on the slutwalk, part 3
Based black man confronts SLUTS
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not clicking. anything a nigger says is irrelevant.
All he is doing is asking questions and women are getting upset.
does your mom know you're a SLUT?
>a cuck black man
That's new.
Seeing this stuff makes me wish that I only ever have sons and no daughters.
its easier to raise men nowadays, everyone tries to turn girls into raging whores
the one on the right looks like a doll, could fap to.
People are trash, fictional ideals are the only redemptive factor, and even those are corrupt by petty bias.
Why is it that the women with the saddest tits are the ones who want to go around topless?
>We're out here to reclaim the word slut
>gets asked if they're sluts
>gets mad
>Is your momma a slut?
It must be hard to raise daughters. Too strict on them, they rebel and become whores. Too easy on them, they become whores through their peers' influence.
it's gross when girls with rolls do it aswell
this is actually real good shit, dude is just asking questions and they are getting pissy lmao
You can't be too strict for a daughter
Is that South Africa or USA?
they're all extreme subjectivists and relativists and deep down know they're full of shit, so they get mad
the disciplined ones have the discipline to stay at home. they exist. dont get tricked my german friend.
I love this guy, his voice is so kekworthy
I guess if she doesn't go off to college then she'd be fine
>that's a slut look
>yeah, that's a slut look
Unironically based.
and tries to turn boys into girls
guy isn't a nigger though
LA. I'm going down there for work in two weeks. Lucky me
that's a problem, but still easier to counter nowadays
Jesse Peterson is based. He is one of the few sane voices in African-American society who tries to bring back family values within the black community, in which roughly 72 percent of black children in the United States are born to single moms.
What's the purpose of a slutwalk?
If they really want sex they can just hang at a bar and wait to get picked up.
They don't have to show the goods even before they land a man. Don't they know this?
You certainly can.
The trick is to raise them so they value their virginity and don’t give it up for just anyone. People don’t like to be controlled, if you’re controlling it will backfire on you every time.
unironically a based black guy
These sluts need to sort themselves out. They keep flip flopping their meaning on sluts. One minute it's be proud to be a slut the next omg how dare you use the word slut and slut shame.
going around buttnaked virtue signaling feminist bs
you can see in these vids none of these sluts now wtf they're there for
They just don't want to get judged for it.
Which is kinda stupid because it is up to each individual to judge someone else by whatever metric one sees fit.
>Jesse Lee Peterson
Oh man, I love this guy.
He had a couple SJWs on his show and he roasted the hell out of them.
The girl got up and ran off.
Ever since then I have a soft spot for the guy.
If you want your daughter to avoid niggers you got to go like this.
I want my grand sons and my grand daughters to be like me, to be like your grand mother, your mother, my sister, you, I want my family to remain...
That's an instant throw to the niggers.
They are attempting to normalize female promiscuity, which traditionally was kept in check by The Patriarchy (TM). Their goal is to create a society in which pre-marital sex, free from judgement, is as normal as eating or sleeping.
>They just don't want to get judged for it.
They don't want to be judged for what? If they weren't walking around naked they wouldn't even be noticed, let alone judged.
I like him since the "angry black woman" episode, it was keky as f
And that was revealed when he asked them what their number of sex partners was?
Why do you people even try to figure out wymyn, they just want attention for fuck sake.
Poor asian girl. Looks like she's a decent girl but got dragged into this stupid thing by her social group..
Also, does LA have many asians, because I ain't seeing many
this is a nig, wake the fuck up plebbit
t. sluts?
Look at these stupid Fu king smug idiots. The sad part is they think theyre doing something noble or impressive but in reality it's the opposite.
Jewswon. Gg no re
beta white bois detected
racism is a meme you faggots. not all blacks are niggers. you're acting more like niggers than the guy in the video.
I thought at least they'd be like university feminists who know how to talk a lot of shit that resembles shit that makes sense
but these girls are braindead, they dont even know wtf they're doing and why
Wrong link.
Turns out those 3 broads are professional strippers somewhere. I can actually go physically get my pecker pleased by that little honey muffin.
Pretty neat.
Brave New World
I can respect this guy. It's funny how women act different when being interviewed by a minority. I guarantee if a white guy would've been the one calling them sluts, even though they were self proclaiming to be sluts, they would've turned it into a shouting match.
wew these people are dumb
No bullshit there.
this one is great
>'You Went "Black Female" on Me'... 'Reparations.Me' Woman Turns Nasty on Jesse
how do you know that, are you a SLUT too?
Thread theme: youtube.com
Guess who just became the nigger....
behavior not race.
5:30 in the video. They say they are strippers at DejaVu on Hollywood somewhere. Full nude.
this raw lack of intelligence is unbelievable, i genuinely... omfg
ok, I was watching the other one first, I'm still at the sloot sisters part
this is why he is important, maybe its his age but he is the only black guy i would consider to be intellectually composed, people who dont see this are trying to hard to fit in.
Wow one le based black man
Not all blacks are niggers but collectively they are niggers. I don't want ALL of them around just for one good one.
I didn't much go for order. Its all dumb broads as expected.
None of them agree on what a "slut" means.
It strikes me as a monumental waste of resources.
>Checks flag
Every time.
the first black girl on pt 1 is funny, she's a slut but dont dare call her momma a slut
>Peterson: Do you think God wants you to be a slut?
Sluts: I don't think he really cares.
This is truly the Kali Yuga.
>until they hit 40 and old and saggy
>le i generalize everything
Reminds me of Jordan Capri...
The blonde with the green haired chick was cute, too.
He really nails them here.
And yes, he is Based AF. Tells blacks not to be niggers in essence. The problem is there are way too few blacks like him.
Sluts btfo.
I agree.
I like the way he asks questions. Its like he has a trap laid out in the conversation, you can see it on their faces the second they actually start thinking about what they are saying. He is making them question why they think they are out there and what they are doing. It isn't the typical interview people usually do where they confront a communist, liberal, or other freak and just berate them until they scream, leave, or make a threat to try and make the interviewer leave.
This guy is very well spoken and clearly thought about what he was doing before he went out there.
this is his show's theme
>those noses
I don't generalize an individual user. I will give them the benefit of the doubt. Did you not read what I said? Collectively you can generalize based off crime statistics and what they do to cities
Jlp is based
Wish there was a slut walk in my town.
Also, is that nigger brain damaged? He sounds like he recently had a stroke.
I fucking love this nigger. Talk about based.
He cucks BLM people in this vid.
pic unrelated
Jesse interviews Stevie Boebi, who "told people how lesbians fuck"
I like this one too, he really gets everyone mad as fuck and btfo, trollish guy
It's amazing how all of them go totally blank whenever he asks them anything. They really don't even know what they're doing
women were a mistake
may god destroy america
LA has a lot of asians but it depends what part of LA you live. Where I live asians are really common.
>We live in a world where women have lower moral standards than niggers
End it all.
if asian girls are less likely to do shit like this, no wonder these people are taking over
niggers can be re educated, women are lost.
Fucking hell, women really are lower than niggers.
>We're dancers
I love when strippers try to act like they're anything but strippers.
Ask yourself this. Why aren't women funny? It's because they're too afraid of what other people think. Women with ugly tits have less to lose. It's weird how the XX chromosome has so little variance.
>caring about some retarded gook skank
Sexbots and artificial wombs cannot get here SOON enough. Women are WORSE than jews.