it, modern capitalism generates nothing but high-paid useless jobs that the productive elements must support.

Look at the Silicon Valley or the health care industry. Lots of dead weight there.

Indira Gandhi tried that. Good luck if you find even 1 person onboard with this idea

'Solving world hunger' often translates to throwing money and aid to police states in the undeveloped world.

Even if we could get to the people who need it, feeding them turns them into dependents, and doesn't solve the problem for good. A one off $30 billion to fix their hunger will be momentary, before a week has passed, the issue will crop up again.

Teach a man to fish, not to expect fish will land in his lap whenever he looks at a camera.

oh jeez look at all these starving children oh my god

only 30 billion only 30 billion not a shekel more

>15 years later

oh jeez would ya look at that, starving children why won't you do anything

a one time fee of 500 billion one time fee only and they'll all be fed no more africa problems

You will create more hungry mouths in the future, increasing overall suffering. Good job, KYS

oh jeez wow look at this wouldja just look

they're starving and over populated looks like they're going to have to live with you OPEN YOU DOORS BIGOT

resettlement fee of 1.5 trillion please for 500 million of them

yes, its all the whites,even with black president, its the whites. no matter what happens, its the whites. whites? whites whites whites whites hates hates :))))

Sorry not our job to end world hunger. Maybe they shouldn't enable these corrupt regimes. Self protection is the main job of the federal government.

>$30 billion to end world hunger
For how fucking long? A year? Then what?

The only way to fix India is by executing most politicians and giving a fuckton more power to the IAS/IPS brigade.

>not all 7bn are living in poverty. its 30bn / 2bn
Even with the change that still doesn't end world hunger unless you're feeding them money.

737 billion is the cost to only have the world hunger costs at 30 billion.

We provide security for the world, without it, the cost to end world hunger would be a thousand times higher than our defense budget.

Now fuck off with your stupid shit.

Have you niggers considered doing some farming?

Publicly chuckled.

For how long?

I doubt it. There's 1.2 billion people in Africa. $30b/1.2b people = $25/person. Even if we assume that they live on a $1/day, that's not even a month.

Feeding the poor in africa is incredibly inhumane as it allows their populations to inflate to numbers they are incapable of supporting without more food every year.

Famine would not exist in africa if we didnt feed them (once the population died off to the appropriate level they were capable of feeding). Feeding the hungry is the reason for famine.

>We provide security for the world
that's not even a little bit true lol

30/2 = 15 so fifteen dollars for ONE meal for ONE day. Not accounting for distributing costs. That does literally nothing.


Having visited the east coast from North Carolina up in 2015, all I can say is American infrastructure has a Third World feel to it.

I've seen consistently better highways in India, truth be told.

30 billion PER YEAR. If we reduce defence budget, the 30BIL per YEAR to solve world hunger will no longer be there because we will be dead.

also: Give a man a fish and all that

Feeding Africa would bring the Apocalypse.

>1 post by this id

Unfortunately, you can't teach some animals to fish.

US DIRECTLY funds saudi arabia and Israel which, in turn, funds ISIS.
Who in the fuck are we actively protecting?
We did fuck all when Boko Haram went pillaging around Africa because there was no benefit to us.
Zionism pervades US policy and the Zionists don't do a single fucking thing that isn't for their greater cause.
Thinking the US protects anybody except the property of the ultra rich is about as fucking blue pilled a sit gets.

>Give a man a burger, and he'll be full for an hour
>Teach a man how to drive-thru, he'll be full for life
-Ancient American saying