All private keys are openly accessible on yes it takes some processing power but your private keys and btc are still compromised
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice, just bought 100k!
>implying Satoshi Nakamoto isn't a front for a whole floor of (((their))) bookworms
I once found 0.7 Bitcoin by entering a random page number. Pretty cool, but takes a lot of time.
>but takes a lot of time
not with a decent pc, I've made 104btc off this so far, it's literally free money.
horseshit prove it
you need to make a script that goes through all the addresses.
One of my addresses
You don't have a single idea how all of this works, do you?
I don't have a single idea how all of this works, do I?
There are 2^160 possible bitcoin addresses. That's 1,461,501,637,330,902,918,203,684,832,716,283,019,655,932,542,976
There are around 2^63 grains of sand on all the beaches on planet earth.
Good luck managing to find the corresponding key to one of those.
Ah look, a moron outside of his natural habitat
Not only that the encryption is built for the people who own the banks. As comical it is to think it is secure many still do
>"I made the equivalent of $600K off of this!"
>"That's why I'm telling everyone on the largest internet gathering in The West!"
I'm only telling you about a security risk with btc
It is not like that computing power will increase exponentially and in couple of years your phone will be able to solve BTC's keys
Also, people have morals and will respect others property and will not touch 100 Billion$ (BTC market cap) in free cash and will not try to break the BTC keys
>9*10^74 pages
>at most millions of addresses with bitcoins in them
>some processing power
That’s an understatement if I’ve ever seen one.
it's funny to read these threads when I know I'll never have to work 1 day in my life becausue I bought btc early :D
just stop posting and do something about your intelligence mate
so what's the implication of this? is this the equivalent of everyone's email acc & password being stolen but for BTC?
Kolko jih mas?
yes but it takes a bit more work
stop hiring economists and scamers. You need communication and linguistic autists to effectively shill. Good luck findning someone who works for less then 350K a year
Fuck off kike, directory.oi was a prank form 2013. Take your bitcoin shorting kikery to Reddit
>directory.oi was a prank form 2013
then why does it work?
doing the lords work user burn these e-jew shekels to the ground its pedo money
oy vey, dont buy bitcoin!!!
here is the algorithem... write your favorite code:
1-scrape into database
2- used address from step 1 to complete this
3- use an if cheker like this
(if amount !==0)
then use {key from step 1} to transfer {amount} to your wallet addres
4- sell immediately and alternate and change exchange account frequintly
5- repeat step 1 while repeating step 2 to 4
what kind of people need to be told this?
who buys this bullshit? Who buys stocks, for that matter? Idiots or bullshitters one of the two
6k price is enough to put me off.
I thought I was edgy fooling around with them at 400
>buy a few thousand dollars worth 10 years ago
>sell it today
Quit job, move to Australia to learn from the top shitposters
>that flag
>doesn't know that was a prank - all accounts / keys are fictitious.
>article from 2013 "i created as a joke"
>let's say Op is a fag
But why the addresses in the are real BTC addresses?
Fucking retards falling for stupid shit like this will fall for anything.
This is what happens when you don't know how to read the whitepapers and don't have any mathematical literacy.
>taco bell worker
>finds a wallet
>there is btc inside
>sees transactions
>can't do anything with it, except look at someones balance
>whats a rainbow table
its a honeypot aiming for idiots to submit their own private keys
they get matched against the db to empty your wallet
like a cypher reverse lookup to crack passwords
how long before the private keys be able to be hackable by a simple pc?
the computing power increases 2X each 16 months
if it's popsicle, its possible
bitches my quantum computer can process in uncountable parallel universes
for entertainment purposes
Shut the fuck up you retard, you obviously don't know shit about computing power or are just fishing for replies
please up vote this so mark zakergerb also see it on youtube
Q: Is this real?
A: Yes.
Q: Is this fake?
A: No.
Q: Are my bitcoins safe?
A: Yes.
Q: Is this a joke?
A: Sort of.
Q: Is this a prank?
A: No.
yeah fucking right
that's one of the first google search results if you type "bitcoin addresses"
>i'm a retard who doesn't understand math thread #546546456
then steal some coins fag
>english tier mathematics
All the pages are procedurally generated
Seeing as there are more possible bitcoin addresses than there are hydrogen atoms in the known universe, I'd say it's still more secure than letting (((them))) hold your money in a bank
OP if you have any idea what you're talking about you wouldn't be here posting FUD
get fucked
>leaves out the crucial part
Q: Should I search by private key?
A: No. I log and steal everything.
true that
it seems like a safer alternative... for now
maybe in future with better computing power... be hackable
but by then with that computing power, AI have already raped all of us
Because the first 2 pages or so are of addresses known to be compromised (when first was launched in 2013, there was a small panic that caused the price of BTC to frop...for like 90 minutes..), but every page beyond that is procedurally generated.
If every single atom on earth was a supercomputer, and if all of those supercomputers could attempt 10 billion different private address combinations *every second*, it would still take over 2.56 BILLION years for them to have a greater than 50% chance of solving just ONE public/private keypair
>stop calling my banking cartels (((them)))!
>thanks for the bailouts
OP is Jamie Dimon
buying bitcoin now is like buying your ticket to upperclass life after 30 years, shit is going to 45 cents a satoshi.
fake and gay, here's one of my addresses, try me
>Year 2047
>Still converts btc to fiat
lmao you should have bought in earlier, can't crash it to sub 5k anymore
so..... technically you 're saying there is a possibility
if it's popsicle, its possible
everyone in this thread who believes this to be true or even remotely possible is trolling or a dumbfucking retard, let me break it down for you in retard terms
1.public/private key crypto is not a new invention of bitcoin, it exists for years and its safe as long as you keep your private key safe
2. even then, if your private key is in public people still wont know the public key it belongs to
3. some bitcoin wallets offer 2 factor authentication
4. you are able to generate your keypairs completely offline in which case your private key will NEVER even be in touch with anything that is in any way connected to the internet or any other form of network. good luck trying to figure out those keys.
The cost of "guessing" a private key scales by bit size of the key. However, it doesn't scale linearly and not even polynomially. We're talking something like 2^n. This is computationally costly for large n.
It's so costly at the key sizes Bitcoin currently uses that you will never guess one. Even if you could, which you can't, it would be more profitable to mine. Moores law doesn't matter because the key sizes can be changed if it becomes too weak.
So you running all the computing power you could, times 100, is no more likely to guess a key than some nigger in Africa slamming a rock against the ground.
This is the scale that 2^n is.
>The Jew cries out in pain as you hit his bank account
Satoshi Nakamoto is the US government, and Bitcoin is a financial weapon aimed at the Chinese state, in particular.
They're going to pull the plug soon, now that the Chinese authorities are aware of and acting against the threat.
That begs the question user:
If we had an infinite number of niggers in Africa slamming rocks, how long would it take them to guess a private bitcoin key?
go back to /biz/ fudfags
Bitcoin is a cianigger invention to make paying for favors untraceable.
>human trafficking
>weapons trade
>economics arent the driving force behind almost all politics
get bent
A few thousand emails sent from a Nigerian prince with a gorillian bitcoin. Just transfer 10 bitcoins to unlock his account.
you're not discussing politics
My snegro the founder of directory came out and said it was a prank intended to show how secure bitcoin is.
Don't worry Ephraim, I'm sure the tribe will still have SOME money once the world banks collapse ushering in the crypto future.
This thread needs more link
Would be nice if this was true.
But for those purposes cash is still king
What you mean never would happen.
Bitcoin is just another way to take everything from you and leave you with a ledger and a value in a cell.
Millennial's, like their boomer parents, think digi-currency is the fantastic shit until the lights go out. Morons
im buying bitcoin rn just to spite u u literal faggot
osterreichbro gets it. a handful of euro and a bosnian get everything done lol
>meme flags calling anyone a faggot
don't you have a pagan thread to start?
eat shit. want to report something, go after the "Is X white" or "Why are all Canadians such cock sucking faggots?" threads.
so has the most powerful super computer ever? or how did they get ALL private keys? xD
>a handful of euro and a bosnian get everything done
I prefer Serbs tho, one knows they will try to fuck you up, where with forest Serbs, coast Serbs and Nigger Mountaineer it can be hard to determine upfront if they are stupid or just play stupid.
Learn how to same fag amateur
that's the joke, btc is so insecure they managed to do it with a regular computer. sell all your bitcoin before it's too late!
Operation Satoshi was a CIA project
>makes convincing OP
>uses blatant biz shill phrases
you tried so hard and got so far
Bitcoin is the 'white boi' trap of our generation. People start buying when it's peaking and will lose everything. Our parents fell for the tech bubble, old fags fell for the housing bubble, now all you morons are looking at bitcoin when it's at it's peak. listen, morons. When the media starts hyping anything up, it's the time to do the OPPOSITE. ALWAYS DO THE OPPOSITE OF THE SHEEP, which at the moment is 'muh crypto currency'. IF you didn't have the balls to do it last year, it's too late.
Im purposely pointing out one of my own posts, you moron.
>Im late to the crypto game am faggot
>Why are all Canadians such cock sucking faggots?
At least they would be talking about politics
We have an entire board for economics, it's called /biz/ newfag
please, for the love of kek, lurk more. You embarrass the shills.
>Brother secretly bought at 3k
>Has made 5.000 €
>Me following BTC for 5 years now
>Still no-coins
Just buy ETHEREUM goy, its not like the government will try to make Bitcoin value disappear so you only use the CIA approved alternative.
> moving to Australia voluntarily
why would someone do this. You know its a prison colony right?
Its funny people complain that the US dollar has no actual they urge you to buy bitcoin. Lmao at least cash can put a downpayment on a house for you.
>It took a lot of computing power to generate this database.
Yeah because the government doesn't have more computing power than every PC in America combined.
>love of kek
>talking about embarassing people
>hurdurdur blockchain has no real value or purpose
Too bad nobody cares and you cant do shit with the adress
triggered shill?