Hypothetically speaking, out of every state in the US, which would be the best to start a white ethnostate in? If pol/ were to choose one state, which would it be?
Hypothetically speaking, out of every state in the US, which would be the best to start a white ethnostate in...
West Virginia or Idaho.
What about Maine? Its the whitest state in the nation, and is mostly uninhabited in the northern areas.
Yeah, but the inhabitants wouldn't be receptive, the state voted for Hilary and Susan Collins is the most moderate Republican in the Senate.
This election has proven that they are starting to come around. Northern Maine voted all red. Most of these people vote democrat because they have been spared from the consequences of the left wing agenda. They don't know what its like to have coons destroy towns or have beaners take over entire towns. They are just late bloomers to the redpill. Look at places like Ohio and West Virginia. These states are predominately white blue collars who have traditionally voted democrat. Over time they have realized that the democratic party is no longer the party of the working man and is now the party of the left wing agenda. Northern Maine has the same demographics.
This is a de facto white ethnostate.
Correct answer.
North and/or South Dakota
All you'd have to do is push all the niggers in Milwaukee into Lake Michigan
unironically California
As long as the shitskins and communists are removed of course.
California has some of the best farmland ,weather, and natural beauty in the US. Not to mention a giant coastline with many ports.
State of jefferson, North Cal and South Oregon
some widwest one. Cold and not too densly populated would be my preference
AlthoughI would expand it to include more of the Appalachia region
>Eastern TN, KY
>Western VA, PA
>As long as the shitskins and communists are removed of course
This is why that half spic shithole isn't a viable ethnostate
Maine... the northern half, specifically.
The population is plenty white (something like 97% non-Hispanic white), its inhabitants strongly dislike out-of-staters (and even those from southern ME), they've voted against gay marriage, recreational marijuana and other hippie leftist policies in the past, they have little involvement with the federal government, and Aroostook County in particular has been pushing for it to become its own state since the 1990s.
I've even heard rumors that non-whites who go there often "disappear". Haven't seen any proof of that happening, though.
I think Maine and West Virginia are the only states in which the white demographic has gone up
I'm From Northern Maine and it is glorious. I'm not racist but I literally never even saw any other race of people until I was 10
Solid choice
Very sparsely populated
come to northwest!
velly nice prace!
good rand! nice peporu!
> out of every state in the US
uh... Veracruz?