You can stop hating this show now.
It just wasn't that bad.
At the very least, it was fun.
You can stop hating this show now
Other urls found in this thread:
No, it was shit
>This thread again
Nothing to see here folks, we'll just have our shitposting, a sliver of actual discussion, and derailment, rinse and repeat.
Don't cry OP, in the end whether or not you had fun is all that matters.
Okay drone. I get that some Youtube critic loser said that the show sucked but next time come back with your own opinion.
Not him but it was pretty damn boring.
It was great. Best battle harem of its season and in a long while too. A-1 with proper budget is way too good.
The soundtrack was decent.
Rasmus Faber is cool, but too bad the OST is impossible to fine.
So what was fun about it? What were its good points? And how were the girls?
They fucking can't introduce best girl in the last episodes to never animate her date.