How did Sup Forums change your political opinions?

How did Sup Forums change your political opinions?
Before i came to this board i was borderline antifa commie fag. Two years in here and now i'm a full blown fascist.

pic unrelated

you must have a weak mind and be easily influenced

I guess idiots tend to be on the extreme. Nothing new.



swinging from one extreme to another just says you're a mentally unstable sociopath

Didn't change me at all.
Just wandered over here because I was banned everywhere else.

You've got a real thing for Siri today OP

My mind is not week like yours


You must be a weak mind and a weak man to swap from authoritarian exclusionary system to authoritarian exclusionary system.
That said I was full marxist lenninst and after about 4 years I'm basically AMERICA FIRST libertarian. I still retain a lot of anti-imperialist leanings and anti-megacorp leanings but I've moved to accepting individualism and capitalism as the best system with limited social engineering preferred.

I'm becoming more anti-semetic, which I'm scared about, because I really can't tell if Sup Forums is a psyop, or if it's the mainstream. These are strange times indeed. I mean, I see videos of Jewish people outwardly saying that they have to mix Europe with Muslim, I don't know where else to conclude

Was generic conservative. Honestly all pol did was open my eyes to how deep the corruption ran and was a source for uncensored news. Guess im traditionalist now, lost hope in democracy.


This is beautiful.

I was right leaning but not learned on politics at all
I still am not, although I have a bit more knowledge
I think I hate jews now and hitler did nothing wrong doesn't seem like a meme to me anymore and I have a more nuanced view of jews interaction in society

I went from being borderline normie conservative to being angry at Jewish traitors for destroying western culture and traditions.

not much but i noticed that because i came here i didnt need to seek catharsis in my politics because i can let my anger out here, so ive become less extreme and more balanced imo

when i was about 14 i was a communist i also supported "Enhedslisten" a far left party here in Denmark as i grew older i became more right wing even without pol or the internet. i am quite liberal on some areas but overall i have become a race realist or just fascist

it was primarily the statistics about crime and race that changed my viewpoint

kek that was someone else, I was just inspired by him.

In theory I'm just a conservative who's slightly racist and in line with libs on environmental issues. But Sup Forums makes me wonder if a global Reich would have been better

Redhead is Siri.

Pol didn't change my political opinions, I've been an Ethnonationalist all my life. It did help me find other like minded people though.

Or maybe they were open for reason and willing to change their views when shown logic and discussion you fucking retards

> the Founding Fathers were idiots

u wut m8

I literally focused on German idealism and the Scottish Enlightenment with my philosophy major. The intellectual war for me is always between Kant's brand of authoritarianism/fascism and 1776. That should tell you everything you need to know about me, anyway.
P.S. You guys are really butthurt that you pushed me into revealing my actual position instead of folding and becoming a filthy Marxist, aren't you? Stay salty.

This. That's why democracy never works.

Facism / NatSoc is the logical end after facing nihilism aka the destruction of the reality you believed in, the system is a lie and most of the people want solutions, thats Facism, there is a reason you are instantly banned and thrown into jail, no power for the common people is good for the (((elites)))

I was reddit tier "socially liberal and fiscally conservative" for a long time. A couple forums I used to post on were invaded and ruined by 77-gender SJWs, so I knew how bad they were even before the SJW catchphrase caught on. Then the whole Trayvon thing happened and none if it seemed right to me, it made me start to think racism really isn't the problem after all. By the time I was lurking on Sup Forums it was just confirming things I was already starting to think about.

It feels like i inherently know most of what Sup Forums teaches my whole life, despite how much lies they tell in modern world. The only major change is before i thought that my country is shit and i must move from it to decent country and now i know that my country is shit and i must make it less shit because moving and leeching of what other people built is probably most nigger thing to do.

So you’re an easily influenced cuck who can’t make his own opinions? Jews must love you