What can you tell me about people living in trailer parks?
What can you tell me about people living in trailer parks?
Equivalent to buying a home in Poland.
they like dope and pepperoni
now thats rude
They're a step above people living in apartments.
>primarily white
>often a hell of a lot cheaper (found a nice double wide with a half acre for $150 a month)
>some you can just hook up to a truck and evac
Jokes on you this is an average house in Poland
You'd probably have to pay a couple million Leaf Dollars for it loser :DDDDDD
Grew up in a trailer park in Gary, Indiana.
and leaf house is probably mae of wood and cardboard anyway
150$ is cheap even for polish standards wtf
How is flyover america so cheap? Explain
most aren't white.
This was in the suburbs of Chicongo. Not exactly flyover.
that's a really nice house.
how much would that cost in USD? Are property taxes a thing in Poland?
God damn I thought I had no backup plan if I couldn't mooch off my dad while paying for my car.
You can live comfortably off like $17k a year with that shit.
lol I could buy a trailer with a few months rent but I'd rather not live with meth heads.
Black Oak I assume? I lived in a trailer park in New Chicago and Lake Station
lol you're a retard
Never heard of Black Oak. It was called Ridge Road Mobile Home Park.
I've been to a few trailer parks for myriad reasons, I was definitely the minority as a white person. they were mostly Mexicans and blacks.
They seem comfy, I have agoraphobia and spend all of my time in my room regardless when I could be snug in a nice trailer and saving a lot of money.
Only problem is that in the caravan/trailer parks I have seen around, they are filled with the dregs of society and there is sometimes a lot of crime rampant within.
If councils would allow it, I would go buy a nice big property in the country, hook up utilities and just live in a caravan on there whilst saving up to build a house there in years to come.
They're poorer than nogs living in public housing, get fewer public bennies, and still manage to be less criminal by a factor of ten than their ghetto counterparts. Still, like any underclass, they're mostly ugly and dumb compared to the rest of their racial brethren.
Cheap apartments are also full of tweakers.
when I think 'white trash' I think of trailer parks.
how will you save up money if you stay in your room playing video games and masturbating to anime porn all day?
Warsaw/Katowice type city >200k USD
Middle of nowhere >30k USD
that's Calumet Township, Black Oak right next to it to the south. I've lived in or around Gary for 37years.
because jews own the media. Truth is Mexicans are the dominant species of the trailer park; it suits their migratory lifestyle and need for cheap cash housing well.
"Mexican Immigrant Children in Old Mobile Home
Mexican immigrants, the seven Luevanos children, who live with their single mother in a trailer in Mission, Texas."
I am thinking of buying a manufactured home. what should I look for?
>shows what are clearly crisps
Nice. It really is a good looking home.
they live like the guy in your pic instead of eating real food
So basically it wouldn't take that much money to live like a king in Poland.
Hope you're ready for American overlords to start visiting
And keep in mind that it's concrete/brick/construction bars not typical burger wood and paper
My mom and dad lived in a trailer park before I was born. My dad eventually got his apprenticeship and then a job as an electrician so he started making bank and got a house the year I was born. Most are probably trash but there's a small few who are good people working to make their situation better
Not a huge fan of the area personally. I still have a Gary License but I havent lived there in close to a decade. Should probably update it.
Really depends on the trailer park. I lived in one many years ago in addition to have a friends that have lived in them. A lot of parks are either older/retired folks and lower middle class families or a den of hoosier white trash... though the park I lived in had the nice section and a couple streets in the back we weren't supposed to ride our bikes on. I had a lot of great times living there as kids were always around to play some sort of sports game or ride bikes with.
Trailer parks are pretty sweet honestly. I grew up with a huge stigma that people in trailers we're trash. Fast forward two years and I'm living in one.
The trick is, find a park that is mostly an RV park. The more RVs the less blacks and Hispanics. I currently live in a beautiful wooded trailer park with tons of trees and plants. Most of my neighbors are white elderly who go to bed at 8pm.
I pay 600/mo however, but the main reason is that there isn't any ghetto people in our park or around it. We also have crimewatch. I live in the ghetto part of Pensacola, FL. It's worth every penny.
Pretty variable, but sometimes there are smart people who do it, they're just not concerned about outward appearances.
I've seen some where once you're inside the decoration is tasteful, the furniture is nice, and they have a fuckhuge widescreen tv.
Frequently have nicer cars than you'd expect too, very few rusty Chevys.
Kinda the forerunners of the microhouse trend these years.
t. used to deliver pizza to many trailer homes
my home is concrete+wood built by white men in the 1970's.
Should add that, in my area, trailer parks are pretty much all white... including the shitty, crime ridden ones.
They have bad credit and most likely a prior eviction on their record. They pretty much are in the situation for a very good reason or in a smaller set that is the life they grew up into.
Really its the location that makes it so just make sure you fully research the area and the park itself, or if possible buy one and put it on your own plot of land. They are not that bad to live in by any means. The only negative if you don't live in an area with weather concerns or a shit trailer park is the social stigma that comes with living in one. Worth saying though that you had better make sure you have a decent air conditioner and heater. They get pretty hot and cold. My first trailer was supposedly a double wide but what we didnt know was that it was not actually one, but rather a single that somebody had put an addition on. Everything looked good but they didnt connect the heating and AC properly to the rest of the unit so in the winter I couldnt even have a drink in my room or it would freeze. The summers were the opposite extreme.
Most modern houses look like this and are build on top of commie houses from the 50s-70s like pic related
That's more less like my house and it's worth $500k
Lucky. I'm in a fairly rural part of Ohio and all of the land "zoned" for trailers is still owned by the same rich jew. It's $350 to rent a plot and it gives you nothing - they don't even mow- except access to well water so contaminated with rust it's fucking iced tea out of the tap.
My house is a typical boring rectangle American two level ranch style. I paid 200k for it.
Nice deck/outdoor kitchen tho.
Stereotypes exist for a reason
Ayyy I'm in nwi too!