How close are we to the point of no return? How many more before these places are irreparably compromised (if they aren't already).
How close are we to the point of no return...
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Who cares about muslims when our planet is dying?
There is nothing wrong with Muslims. The problem is violent and stupid people.
Numbers should be per capita.
kind of this
There are too many humans now.
>There is nothing wrong with Muslims
Being this stupid can only be possible from Bong land.
>Sweden, the rape capital of europe, isn't listed
They are already. Just lie down and take it up the ass.
>T. Ahmed
Sharia law and Common law are incompatible.
Pick one retard.
>There is nothing wrong with Muslims
I disagree. This "infographic" makes a pretty shitty argument, but it's undeniable that having large populations of Muslims increases the likelihood of terrorist attacks, not least of all because Muslims are the primary targets of Islamic violence.
>There is nothing wrong with Muslims
almost non of them bring a passport or luggage but all bring their ideology
you end up with parallel societies nobody bothers to address until they clash with local culture and customs
we are all doomed
I like how Sweden is not on the map.
You see, this is funny because they don't allow such statistics to be made, 600 000 muds, not allowed to talk about.
You won't be leading the next Kalmar Union, bitch.
The spaniards kicked the muslims out of their penninsula when the muslims were WAY more numerous than they are now in any western country.
You are some defeatist cucks, wetting your pants about coming ethnic war against peoples who can't even survive in the west without massive goverment gibs. If they were taking over the economy, it would be another thing but they are basically just a parasitical welfare underclass with no real power other than chimpouts which are only effective because the police is not fighting back.
Assuming that the muslims will be here forever and not kicked out is just moronic. As if never precedented political naivete is gonna last forever.
>not sure if bait or unironically libtard samefagging
Wait...this is the new "there's literally nothing wrong with being Jewish", isn't it?
we must preserve those genes
White nationalism is destroying Western society not Islam.
none of us want to protect race traitor genes
Explain how pliz
wtf bulgaria get your shit together
>b-but all those people have a swedish citizenship, that makes them swedish!
You're both retarded
NYT style of bait. WN is the west.
Bulgarians are slavoturks so they'd just massacre the muslims if they got uppity and laugh at the west for complaining
The western nations are fucked
Why can I see all of these people at an antifa rally lol? The Irony lol.
wtf why is child abuse so high up for the Americans? Germany isn't Thailand fucking dumb burgers
Did the woman in your pic take the Bogpill?
Sweden is a Muslim Majority country already. The emergence of the European Islamic Caliphate will be from Sweden Inshallah soon.
we need to fight islam
white race is already lost
there is no pure white etno state nor will there ever be one
there will be no race war
the only way we can try save the "white man" is by preserving the white man (european) culture and this can't be done with islam in europe
>no sweden
I refuse to believe that we're not even in the top 10 most fucked up countries.
Western Civilization is white civilization
Honestly hope you guys become a Caliphate, nordicist dumbfucks annoy the fuck out me, not fair we were the only ones that suffered from moors
God, Christ. Please be right. This can't be the end of history.
i love living in a country with 1% muslims. most of which are nation of islam prison converted black muslims. yep living in a country that is less than 1% Arab and Paki is a dream come true. With be just as great in 100 years when that number is at 2%. Its fantastic living in a country where the sand niggers know they aren't welcome, with 2 giant oceans on both sides. Have fun Eurocucks!!!! HAHAHAHAHA
Italy has that many Muslims?
Communism, not even once.
There is no human social problem that cannot be solved as long as the idea of the concentration camp does not perish from the earth.
>Do have the source for this graphs ... I tried to find them several time but had no luck.
... have you fucking seen your country??? All delusion will do is fuck you in the ass when your country becomes >50% white.
Yeah they spend so much time in Sweden, they are Swedes by all means. Just like my dad, he's spending so much time in the garage, he's a fucking car by now.
How's it going in your socialist hellhole? At least we have figured out that our state is evil. What's the matter with you cock suckers? Did the collective heatstroke pull every ounce of agency out of your national spirit?
if we ignore the fact that "cultural marxism" is a nazi conspiracy theory, isn't it evidently superior to "european culture" if it completely took it over?
who gives a shit about yurotrash?
yurope is a cancer
islam is the cure for this cancer.
This. Destroy all kikes and sandslimes.
They're mostly in the southern part of the country and everyone hates them. Under communism the turkroaches in the country were given a choice
>go back to Turkey
>take Bulgarian names and integrate or you'll be deported to Turkey
Of course the fucking freeloaders chose to stay and of course our prisons are filled with them.
Did you really? It would be new to me that your people are fighting back.
quite possibly the top 10 most rational things ive ever read on pol
lol why do serbs in germany commit so many crimes?
but Italians aren't even white.
Tfw Bulgaria has an integrated muslim community for hundreds of years and they don't harm anyone. I mean the potatoes and tabacco there are nice....
>in germany
If there were no Wahhabism 80% of all Muslim would be no problem but the shit gets exported by the Saudis like their oil.
lol, good example.
Even though our contries have their political disputes, there is one thing I respect a lot if it comes to polish people.
You love your country and you don't let the sandniggers take over it, even though the EU-dictators are trying to force you too. Germany is dommed, there is no way back, we can't turn that invasion anymore. The only I as individual can do, is to flee. Maybe to japan, maybe to Australia or New Zealand. Far far away from that sandniggers that are ruining every fucking country they set their foot it.
There were 300 000 Moors and their descendants when Philip III expelled them early in the 17th century. And it took only about 20 000 of them to conquer the whole peninsula.
Is this a cure for ants?
Those numbers don't add up! FAKE NUMBERS! in 2014 to 2017 only 3.8 Million Refugees mostly Muslims!
Why isn't this in percentage?
Germany: 5.79%
France: 7.0%
UK: 4.68%
Italy: 3.66%
Bulgaria: 14.36%
Netherlands: 5.88%
Spain: 2.13%
Belgium: 5.6%
Greece: 5.45%
Austria: 5.13%
Hmmmmmmmm you should either heavily integrate them or just deport em on mass. Dont put em in camps. A german friend of mine studies next to one and hooolly shit he is getting cucked
I mean only in Germany 3.8 million
>2.96 million.
10 years ago, maybe.
The next census will be the last census that records race and religion. Mark my fucking words.
Also I have gently spoken to a number of Muslim acquaintances about the future.
They themselves believe that there is a high probability that they will get fucking removed in the next 20 years. They plan to go back home. If honest to got civil war kicks off most of them will leave.
Also, they expect to be nearly wiped out. They believe it has to happen before Mohammed returns.
This is what multiple "moderate" Muslims know from work have told me.
The Planet isn't dying you fucking Hippie.
yeah that number is before the rapefugees ... I think I read ~ 6 mil in 2017
True, we don't like other people coming to Poland and we don't like other countries telling us what to do. Maybe because we were being invaded and conquered by Russia, Germany and other countries for the last - I don't know - 300 years? Guess enough is enough. But I figure it'd gonna be really tough holding the tide coming from the west so I too am considering moving to another place of the world. I'm thinking Japan. I've even started to learn the language.
Also reminder that only 1,3% of migrants were taken by Bulgaria, less than Romania and we have a closed border
what lever of taqiya do you think they were on, my dude?
>im thinking of japan
stay where you are whittu piggu, they dont want you turning their country into another pooland
t. Mohamehd
Why isn't Moortugal listed? They're probably at 95+%
I blame The Swedes and Germans. Their elephantine idiocy is the cause of so much of this.
OK :(
2.7 million muslims vs 40 million niggers
You Poles know what you are doing. No goat fuckers in Warsaw. You should be proud
>You Poles know what you are doing.
nuh uh
no these idiots dont know what theyre doing
theyre full of shit
t. Sadiq Khan, glorious Emir of Londonistan
God bless Ireland.
God bless Iceland.
God bless Switzerland.
God bless Poland.
Lots of khokhols though
>They are full of shit.
At least they aren't full of Somali seed.
There is something wrong with muslims living in our homelands.
I think they were being perfectly straight with me.#
They said that they don't identify with Britain at all.
They said they view British society as hostile to them.
They said they view Pakistan as home, but back in Pakistan people view them as outsiders.
I voiced my opinion that a multicultural society will only hold together for as long as there is material comfort. When the conflicting populations become large enough there will be civil war.
When economic crisis comes and comfort is removed there will be war and the foreign population will be removed.
They agreed and said that it has to happen for Mohammed to return. They want it, and they believe their religion predicts this.
Sadiq likes them THICC Burqa babes.
Germany lost
France lost
Uk almost lost
Others are okey
Spain always been multirracial
The V4 are the Bulwark of Europe. If they fall, all is lost. Stay strong.
>Netherlands has a similar per capita number of muslims as the UK or France
>you don't hear about any terrorist attacks or mass sexual assaults there
is it the weed?
My country was founded on the premise of Moor genocide. Of course we have very little Muslims here. I'm disappointed with my Spanish brothers though...
Do not despair.
hoping for a hard line from new government but fear pm is an (((EU))) plant
sweden has 3-4million non-whites/moslems, every other person i see is a fucking nigger
Well, muslim are Just an invasive human specimen. Those guys are Right, we have worst issues. Like the shit we all breath.
Also this.
Hi Ahmed
this is lovely
the muslim population in bulgaria is non violent and they consider themselves bulgarian. theres civil unrest and terrorist attacks daily in sweden, uk, france, and germany.
>How close are we to the point of no return?
tfw your country is gonna go back to the VIII century.
perhaps they should stop trying to force their shitty "democracy" and "socialism" in the middle east and then the attacks may stop.
keep that trash in yurope where it belongs