I present to you the average evangelical
I present to you the average evangelical
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Hmm really makes me think
anyone notice anything out of the ordinary?
Well, I guess that the average evangelical is wrong.
Good thing I am not average on anything.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>city people
Evangelicals are the most hypocritical group of people in america. Thankfully 'their' america is almost gone forever. They are anachronisms that will die off over a few generations.
Rural people = dumb white trash and meth heads
City people = well educated, and sophisticated
Well, protestants are pretty much crypto-jews anyway.
city people = niggers
Tell this cunt the Jews chose Jesus to crucify over Barabus.
>The story of Barabbas has special social significance because it has historically been used to lay the blame for the crucifixion of Jesus on the Jews, and to justify antisemitism—an interpretation, known as Jewish deicide, dismissed by Pope Benedict XVI in his 2011 book Jesus of Nazareth, in which he translates "ochlos" in Matthew as "crowd", rather than to mean the Jewish people.
Dismissed by Benedict the Alpha-Pederast of the Ecclesiastic Church of Pederasty. This is as good as an admission of guilt.
lol white evangelical love jews, but jews hate them
kikes are fucking gross, i see them more and more now becuase I live in one of their high concentration areas, I do whatever I can to make problems for them at my job
>atheists rating jews that high
Jesus was not a jew, because Jesus didnt exist.
Not sure who I hate more... Christcucks or Social Marxist Liberals.
>J/s means shes joking
>retarded pol thinks shes serious
really oys my veys,folks
But the new America sucks absolute balls for everyone. It's shit. The old America everyone wanted to move to was the evangelicals' America. New America is already approaching Brazil tier. Only a few more generations and it will be just another poor Latin American crime-ridden dystopia.
j/s means "just saying" you stupid fuck
More like an entire week
Repeat after me:AMERIKEKS FOR ISRAEL !
yeah but in this new America I can get a qt's nudes and defile myself some amerimutt women
But it will still be better than Africa, Mexico, and the ME, so niggers, spics, and muslims will still be moving there. I think it will collapse eventually, triggering a global apocalypse. I hope it happens in my lifetime. Armaggedon is all I hope for.
>not showing the Assange rebuttal
>evangelical America was the old America
that may be true but I don't remember American protestants in the 1800's sucking new dick, something is different
Evangelical is a misnomer, as it is/was used to denote someone who went out to proselytize. This cannot be separated from colonialism in the british empire.
However, what is meant as 'Evangelical' today is almost denominational in its specificity. It is dominated by the Israel-First, Mega-Church, Prosperity Gospel swill that has shades of TBN style long cons.
The so-called Evangelical pastors are often the most dangerous and serpentine creatures out of the whole of Christendom, if you want to even call what they do Christianity and not more accurately shekel grubbing huckstering.
If you ever encounter someone like this, Sup Forums, remind them that followers of Christ are the true people of Israel.