Should we nuke paris and london
I don't see why not
No, We should make Britain the white mecca of Europe, a sanctuary for all native Europeans who politely disagree with the migrating masses.
Get as many whites to move here from EU as possible, while they still can. They can offer to trade homes with our own shitskins.
Not a solution, but sends a clear, legal message.
We should build a huge wall in the uk about 10 miles south of manchester and nuke the entire south and make a white utopia in the north and call the south the bad lands, so even if the shitskins try to come in dingies they will die from rad posioning or starve
I mean... we won't stop you.
Why would you do that? You'd kill lots of white peoole. Nuke Stockholm and Mecca instead.
Nuke germany and park all arabs and africans their side of the rhine.
It would remove a lot of browns and degenerates, so yes.
Nuke Berlin too.
Both cities still contain beautiful works of architecture, history and industry which should not be destroyed.
They should be gassed OP. GASSED.
meme flag
checked and yes
>make a liberal policestate our sanctuary
Yay id be safe
Do Stockholm first, please.
Do you like your new postal stamp??
Read again, I said not a solution.
No, We do not want to Bomb the cities our ancestors build because the previous 2 generations had a collective brain fart.
We must prepare. Train our minds, body's and spirits. We must be ready to reclaim our lands for our people and heritage it is our holy right.
Cleansing will not be easy, Finding targets however will be. How detesting of an idea I might find it a Coup of the EU would be the most beneficial for us. After they have installed the Eu ministry of finance and the EU armed forces, a coup is needed to make use of these assets.
After the reconquering this union must fall and make way for an trade pact. Nothing more
You just had to twist the knife, didn't you?
Please include Brussels
It makes the pain of being a bong lesser
who cares about europe. we should get rid of all the libs in the US and create a glorious white ethnostate
Europe is the center of the world my friend
you most be avin a laff
>Even slightly European
You must be avin a laff
america is dumbass
only if they become completely overrun by shitters
Do you think there are some liberals who at some point come to realize that their actions have doomed the west?
What do you think they do after that?
Yes but use neutron airbusts so that the architecture can be reclaimed later.
And I live in London. What's your point?
I'm not saying it would "work" or happen.
I'm saying it's one of the few legal ways people in Europe could actively demonstrate that they choose to stand up for European culture (or their own national one), and that it's different to Europe™, i.e the status quo.
It couldn't be ignored, and shit would hit the fan as the issue of ethno-nations or whatever becomes a current event, rather than a talking point.
An armed genocidal purge would be better, lots of lovely buildings and all that.
we who?
what's with those 80-89.9 regions in southern wales?
Cardiff and Swansea.
I have that same image. London at least is all wrong so far as number/shape of boroughs.
Somehow feel an accurate map would look worse...
Boom goes London. And boom Paris. More room for you and more room for me.
No. The architecture in both is still very important since it contains historical landmarks. Use gas weapons
>meme flag
I bet your shithole doesn't even have nuclear capacity. You little irrelevant faggot.