Huge Linebacker dude tackles random people in the hood
Ha ha, niggers too dumb to sue the guy, i know i would.
Best prank since The Amazing Racist.
Every one of these is indescribably satisfying
Okay so this actually made me think.
If you are unarmed is there any hope of defending yourself against a person of that size?
These are awesome. I hope this guy doesn't get shot in the face.
is this real
fake as fuck
Ah sheeeit nigga thas dat nigga be tacklin niggas
You run
Niggers just being niggers.
Inb4 he misses out on multi-million contract bc niggering and kills someone and in jail.
If not then all the assault cases he has to pay out bc video no gibbs me dat left.
>naw nigga I know who you is, i take care of my kids you ain't serving shit
shit is legit funny, love the tackle @ 1:38, also bro that couldn't keep hold of his beer @ 4:11. All of them are great frankly. We need more guys like this
no, not really.
So this is why niggers shoot each other so often...
It's fucking retarded, but did anyone else laugh as much as me?
if he doesn't protect his head you can knock him out but if he grabs you then you are pretty much fucked
fake as fuck but the YT comment gave me a good kekkle.
apparently he is tackling dead beat dads
nigger gave the brown thumb down.
Could you repeat the question?
I literally can't stop laughing. That stupid bass drop sound clip every time a nigger gets shrekt is gonna live in my head forever now.
Literally or metaphorically?
some of these are obviously fake
He is tackling dead beat dads. Wish he'd tackle single moms too.
No we need guys like this murder more
Aim for the chin and hope for the best.
>yfw he's actually serving people with legal documents
Holy shit this is some good entertainment
Unless you actually have your gun in your hand, then no
the balls never faill you
>aim for the chin and try to be as strong as Fedor Emilianenko
Good luck playa
swift punch in the adam's apple and he'll be doing the snore of death.
Is that what he's giving them after he tackles them? Lmao
He asked if there is any hope, I'm not stating that I'd be able to perform that move.
this shit just reeks of fake
like when he tackles one dude and the other 3 dudes are just hugging him and pulling him off
the only thing i've ever known a nigger to do in a fight is throw haymaker after haymaker
those niggers would be flailing at his head while he's on the ground instead of trying to pull him off.
honestly he's lucky he didn't tackle any armed nigs, they wouldn't hesitate to start shooting even if they're on camera
And 9 times out of 10 you will need to leave the country or go to jail.
it's self defense
>any hope of defending yourself against a person of that size?
Study BJJ, or even Judo.
Most big dudes like that think they don't need to train because they're big, which is why they're often times easier to choke out than lanklets.
Good luck with that.
>das dat nigga that been tacklin niggas
Would be funny if it wasn't happening in my country.
If you see him coming there's some things you can do but a lot of these tackles are to people who have less than a second advance notice or don't see him at all. If you don't have at least 2 or 3 seconds to prepare yourself it'll happen before you can even process what's going on.
What is real?
If you can dictate the terms of the engagement beyond this, certainly
whats luck got to do with it?
let loose the fist of death and he'll be sorry he got out of bed before his candle blows out.
the one at 5:00 is pure kino
dat cinematography of him running in from the side
Niggers are dumb stupid animals.
And white americans laughing amused by what these savages do have just lost their minds.
It must be a mixture between being culturally BLACKED and constantly trying too hard to see a redeemable feature in niggers, which goes to this next step of self-delusion: "w-well, I don't w-want to be seen as being constantly contrarian to black people, m-maybe this is funny after all, m-maybe I should laugh about it, h-he he"
Just imagine a 19th century european looking at this, he would be disgruntled at the idea of why is this being applauded and the nigger would be jailed or executed.
I didn't even watch the whole video, I just don't give a shit, now go call me a spic and put some > or whatever, kill yourselves.
Not in America.
Notice how he doesn't touch the white sales man, he already knows what would happen
Definitely fake. Why would a rich person tackle strangers and get shot/sued/arrested?
In the USA it is, in Yurop it is jail time.
Yeah, yeah. Stop reminding me.
He's tackling deadbeat dads that don't pay child support, retard
huh? spergy
lol fuck you
and fuck yurope
wut am I supposed to do, let this faggot tackle me to the floor and damage my spine or maim me?
nah I'd rather take this worthless piece of shit's life.
i want to hang out with randomly tackle people nigga.
>The white guy around 5:20
>Farting as he goes down
Funny how every black person is ready for violence and escalation, just not that type of violence.
Breddy gud
of course its fake as fuck. its not even suing, he would be in jail for assault if it wasn't fake.
nuke us pls............
White guy got hit so hard he started farting
How does that solve anything instead of making it worse, retard?
i dont know
Because they did something shitty and big football man embarrasses them on the internet, it's funny you autistic cunt
Sure, pal.
Only hope is a well timed upper cut when he ducks hos head
This guy is going to get shot and somehow it's going to be white people's fault.
Im very skeptical that grappling can give you an advantage fighting someone twice your size
glad u see it that way
You have to get on a street level of thinking, just giving them papers doesn’t mean shit to them. You have to go down to an animals level of thinking so every time you give them those papers they get leveled. It becomes synonymous to them papers equal getting fucked up. It’s like when they shock chimps for picking the wrong food cube until they get it right.
fuck off niggerlover
a double hammer? wtf? is that a thing?
Is this our guy?
Can he inspire the next generation?
Can he change the culture?
Apparently he is tackling dead beat dads and saving up childsupport documents.
Some of it looks real, and some fake. I don't really know.
>h century european looking at this, he would be disgruntled at the idea of why is this being applauded and the nigger would be jailed or executed.
>I didn't even watch the whole video, I just don't give a shit, now go call me a spic and put some > or whatever, kill yoursel
Bases Med brother
isnt it a felony to say nigger in germany
Definitely /Ourguy/
Fake, all the guys he tackles lay down unconscious. It makes no sense.
bretty funny actually
No, it's not, it's subhuman behaviour masked behind a veil of cheap moralizing.
Maybe, one of those guys he tackled had serious financial difficulties, maybe one of those guys having to pay alimony is not even the real dad but just some of the hundreds of men that Shaniqua fucked, maybe some of those guys has been wrongly treated by unfair courts that favour women, maybe some of the guys tackled might had suffer serious injuries apart from the emotional damage derived from this public shame-lynching, but you don't think about that because you are a subhuman enabling subhuman behaviour.
When I was 12 years old or so I called a nigress walking past me nigger and she proceeded to chimp out crying out white pig and whatever else. Everyone just looked at her like she was trash
Maybe she didn't know she could sue me or whatever
Your thinking with your frontal lobe. This strategy works on a more primitive level.
Yea me, its so friggin stupid it becomes funny to watch, i like 0:40 when hes doing the :thinking: pose and crunching before striking the other guy. And the oscar conversation following.
>man what the fuck you doing out here
>man der be my cuzz here mane
>this aint you fucking cuzz here mane
>paying the state to be with your ex wife and raise your kids to be degenerate
if its real i give this until the end of the month before hes shot
Based kraut, at last one who knows what question to ask
Only been waiting 70 years
Run. Use other weapons, use anything as a weapon. Cheap shots. Know very well how to fight, but if he knows aswell you're probably out of luck since he has more weight and can reach further than you.
>Only hope is a well timed upper cut when he ducks hos head
These videos are two years old