>Some fags told Bush that Saddam had WMD's
>He never did
>USA destroys the entire middle east and create the migrant crisis
>NK openly show their nuclear power to the World
>USA does jack shit for decades
Your evil empire is shit USA!
>Some fags told Bush that Saddam had WMD's
>He never did
>USA destroys the entire middle east and create the migrant crisis
>NK openly show their nuclear power to the World
>USA does jack shit for decades
Your evil empire is shit USA!
Other urls found in this thread:
Sadam was a POS and fuck you
NK didn't invade Kuwait kurwa
So? Internal problems of middle east. Saddam wanted to talk but USA went full retard and killed him and later Gadaffi.
Learn how to negotiate with local tyrants you retards or you will end up with even more terrorists in the US and Europe.
>Internal problems of middle east
You must be over 18 to post here
Fuck you, that doesn't make it our obligation to go in and fuck over another country.
Iraq had one of the highest standards of living in the middle east. Libya had among the highest standards of living in Africa.
Yeah they were bad guys, but they were governments that could actually respond and make progress, now we're left with power vacuums.
Fuck you Dutchy, now you have migrants flooding in because Ghaddafi is no longer holding the door.
>no WMDs etc
Ever heard of the Hallabjah massacre? It was televised on Iraqi TV.
USA hates on Iran when all their allies trade with Iran and don't give a fuck about their internal matters. Israel doen't like Iran? Why can't they deal with them as adults and instead force USA to do their dirty work for them?
He was a necessary POS though
Sandmonkeys need an iron fist to keep them in line apparently
so could you go into more depth on geopolitics without so much buzzword vomit like "evil empire" and maybe youll catch a non-shitposting response
i'll wait i swear to god
They literally reject Democracy. Trying to force Democracy on these nations is retarded. Especially when USA isn't a Democracy itself.
I have issues with USA claiming moral superiority while selectively fucking up countries only when it suits the interest of their owners.
You know nothing and you fall for EU propaganda.
Huge % of refugees/migrants comes from Libya.
Guess who started a war with Libya?
French and UK.
They are the one responsible the most.
>implying that kurds and commies are people
>be polish
>your nation and ancestors fought off a muslim invasion of Europe
>thousands of years later shill for w muslim country that backed bosnian muslims against Christians during the Yugoslav conflict
>a country that is currently shitting on buddhist in Myanmar for kicking out their muslims invaders
He ruled the country with an iron fist and kept all the jihadis at bay.
Proxy Kraut
if you were Polish, You would actually know Poles were fighting side-by-side with Americans both in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Were there any Germans in Iraq? No there weren't
It was all about that oil, son
>Guess who started a war with Libya?
Hillary Clinton?
>defending the low sand niggers
You disappoint me Sup Forums
Sandniggers need dictators to keep them in line.
What else do you expect from proxy Kraut?
A good cleansing is what they need
An ideal but unrealistic sollution
What are nukes
That doesn't make much sense. If we stole their oil and brought it back here to have 25 cent per gallon gas, it would. But it went from $.99 to $4.00. Gas prices skyrocketed here when we invaded and Bush and Cheney made billions.
Also it's pretty convenient that there's a human shield of Americans between Israel and Iran now.
You and I both no that will never happen though
It will happen to them if they even make a peep
You're a moron. They come THROUGH Libya. Most of the migrants are sub-Saharan Africans.